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  1. Hello all The game is having an issue with me during the battle (Blitz) 3 players map I face this problem when I am in the middle or almost done in war , and it pisses me off ! Attached a screenshot of the issue message Thanks ..
  2. It worked! I feel thankful, man Now I can enjoy the game Thank you again
  3. Thanks for Replying... I read your message and went directly to try it out, as per you mentioned I will send you what happened in screenshots It happened again, and displays the same message I am upset because I really wanna try out the new maps modified by the developers , and try the new features and weapons I hope I can find the solution soon Thank you
  4. Dear / Support Team I really enjoy playing this game , and have been playing red alert for almost 10 years I really enjoy it, it is the best game ever Now I play Yuri's revenge , and I faced some issue I recently tried to open this map : (8) oil valley v1.10 - oil in center , but the game keeps crashing and displaying this message to me (as per attached) Please help me make it work Thank you
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