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Everything posted by Inferno955

  1. Somehow read over this. I tried running the game without the patch and it does exactly the same. Movies don't play to the point that I have to press Esc to proceed and there's no sound. I have tried searching the internet for a solution, but to no avail.
  2. The Origin version with the TS Patch installed, nothing else. I'm running it on Windows 10, by the way.
  3. Hi. I'm Inferno, you may know me from CNCNZ back in the days, from W3D or Renegade/APB/Barnz. I also watch Twitch sometimes and am pretty active playing games on Steam. Willing to give anyone my discord, steam or whatever other platform is out there. Cheers.
  4. Hello. First of all thank you for the patch, it has fixed some of my issues. However, when I apply it, the cutscenes/movies and sound no longer work. I can still play the game however, but the experience is seriously diminished. Is there any solution to this? Thanks in advance!
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