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SoleSurvivor Client Version 1 (beta) has been released!


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(No, this is not a new version this is just a topic better suited as a news post!)


As the title says a beta test of the sole survivor client is released! Future versions of this client will have game starting capability. But now it doesn't.


What is SoleSurvivor Client?

It is a program that will make you able to play Sole Survivor online after nearly 7 years of inactivity!


I have no idea why SyS decided to release this client if it only has a chatting capability.


Information on how to connect is in this topic: Click here!

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i release every beta. the only reason i released it like this is because i want people not just me but you guy's to test the client out on each compile. why? so you can find out bug's put in suggestion's. theres no point going for a final if its got bug's in is there? or if ive put in stuff you dont want :)

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