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Everything posted by otherdeniz

  1. The "XCC Mixer" does not have a good search feature, where one can search recursively through all Mix-Files. I have added such a feature to the C&C Rules Editor, including a preview for images, animations and PCX's, you still need XCC Mixer to extract stuff or modify MIX-Files, but the C&C Rules Editor is now verry handy to find whats already in the mix-files
  2. There is now a DISCORD CHANNEL for this tool on the "C&C Mod Haven" Discord Server, the Channel is called "#cnc-rules-editor" link to the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/dPCcB2kGBs
  3. The SOURCE CODE is now available: https://github.com/otherdeniz/CnC_RulesEditor
  4. FEATURE COMPLETE RELASE ! Dear community, today i have released version 2.3.21 - this release is feature complete ! Press the "Games" Button in the Menu first and provide all the paths to the installed games to unlock the full power of the editor It even contains an easter egg, just go to the "Infantry" Tab and select a unit and you will get a big smile in your face (the path of the game needs to be known) to unlock the easter egg Have fun using it
  5. I made a new release today, it has some major new features: - MAP Editing now shows all possible values, not only the once that are present in the map file, its now verry easy to edit map features - Sounds are getting played on mouse over in the selector panel - Cameos are now loaded from the mix files once the gmae path is set in the "games settings" - Users can now add custom mods - the mod mus be a complete mod, like 'Dawn of the Tiberum Age' or 'The Second Tiberium War' ... and so on.... Have Fun using it....
  6. Dear community, i am currently working on a completly major new feature, it needs a few days to complete, the intervall of new releases is now a little interupted because it is a verry big update. the next relase (2.3.x) will support major new features (currently under development) - reading of cameos directly out of mix files - add custom mods: there is a new Settings Button where one can add new game mods, the editor will then read all the contents of the mod out from the mix files - animations will be supported (weapons and warheads animations will be displayed) and many other features more in the pipeline, so please be patient a few more days for this MAJOR update to be completed, it will be AWESOME
  7. can you share a link to the reddit post here please, perhaps someone else can use it too
  8. Dear community i have made a major change to the editor, everything is dynamic now. One can change the editor (add new games, change defaults, change the behaviour of where values are displayed, etc..) There is a sub folder now "Resources" - there are 2 json files in this folder who define everything, and the template ini files are also there In the future everyone is able to enhance the editor by himself just by editing these text-files.... everything is fully dynamic let the editor life forever even if i am not around anymore
  9. Dear friends, i am verry proud to announce that the "C&C Rules Editor" does support once more a major mod. From Version 2.2.15 upwards the Mod "Red Alert 2 - Mental Omega" is supported - i guess a lot of you will love this I will keep working on this tool, its fun for me Performance improvements and some new general features are also made in this version and some more DTA features and more thumbnails for Red Alert 2 and DTA as i am not yet a member of the "Mental Omage Team or Community" - can you please spread the news on the Mental Omega Discord channel for me, i am not good in advertising 😒
  10. there is already a thread on this forum for this problem: perhaps it helps you out
  11. verry strange.... no more ideas here.... have fun playing
  12. ok, i replaced the sound , only for you download this file and replace it in the game folder https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cMKyiUyw7qP35Df4dEZaYEFuXVhV1ItC/view?usp=sharing
  13. All the sound files in the game are played as wav files, there must be a problem with your computers audio settings in general, try another output device or try another sound card driver or disable any equalizer (if you have any installed) - actually it is not a problem of the game, its related to the wave sequence and how your software/hardware is handling the sequence
  14. Dear community There is another Thread on this Forum in the Tiberian Sun Section, where you can find the "C&C Rules Editor" (Version 2024) From this version (2.1.13) upwards the editor supports rules.ini editing for Red Alert 2 + Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Have Fun ! Here is the Link to the Thread:
  15. Version 2.1.13 is now available new features: - Support for "Red Alert 2" - not all thumbnails included yet (75% included) - Support for "Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge" - no thumbnails included yet (0%) - some Bug fixes for DTA + Snippets
  16. Dear friends 😘 I have made another new version of my rules editor: v2.0.10 new features: - search - Support for "Dawn of the Tiberium Age" Mod rules.ini files 😁😍 (the rules ini of the mod is located in the subfolder "INI\Base" edit this file with the editor)
  17. Release Version 2.0.8 is now available. Major new feature: - Edit Super Weapons
  18. BETA-6 new Features: - display 'other' values for units + general - Menubutton to "Show all Changes"
  19. BETA-5 has many many snippets included from the community, i could not yet test all of them
  20. BETA-4 has new features: - insert snippets (merge ini files) - english language texts fixed - added more thumbnails (still more to go)
  21. what do you meen with "make buildings" ? the tool is not a grafical editor, please try it out and then you see what its made for
  22. ======= DOWNLOAD CURRENT RELEASE HERE ================ Release Version 2.5.x is available for Download -> it has Auto-Update functionality (.NET Framework 6.0 Desktop Runtime is required) https://github.com/otherdeniz/CnC_RulesEditor/releases
  23. ============================== C&C Rules Editor by otherdeniz ============================== This editor is made to edit ini files and maps for Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 and all mods related to these editions. The new must have tool for any modders and map editors - modding and map editing was never so easy! Also a good tool for regular gamers - make your own modified game in minutes just by clicky-clicky, no programming skills needed! Just save the modified rules in your game folder and the game will use them you have now modified your game ! Its that easy. To play modified games on multiplayer, share the 'rules.ini' file to all the players in the lobby, every player in a multiplayer session must have the same 'rules.ini' in the game folder Once the user defines a game path of an integrated game or adds a custom mod, the cameos get loaded from the mix files of the game directory. After the editor knows the path to a game, many features are unlocked: - insert new buildings/units - play sounds - play animations - and more... The "Bitmaps" folder contains all the default cameos, the Bitmaps-subfolders are listet in the games.json for the respective games. Cameos must be in the format .bmp and the "Overlay" subfolder draws the .png files onto the _empty.bmp in the Bitmaps-root. The editor is fully dynamic, one can edit the json files in the "Resources" subfolder to fully customize the integrated games. The integrated games are defined in 'games.json' and all value definitions are defined in 'datastructure.json'. The default rules.ini files and default Logos for integrated games are also located in th "Resources" subfolder. User settings like selected Favorites and custom games mods are stored in the folder: %AppData%\TiberiumSunEditor (yes there is a typo in the folder name, but i cannot change that anymore, users would lose their settings)
  24. i will open a new thread, look out in a few days for my new thread that will be called "Tiberian Sun Rules Editor" - i will upload it in a few days
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