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Everything posted by bill_gates

  1. Why bother testing it? It's just a waste of time. Some software has already become ineffective due to CNCNet continuously updating its client. However, if you have some reverse engineering knowledge like I do, you can easily redevelop an effective software.
  2. It has been a long time since I played with @PrezSpammer, who knows nothing but Near Ore Far . Recently I haven't seen you playing yuri, what are you up to ?
  3. OMG, how ironic that someone like PrezSapmmer, completely unaware of the event, considers themselves a judge and crime investigator, chiming in on the conversation between me and aWarNoob1. And you had the audacity to show up on this thread? Then, YOU, PrezSapmmer, always yell about someone cheating in the game whenever they gain an edge over you in the game, but the fact is you're just making excuses for your lack of skills.
  4. I think you must have cheated to cancel the auto-attack on purpose in order to dodge everyone's attack, so they had to attack your units manually then you can take advantange of that slight time difference. I remember whenever I gained an advantage in a tank battle with you, suddenly my tanks would become bugged. Screw you ! Admitting you are the real cheater is not that difficult !
  5. I think you are the real cheater because last night, when I played with you , my tanks could not attack your units automatically. You must have cheated ! How dare you accuse another player and pretend you are innocent ? Futhermore , there are no videos or images as proof, all you are saying can be totally fictitious.
  6. 你是中国人,为什么不玩战网?走过来玩cncnet的不是自找麻烦吗?真搞笑
  7. Due to some complicated issues, I can't update my client to 8.27 so I am still using 8.23. Recently, it seems like If I don't update my client to the latest, I can't play online, the game will disconnect at the beginning of a match. Why are developers forcing players to update their clients to the latest? you should know some players have network issues so they just can't update their clients. I suggest developers should allow players with older client to play.
  8. just a game , don't be serious.
  9. It turns out this problem doesn't matter with servers of cncnet, it it my local proxy of network mattering
  10. just a game , don't be serious.
  11. how do you solve the problem ? same problem for me
  12. paused on the loading screen and could not enter into the game I entered the game normally in the past
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