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Yuri's Revenge cannot install on Windows 11


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Hello, I was installed Red Alert 2 with change compatibility ("use legacy display ICC colour managment", and another) and work great. But I can't install datadisc Yuri's Revenge. I try change compatibility, but no change. I use disc. Install was run, update was finish and when will start install, then setup was minimized on desktop. When I click on setup in taskbar, then will open black screen on 1 second and return to desktop. Where Is problem? I think is no problem with SafeDisc because Red Alert 2 was install successfully with change compatibility. Please help me. Thanks🙏🙏🙏🙂

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Hi patrikkh123.

Have you install a DRM Driver in Windows 11?

I believe there's aproblem with graphics renderer.

Try this:

Copy the whole Yuri's Revenge disc to a folder on your main discs, let's suppose C:\YourDesktop\Yuri's Revenge Disc

While the disc is copying download this https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases

Once the disc is copied, extract ddraw.dll and ddraw.ini from the ZIP file to C:\YourDesktop\Yuri's Revenge Disc\SETUP

Run setup.exe from the same folder, theoretically, you don't need to set compatibility or colour modes.

Hopefully this wil work 90% for sure.


Edited by XMaDTanKX aka T-90
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  • 4 months later...
On 12/31/2022 at 2:55 PM, XMaDTanKX aka T-90 said:

Hi patrikkh123.

Have you install a DRM Driver in Windows 11?

I believe there's aproblem with graphics renderer.

Try this:

Copy the whole Yuri's Revenge disc to a folder on your main discs, let's suppose C:\YourDesktop\Yuri's Revenge Disc

While the disc is copying download this https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases

Once the disc is copied, extract ddraw.dll and ddraw.ini from the ZIP file to C:\YourDesktop\Yuri's Revenge Disc\SETUP

Run setup.exe from the same folder, theoretically, you don't need to set compatibility or colour modes.

Hopefully this wil work 90% for sure.


This DDraw not working. Error - Cloud not find OneDrive/Setup.exe

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On 31. 12. 2022 at 14:55, XMaDTanKX aka T-90 said:

Ahoj patrikkh123.

Nainštalovali ste ovládač DRM v systéme Windows 11?

Myslím, že je problém s grafickým rendererom.

Skúste to:

Skopírujte celý disk Yuri's Revenge do priečinka na vašich hlavných diskoch, predpokladajme, že C:\YourDesktop\Yuri's Revenge Disc

Kým sa disk kopíruje, stiahnite si toto  https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases

Po skopírovaní disku extrahujte ddraw.dll a ddraw.ini zo súboru ZIP do C:\YourDesktop\Yuri's Revenge Disc\SETUP

Spustite setup.exe z rovnakého priečinka, teoreticky nemusíte nastavovať kompatibilitu ani farebné režimy.

Dúfam, že to bude fungovať na 90%.


Not working, same problem.

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