DoctorEvil Posted February 8, 2023 Share Posted February 8, 2023 (edited) Hello dear CNCNET, I have returned with not only one map but basically a full mod for you! The mod completely enhances/changes the vanilla experience and you'll be playing an entirely different game. Well, not really entirely different. It will be familiar to some. And those who have read the title will know what I mean. You'll be playing: So what's this mod all about? Well, if you know Generals Zero Hour, then that's exactly what I did: EVERY SUBFACTION IS NOW A UNIQUE FACTION, EACH REPRESENTING A GENERAL. From Beta Footage of Red Alert 2 I know that Westwood originally intended a much larger scale with each faction instead of just giving one unit/building/ability to each. So I thought why not create a gameplay style that resembles this original idea? We know how it can be done well with Generals: Zero Hour, so I've did it and changed each subfaction to have a unique gameplay style, while also bringing spice to the overall balance of the game. You can play the following generals: "Where can I play this mode?", you may ask. The answer is: By downloading the mappacks I've posted below. I have ported 25 (!) maps into a zero hour gameplay mode. As an alternative download option you can also get all the maps from my collection (will update my post there today). Since there's also a lot to explore for you I've created a showcase of each generals new unit. And there is a lot to explore - so enjoy! 😎 General Gameplay Changes: Reveal hidden contents - All Construction Yards shine in their base faction's color as a visual effect. Click below to see how amazing this looks Reveal hidden contents - All Factions can build a Mobile Sensor Array after constructing any war factory and any radar. It costs 950 and is used to scout and counter stealth in a large radius. It's detection radius is pretty large, so click below to see how large it actually is. Reveal hidden contents - In addition to the Mobile Sensor Array all IFVs, Flak Tracks and Gattling Tanks also have a small stealth detection radius. It's only 5 cells wide in comparison, so not as useful to counter stealthed units, but still necessary to use. - Due to the engine limitations of the base game no base defense structure provides stealth detection! Cloaked units can sneak past defenses, so better set up some sensor arrays! - To buff the overall experience for Soviet players all soviet factions can now build Desolators and Terrorists. In regular gameplay the Soviet Factions aside from Iraq lacked a viable and useful faction unit. - The Spyplane has been changed so it can't be shot down anymore. This improves the lackluster scouting abilities for Soviet players and gives them a better chance at countering gap generators. - All Soviets Factions and Yuri have been given an infiltration unit similar to the spy. Both unlock with any barracks and the faction's corresponding technology center. - Radiation color has been changed from a bright green to a bright orange. This was done to resemble the orange tone of radiation from C&C Generals. Also looks pretty dope. - Except for a few minor changes the most recent rebalance patch for YR has been completely implemented into the map code. This makes a lot of vanilla units much more viable and improves the gameplay when using vanilla units. - The units showcased below are all exclusive to certain generals. So even if you capture different conyards, you can only build the basic buildings and units of the faction you've stolen it from. America: Airforce General Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents The Americans use the strongest and most advanced airforce out of any army in the world. Their aircraft deals twice as much damage as the inferior Harriers of other allied nations, while also being more durable. Aside from Raptors and Stealth Fighters the Americans have developed various other strong aircraft to assist the ground forces of their allies: A swarm of Robotnik Drones distracts anti air fire to protect their Hydra Gunships and Assault Nighthawks, which grant enough firepower until their fearsome Helicarriers arrive. If however an enemy dares to attack an US military base they'll quickly get swarmed by stationed hive drones. This calls for a good counterattack from seaside with their superior Nimitz Carriers. - All Aircraft Units built on the Airforce HQ have initial veterancy Raptor: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Airstrike unit that shoots up to 4 missiles. The Raptor has 15% better health compared to a Harrier and, if all missiles hit the same target, deals twice as much damage! Due to it having initial veterancy you can get a stronger variant of it even quicker. Cost: 1200$ Requires: Airforce HQ Strengths: Buildings and Vehicles Weaknesses: Anti Air Defenses and Units Stealth Fighter: Reveal hidden contents Usage: A sneaky airstrike unit that shoots up to 2 missiles. The Stealth Fighter has twice as much health compared to a Harrier, though it deals less damage compared to a Raptor. The aircraft remains stealthed in the air until you target with it. Although if you manage to promote it to elite the stealthfighter doesn't even have to uncloak to fire! Cost: 1600$ Requires: Airforce HQ Strengths: Vehicles Weaknesses: Mobile Sensor Arrays with Anti Air Defenses. Also flying directly above Anti Air Tanks. Robotnik Drone: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Highly spamable drones that shoot singular laser blasts against ground and air targets. Mainly used as a distraction for anti air fire and as support for rocketeer divisions, although they can also be deadly when used in large masses. Due to them being robotic units they can't be promoted though. Cost: 600$ Requires: Allied Weapons Factory Strengths: Infantry Units. Cheap to produce Weaknesses: Flak weapons or any AA with good splash damage. Cannot be promoted. Hydra Gunship: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Strong hovering gunships, which some may call the tanks of the skies. They use strong machine guns against infantry units and a double missile battery against vehicles, airforce and buildings. Those are the backbone of any American airforce army as they are strong allrounders to use. Cost: 1500$ Requires: Allied Weapons Factory & Airforce HQ Strengths: Good allrounder, viable against all targets. Weaknesses: All kinds of Anti Air. Especially weak against AA that deals strong singular damage (like Patriots or Gattling). Assault Nighthawk: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Whereas most allied generals swear on their battle fortresses, the Americans have been bold enough to develop a flying version of it. While requiring much more technology and ressources to produce, the Assault Nighthawks are twice as durable and offer three passengers to shoot out of their loopholes. Cost: 1800$ Requires: Allied Weapons Factory & Allied Tech Center Strengths: Can transport three infantry units that can shoot out of it. Weaknesses: While having twice the health of a regular Nighthawk, they still have light armor and are vulnerable to all kinds of Anti Air. Helicarrier: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The pinacle of American airforce: A flying aircraft carrier! If any general ever has to witness one of those gigantic beasts, they better prepare some high quality anti air. They will definitely need it. A lot of it. Armed with heavy explosive cannons for most ground targets as well as triple cannons against light targets and other airforce. Cost: 3200$ Requires: Allied Weapons Factory & Allied Tech Center Strengths: Incredibly durable, can soak up a lot of firepower. Cannons deal a lot of damage against buildings. Can also defend itself against air units. Weaknesses: Incredibly slow and can get overwhelmed by quick groups of anti air tanks. Build limit of 3. Aircraft Carrier Nimitz: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Even on the high seas the Americans further improved their deaths from above. They can build a more durable, quicker and stronger version of the aircraft carrier, alongside the standard allied version: The Nimitz. Cost: 3500$ Requires: Allied Shipyard & Allied Tech Center Strengths: Twice as much health as a regular aircraft carrier. Holds 5 hornets instead of 3. Is also slightly faster than normal aircraft carriers. Weaknesses: High cost and build limit of 1. Also weak against aircraft units. Drone Hive: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The American Airforce Generals have access to a defensive structure that suits their general playstyle very well: A hive that holds up to five drones. If the hive detects enemy presence within a large radius, the drones swarm out and pursuit their enemies until their extermination has been confirmed. Cost: 1400$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Airforce HQ Strengths: Large radius that can cover an entire base. Drones deal respectable damage against tanks. Drones also pursuit any unit once they've locked target on it. Weaknesses: Drone lasers are inaccurate against infantry units. The hive is weak against quick assaults as the drones may be too slow to counter the attack. Built limit of 3. Korea: Infantry General Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents The Korean army uses the most trained soldiers in the world. Not only do they usually outnumber any other infantry on the field, they are also superior in terms of willpower to defend their homeland, also deploying advanced infantry units that almost no allied faction seems to be able to train. Their bunker protected bases are tough nuts to crack if any army even gets through division after division of infantry. If an opposing commander is too distracted by the hordes or the fearsome hover battle fortresses or zephyrots they surely have to fear a sudden strike of chrono commandos. - GIs, Guardian GIs and Seals get trained with initial veterancy - Tanya can be built two times as Korea - After constructing an Airforce HQ Korea gets a paradrop that will grant 6 veteran GIs each - After constructing an Advanced Barracks Korea gets another paradrop that will grant 3 Rocketeers each APC: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The Koreans can utilize quick infantry rushes against their foes with the help of armored personnel carriers. Those quick transporters can hold up to five infantry units. Cost: 800$ Requires: Allied Barracks & Allied Weapons Factory Strengths: Moves almost as quick as an IFV while also having a much better armor. Can defend itself against light vehicles and enemy infantry. Weaknesses: Rather expensive to use in comparison to flak tracks. An infantry rush with GIs costs up to 1800$ with one transport. Sniper: Reveal hidden contents Usage: If any opposing commander dares to compare to Korean infantry, there's a quick solution to it: Snipers Cost: 600$ Requires: Allied Barracks & Airforce HQ Strengths: Long ranged anti infantry unit that oneshots most other infantry Weaknesses: Slow fire rate. Weak against large swarms of infantry and tanks. Prismarine: Reveal hidden contents Usage: But not only do Koreans have a long range answer against infantry. Using a miniature variant of the prism cannon they can deploy the so called Prismarines, which can attack vehicles and aircraft from a safe distance. Cost: 500$ Requires: Allied Barracks & Airforce HQ Strengths: Long ranged anti tank and anti air unit that deals good damage in large numbers Weaknesses: Slow fire rate and slow movement. Weak against large swarms of infantry and quick air attacks. Hacker: Reveal hidden contents Usage: If large quantities of vehicles get released upon a Korean army, they can deploy trained hackers. Those witty geeks can hack into enemy vehicles and take over a careless tank battalion. Though they are absolutely defenseless against enemy infantry. Cost: 600$ Requires: Advanced Barracks Strengths: Can hack any mind controlable tank and take it over Weaknesses: Can't hack out of battle fortresses. Absolutely defenseless against enemy infantry. Zephyrot: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Any Rocketeer that has proven his worth on the battlefield according to the Korean "Zephyrot Doctrine" is granted an upgraded gear. Instead of machine guns those advanced rocketeers get equipped with dual prism cannons that deal greater damage against all targets. Next to getting a bulkier armor of course. It is also one of the few units that has the ability to detect stealth. Cost: 1000$ Requires: Allied Barracks and Allied Tech Center Strengths: A good allrounder that can deal good damage against all targets. Has twice the health of a rocketeer. Has a small stealth detection radius. Weaknesses: Not as spamable as Rocketeers. Moves slightly slower than Rocketeers. Korean Chrono Kommando: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Due to their countless successful conquests against the Soviets the Koreans were able to develop a program to deploy Chrono Kommandos at any time in battle, giving them a much higher advantage over other allied nations. Cost: 2500$ Requires: Allied Barracks and Allied Tech Center Strengths: Can be built without infiltrating an allied tech lab. Very effective against unprotected bases. Weaknesses: Higher cost as regular chrono commandos. Takes twice as long to build. Build limit of 1. Hover Battle Fortress: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The losses on the coastline were rather high. So the Korean Army developed an answer to quick assaults from the sea - and they found it: The Hover Battle Fortress. For a slightly higher cost they can deploy an amphibious version of the feared battle fortresses. Cost: 2200$ Requires: Allied War Factory and Allied Tech Center Strengths: Amphibious compared to his regular counterpart. Can take up to 5 infantry that can shoot out of it. Weaknesses: Higher cost as regular battle fortress. Fortified Bunkers: Reveal hidden contents Usage: To defend the Korean bases they have developed bunkers that are more durable compared to their Soviet counterparts. Not only that but they can even hold 6 infantry units instead of just 5. Cost: 600$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard Advanced Barracks: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The elite training center simply known as the "advanced barracks". This building grants the Korean army plenty of useful advantages to improve their infantry gameplay even further. Cost: 2500$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Tech Center Effects: - Grants a second paradrop, which will drop 3 rocketeers each - All infantry heal automatically - Cost for all infantry units is reduced by 25% - Building functions as another barracks. You can set it as a primary building and produce infantry there. - This building can always produce all Korean infantry, no matter if the prerequisites are fulfilled or not. Grants access to hackers. France: Defensive General Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents Feared amongst Soviet foes the French bases are the toughest nuts to crack. Not only that but their defensive capabilities can expand quickly to defend their allies on the battlefield and behind the lines. They utilize mobile patriot missiles to build up a line of strong anti air fast until their Pacifier FAVs arrive and deploy for heavy siege. Even the toughest tank armies fear their infamous plasma cannons, which are mostly powered by fusion energy. And if a naive Soviet player tries an airstrike against said cannons they'll quickly get decimated by plasmacore missiles. - No IFVs. Those got replaced by Mobile Patriot Missiles. This reduces France's offensive capabilities. Pacifier FAV and Deployed Pacifier FAV: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The infamous mobile siege weapon of the French. A moving pacifier FAV may be slow but is nowhere defenseless as it is armed with heavy machine guns. If it deploys however it fires four high explosive grenades over long distances that deal significant damage to groups of units and buildings. Cost: 2000$ Requires: Allied War Factory & Allied Tech Center (Mobile Variant) / Allied Construction Yard & Allied Tech Center (Deployed Variant) Strengths: Strong amphibious siege unit that can fight off infantry in its mobile form. Great against structures or groups of enemies when deployed. Weaknesses: High cost and slow movement make this unit vulnerable if left undefended. Also completely defenseless against aircraft. Mobile Patriot Missile & Deployed Mobile Patriot Missile: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Replacing the standard IFV model the French utilized a mobile version of the standard patriot missile. Those have the great advantage of getting quickly deployed anywhere and don't needing power to function. However the deployed version have weaker armor and since they are controlled by humans inside them they can be mind controlled. Cost: 1000$ Requires: Allied War Factory (Mobile Variant) / Allied Construction Yard & Allied Barracks (Deployed Variant) Strengths: Amazing anti air unit when deployed. Long distance weapon when reaching elite status. Moves quickly and is amphibious. Mobile variant has better armor compared to standard IFV. Stationed variant doesn't require power to function. Weaknesses: Deployed variant has weaker armor compared to a regular patriot missile. Is vulnerable to mind control. Advanced Patriot Missile: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Due to the French having a mobilized variant of the patriot missile, they have also further improved a fixed stationary variant of it. The advanced patriot missile is capable of dealing twice as much damage. It also fires its missiles four times as fast. Cost: 1200$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Barracks Strengths: Much better anti air compared to the regular patriot missile. Due to it firing faster it can take out large swarms of airforce much better. Weaknesses: Slightly more expensive than the regular patriot missile (still worth it) Gun Turret: Reveal hidden contents Usage: As the French have witnessed losing a lot of their allied bases falling to quick tank rushes they've come up with a defensive solution: The Gun Turret. It having the same firepower as a rhino tank helps in defending quickly against said foes, decimating any tank rushes that come in. Cost: 800$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Barracks Strengths: Much stronger against tanks than a pillbox. Weaknesses: It being focused on destroying tanks makes this structure more vulnerable against infantry. More expensive than pillbox Plasmacore Missile Platform: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The improved version of the patriot missile, which can already defend itself much better against large swarms of air units, wasn't enough for the French. They wanted even securer skies. And they developed the ultimate anti air platform: A missile battery that shoots plasma filled missiles that unleash a great shockwave upon impact. Cost: 2000$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Airforce HQ Strengths: Deals insane splash damage against air units, making it the best anti air defense in the game. Weaknesses: Expensive to build. Requires a lot of power. Build limit of 3. Plasma Cannon: Reveal hidden contents Usage: After developing the plasmacore missiles, the French came up with other uses for their plasma technology. So they developed a long range cannon that heats up and accelerates a pure beam of plasma. A lot of intel was required to find out about those cannons, as not even armored tank battalions withstood the immense firepower of those cannons. Cost: 2500$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Tech Center Strengths: Deals absolutely insane splash damage against ground units, making it the best anti ground defense in the game. Weaknesses: Expensive to build. Requires a lot of power. Has an insanely long reload time and can therefore be overwhelmed if not defended by other structures. Build limit of 2. Fusion Reactor: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Due to the high energy consumption of French's plasma weaponry and the French being a leading nation in developing fusion power, they can deploy an advanced power plant. A much needed upgrade to the lackluster power plants of the allies. Cost: 900$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Power Plant Effects: - Produces 600 units of power (instead of just 200) Germany: Robotics & Tank General Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents Some people respect the Soviet arsenal for their superior tanks. But clearly they haven't heard about German's mechanical superiority at all. Unreached in using artificial intelligence and high tech machinery the Germans can fight toe to toe with even the large armies of Rhino Tanks and Apocalypse Tanks. German advanced machinery is also one of the few things Yuri and his mind control shenanigans have nightmares about as even psychic beacons are useless against hordes of android prismarines, advanced robot tanks and robotic rampagers. The Germans even managed to create mechanised workers to dig for ore and also improving the efficiency of production for all of their tanks using nanomachines, giving them a great economical advantage as well. - No Ore Purifier. Germany has the Nanomachine Industrial Plant instead. - Due to most German weapons being robotic a lot of them can't be promoted. - After constructing a Robot Assembly the Germans can also build Terror Drones - After constructing an Airforce HQ Germans can also construct Hackers - German Robot Tanks don't require a Robot Control Centre. Therefore it can't be built by Germany. German Robot Tank: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Replacing the Grizzly Tank the Germans have improved the standard version of the Allied Robot Tank to be their standard tank unit. The German Robot Tanks can be built by default and have the exact same stats as Grizzly Tanks. Cost: 700$ Requires: Allied Weapons Factory Strengths: Deals the same damage as Grizzly Tanks and also has their speed. Amphibious and immune to mind control. Weaknesses: Weaker tank compared to Rhinos. Can be easily overwhelmed by anti tank units. Can't be promoted. Robot Assembly: Reveal hidden contents Usage: German engineering requires fine tuned robotic assemblies that manufacture advanced robot parts, especially high performing computing technology for artificial intelligence. A building in which machines build machines. How perverted. Cost: 1500$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied War Factory Effects: - Pure Tech Building. Unlocks a lot of new construction options for Germany. Does nothing else. Android Prismarine: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Inspired by their Korean counterparts the Germans replicated the might of their Prismarine squads with advanced androids. The Android Prismarines are in many ways superior, especially at countering magnetrons and masterminds. Cost: 650$ Requires: Allied Barracks & Robot Assembly Strengths: Unlike normal Prismarines those are immune to radiation and mind control. They also move faster. Weaknesses: More expensive to produce. Can't be promoted. Robot Miner & Robot Worker: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The Germans knew the next industrial revolution will be fired by whoever can fill gaps of skilled work requirement with artificial machinery. Therefore the German Robot Assemblies developed the first prototype of a mobile refinery that uses robotic workers to mine. And quickly they overshadowed the inferior chrono miners. Cost: 2500$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Robot Assembly (Deployed Variant) / Allied War Factory & Robot Assembly (Mobile Variant) Strengths: Ore gathering rate is increased, due to it having 7 workers instead of 5 like a Slave Miner. Armed with an AG and AA Prismarine cannon. Unlike Slaves Robot Workers are immune to radiation damage. Weaknesses: More expensive to produce compared to a refinery and a chrono miner. Might take longer to redeem its cost. Can't be promoted. Advanced Robot Tank: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The pinacle of German engineering. A heavily armored version of the Robot Tank, armed with a laser cannon and a dual missile launcher. Viable versus all targets, while also being able to soak up a lot of damage on its own. Can rival an apocalypse tank. Cost: 1650$ Requires: Allied War Factory & Airforce HQ & Robot Assembly Strengths: Strong against ground targets. Can also defend itself against air targets, although not as good. Amphibious. Immune to mind control. Strong armor. Weaknesses: Very expensive to produce and requires a lot of prerequisites. Can't defeat an Apoc in a 1v1 (but greatly damage it). Much slower than standard robot tanks. Can't be promoted. Robotic Rampager: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Another grand milestone of German engineering. An even stronger armed version of the Robot Tank, which combines the technology of a tank destroyer. Armed with a dual tank destroyer weapon. Easily rivals an apocalypse tank. Though it's every vehicle's nightmare, it's weapon deals less damage against infantry. Cost: 1850$ Requires: Allied War Factory & Allied Tech Center & Robot Assembly Strengths: Strong against tanks. Can also deal damage against buildings, although not as good. Amphibious. Immune to mind control. Very strong armor. Weaknesses: Very expensive to produce and requires a lot of prerequisites. Slower than standard Robot Tanks. Can't be promoted. Nanomachine Industrial Plant: Reveal hidden contents Usage: German Tank Generals don't insist on purifying their ore. Instead they aim to assist their tank armies with a larger production capability and the usage of nanomachines to repair damage on the fly. Cost: 3000$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Tech Center Effects: - Reduces cost of all tanks and aircraft by 25% - Grants a slow autorepair to all tanks on the field Nassau Battleship: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The greatest battleship to ever touch the seas. Shoots three tank destroyer projectiles over large distances, while also being able to defend itself against airstrikes. Cost: 3500$ Requires: Allied Naval Yard & Allied Tech Center Strengths: Strong against tanks and buildings from a large distance. Has strong armor and decent speed for a battleship. Weaknesses: Has quite a long reload time. Build limit of 1. Advanced Spysat: Reveal hidden contents Usage: With the help of artificial intelligence the Germans have advanced their global espionage system, allowing them to even see through radar jamming devices with the right algorithms. Cost: 1500$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Tech Center Effects: - Gives Spysat (reveals the entire map) - Additionally grants a psychic reveal (to counter gap generators) Great Britain: Laser & Stealth General Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents The British are know for the most advanced laser technology in the allied arsenal. Aside from that they also developed a technology to hide their military equipment before the very eyes of any foe that is bold enough to oppose king and country. Stealthed tanks quickly assassinate enemy miners, swiftly as they hide in the shadows the moment the counterstrike begins. When scanning for pesky stealth tanks enemy armies will quickly notice pursuing them was a big mistake. They quickly get surrounded by laser weaponized tanks, cloaked by mobile stealth generators. - Can't build battlefortresses - Chrono Miners are replaced by Stealth Miners. They can't teleport (to not reveal their position) but similarly to War Miners can transport twice the amount of ore. - Laser Weapons differ from Prism Weapons. Prism weapons usually deal splash damage in some sort of way. Lasers never do that. Lasers however deal more damage against single targets than prism weapons do. Laser Sniper: Reveal hidden contents Usage: As the British saw many Korean Snipers getting slaughtered by quick assaults, the British developed an answer so snipers can fend off larger groups of infantry quicker. They replaced their standard sniper rifles with specific laser weapons, having a much faster reload time, though dealing less overall damage. Cost: 700$ Requires: Allied Barracks & Airforce HQ Strengths: Strong against infantry from a long distance. Due to the higher firerate they can fight larger groups of infantry much more efficiently. Weaknesses: Still pretty vulnerable against all kinds of vehicles and air units. Also more expensive to produce than their Korean counterparts. Laser Turret: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The Bri ish disagreed with the French on separating their basic defenses into two own structures. They suggested a much better solution: Laser Turrets. Those combine the strengths of a Gun Turret and a Pillbox to be an allrounding anti ground turret. Cost: 500$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Barracks Strengths: Good against all ground targets. Weaknesses: While they are good against all kinds of ground targets, they don't excel neither in anti infantry nor in anti tank combat unlike their French counterparts. Obelisk of Light: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The British also disagreed with the German scientist Einstein about the usage of prism towers. For that the British came up with a different solution as well: Their so called "Obelisks of Light". Cost: 1500$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Power Plant & Airforce HQ Strengths: Deals twice the damage as a regular prism tower. Has more range and can also shoot air targets. Weaknesses: Due to the higher damage and range those towers need to recharge their laser shots longer. Avenger Laser System: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Even about the regular anti air systems of the Allies the Brits disagreed. Instead they promoted their so called Avenger Anti Air System, which uses a dual laser that melts down incoming aircraft in seconds. Cost: 1000$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Barracks Strengths: Deals constant damage against air targets instead of singular shots. Much more accurate. Has also more range than a patriot. Weaknesses: Their overall firepower is slightly weaker than normal patriot missiles. Laser Crusader: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Having access to the most modern laser systems has its advantages. The British were capable of mounting a weaker version of their laser turrets onto a Grizzly Tank chasis, resulting in an advanced tank called Laser Crusader. Cost: 700$ Requires: Allied Weapons Factory Strengths: Deals constant damage against ground targets. Always accurate shots. Shots deal better damage against infantry. Weaknesses: Their overall firepower against buildings is weaker compared to regular Grizzly Tanks. Laser Mammoth Tank: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Having access to stealth systems the British were capable of acquiring even the strongest technology from the Soviets: Their Apocalypse Tanks. But instead of using puny shells the Brits decided to give the outdated Apocalypse Tanks an uplifting by mounting a dual laser weapon on it - capable of attacking both ground and air. Cost: 1750$ Requires: Allied Weapons Factory & Allied Tech Center Strengths: Deals strong constant damage against ground and air targets. Always accurate shots. Strong armor. Weaknesses: Expensive to produce and slow. Stealth Generator: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Speaking of stealthing systems: Lasers are nothing when compared to the British cloaking capabilities. They replaced their standard gap generators with stealth generators, which grant visual protection against foes, even when their base has been "detected". Requires almost an entire power plant to function. Cost: 1500$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Airforce HQ Effects: - Cloaks units and structures in a radius of 6 cells around itself. Advanced Stealth Generator: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Sometimes British bases can reach quite a large diameter. This called for an advancement in cloaking technology and pushing it to its maximum. The result of this program was an advanced stealth Generator, capable of cloaking and entire base. Requires one and a half power plants to function. Cost: 2500$ Requires: Allied Construction Yard & Allied Tech Center Effects: - Cloaks units and structures in a radius of 15 cells around itself. Stealth Tank: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Setting up a good chain of stealth generators takes a long time for a proper ambush. In the heat of the battle sometimes a much quicker ambush solution is needed. That is why the British have developed a tank that is cloaked by default, allowing for effective ambushes against miners and unprotected base backsides. Cost: 1100$ Requires: Allied Weapons Factory & Airforce HQ Strengths: Dual Missile Launchers deal good damage against tanks and air units. Especially useful against unprotected miners. Weaknesses: Mobile Sensor Arrays, IFVs, Flak Tracks and Gattling Tanks Mobile Stealth Generator & Deployed Mobile Stealth Generator: Reveal hidden contents Usage: However a quick chain of stealthed units doesn't need to be set up difficulty. After constructing an Advanced Stealth Generator in your now invisible main base, you'll get access to a mobile variant of it, capable of moving to the battlefield and hiding units in plain sight. Cost: 1500$ Requires: Allied Weapons Factory & Advanced Stealth Generator Effects: - Can be deployed to a deployed mobile stealth generator - Deployed unit cloaks units and structures in a radius of 3 cells around itself. Sneaky Cheeky: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Even on the naval side the British did upgrade their arsenal. Beginning with small submarines that sneak up on their targets and use quick strikes with their cheeky prismarine weapons. Cost: 850$ Requires: Allied Naval Yard Strengths: Prismarine cannon can deal damage from a great distance against tanks and air units. Weaknesses: Careful for submarine and stealth detecting units! Also even though they look like robot tanks those are NOT immune to mind control. Robotnikdestroyer: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Their major update on the navy doesn't mean the Sneaky Cheeky though but rather a much more improved version of the destroyer: The Robotnik Destroyer. Armed with a strong long range laser weapon and a cloaking device they are the pinnacle of British technology, all combined into one unit. Cost: 1800$ Requires: Allied Naval Yard & Robot Control Center Strengths: Laser weapon deals great damage against all targets. Due to them being robotic units they are also immune to mind control. Weaknesses: Careful for submarine and stealth detecting units! Libya: Nuclear General Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents Do not underestimate the Libyians. Do not underestimate an army that utilizes nuclear power like the Libyans do. Hordes of well trained desolators aid nuclear powered tank divisions. Those alone can take lead on the frontlines. Mobile nuclear cannons then solidify the frontlines. If any army on the ground is bold enough to cross the line hailstorms of nuclear grenades will be thrown upon them. After a battle with Libya opposing bases will glow brighter than the sun. - All Desolators will be trained as veteran. - Nuclear Reactor is buildable after radar (instead of soviet tech lab). - War Miner Weapon is replaced with a desolator weapon. Insanely strong against infantry, but makes the miner defenseless against terror drones and robot tanks! Also useless against buildings. Desolator Turret: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The Libyians utilized a much more efficient version of their sentry turrets as a basic defense, eating easily through any kind of infantry. A double bursted beam of pure radiation can spear through any armor, easily killing infantry and passengers of light vehicles. Though the beam relies on destroying the passenger inside. If there is none the beam weapon is useless! Cost: 500$ Requires: Soviet Construction Yard & Soviet Barracks Strengths: Extremely powerful anti infantry base defense. Also deals great damage against light vehicles. Weaknesses: Doesn't deal as much damage against vehicles. Useless against terror drones and robotic units! Nuclear Rhino Tank: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Using nuclear power the army of Libya uses an improved version of the rhino tank to battle their countless foes. Those improved tanks can move much faster than regular rhino tanks while also shooting shells of depleted uranium, causing small patches of deadly radiation to be left behind. But increased speed and firepower has its price: If the tank gets destroyed it violently explodes in a small nuclear blast. Some smart and morally questionable commanders however know how to use this to their advantage... Cost: 950$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory Strengths: Faster and even better firepower than a regular rhino tank. Shots leave a small patch of radiation behind, dealing great damage against immobile infantry. Tank is immune to radiation damage. Weaknesses: More expensive to produce than a normal rhino. Blows up upon destruction, also causing damage to your own units! Especially problematic if several rhinos blow up, causing a massive chain reaction. Nuclear Apocalypse Tank: Reveal hidden contents Usage: A similar approach has been done to improve the already great might of the apocalypse tanks even further. Due to their nuclear powered engines their major weakness, being slow, is no more. Some might say the nuclear apocalypse tanks are the strongest tank to oppose in battle. Cost: 1850$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory Strengths: Faster and even better firepower than a regular apocalypse tank. Shots leave a small patch of radiation behind, dealing great damage against immobile infantry. Due to strong armor: Better protection against other apocs blowing up next to it. Tank is immune to radiation damage. Weaknesses: More expensive to produce than a normal apoc. Blows up upon destruction, also causing damage to your own units! Especially problematic if several apocs blow up, causing a massive chain reaction. Nuclear Cannon: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Instead of relying too much on interceptable V3 missiles or on fragile siege choppers as siege weapons the Libyans developed a weapon system with much higher damage output: A mobile artillery that, after deploying its weapon systems, is capable of shooting high potent nuclear grenades over large distances - absolutely decimating large groups of vehicles and any buildings. Happy meltdown everybody! Cost: 1600$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory & Soviet Tech Lab Strengths: Insane damage output once the weapon gets deployed. Can outrange most defenses and even oneshot some weaker armored buildings. Especially useful against groups of light armored allied vehicles (like mirage tanks or prism tanks). Weaknesses: Very slow movement and poor mobility. Slow firing rate. Requires to be deployed before firing. Light armored and fragile. Is weak to mind control, even in deployed form. Can damage your own units when blowing up. Unlike Rhinos and Apocs this tank is NOT immune to radiation damage. Atomic Submarine: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Even out in the wild waters the Libyans don't want to rely too much on dreadnaughts. They have a dirtier solution for coastal siege - and one that is also capable of defending itself against larger fleets of allied navy. The Atomic Submarines of Libya are capable of shooting miniature nuclear missiles against land targets, dealing great areal damage that also leaves large patches of fallout behind. Against naval targets they defend themselves with nuclear torpedos, dealing devastating damage against poorly grouped fleets. Cost: 2800$ Requires: Soviet Naval Yard & Soviet Tech Lab Strengths: Incredible damage output against all targets (except air). Shoots nuclear missiles that can't be intercepted. Can defend itself very well against naval units too (unlike dreadnaughts). Weaknesses: Extremely expensive to build, in fact the most expensive unit in the Soviet navy. Blows up even more violently when destroyed. Less range against land targets, compared to dreadnaughts. Has to surface and reveal its position when attacking land targets. Iraq: Toxin & Airship General Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents The Iraqi government has been taken over by a mysterious organisation called "The Syndicate". Their goals are clear: Establishing a world, which grants moral freedom to all of its citizen. To acchieve this goal the syndicate established a weapon doctrine that allows any kind of weapon to reach this goal. By using all kinds of toxin weapons, which are supported by superior airships they deal a major threat to all other factions. - All tank shells are filled with toxic weaponry. Each shot releases a virus cloud upon impact. - Rhino Tanks and Apocalypse Tanks are immune to poison damage. - Whenever a tank blows up a virus cloud will get dropped - After building a radar you're capable of building Virus snipers. Those are equal to Yuri's - War Miner Weapon is replaced with a toxin spray weapon. Insanely strong against infantry, but also against non moving vehicles. Spray weapon drops weaker versions of virus clouds. Useless against buildings. Toxin Turret: Reveal hidden contents Usage: When fending off larger armies in front of Iraqi fortresses using bullets seem inefficient. How about instead of raining bullets upon opposing foes you flood the fields in front of the walls with a spray of pure toxins? Though not as potent as the other toxin weaponry in the Iraqi arsenal a large enough cloud deals significant damage against units that don't move out of the clouds, corroding vehicles and poisoning any infantry that dares to go through the green. Cost: 500$ Requires: Soviet Construction Yard & Soviet Barracks Strengths: Toxin spray deals good splash damage against infantry, killing them quickly. Also deals good damage against immobile vehicles. Weaknesses: Useless against buildings and airforce. Also not as effective against fast vehicles that can shoot while moving. Toxin spray deals less damage against better armored vehicles. Trax Toxinturret: Reveal hidden contents Usage: As toxin weaponry relies on taking its time to deal significant damage the Iraqi military developed a different solution to deal damage to all targets. The result is a turret capable of shooting toxin grenades over a large distance, dealing much better instant damage against vehicles in addition to the benefit of creating large patches of deadly toxin clouds. But this wasn't enough. The Iraqi went even further and added missile batteries on top of the turrets, capable of firing toxin filled missiles against all kinds of air targets, slowly corroding them in mid air. Cost: 1000$ Requires: Soviet Construction Yard & Soviet Radar Strengths: Toxin grenades deal better damage against armored vehicles, compared to a regular toxin turret. The toxin clouds deal greater damage against all targets when compared to a regular toxin spray weapon. Tower is capable of attacking air targets. Defensive range greatly enhanced. Weaknesses: More expensive and also requires power to function. Green Howitzer: Reveal hidden contents Usage: When the Iraqi witnessed the might of Libyan nuclear cannons, they aimed to replicate its siege capabilities. But instead of just copying its systems they developed it further, creating a more agile mobile artillery weapon that doesn't need to deploy to fire. Cost: 800$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory & Soviet Radar Strengths: Green Howitzer shells deal great damage against buildings. If the weapon hits any ground unit the impact causes toxins to spread around its target, hence flooding enemies in patches of toxin clouds. Especially strong against infantry. Weaknesses: While being more mobile than nuclear cannons the unit still remains fragile and requires assistance from other units. Shells deal less damage against vehicles, even light ones. Cinta-Class Airship: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Another technology the Iraqi are known for are their superior airships. Developed by Syndicate scientists codenamed P-Cinta and T-Sahara those medium sized airships are filled to the brim with toxic weaponry, being a major threat to all targets. Some might say they even rival American airforce, though this haven't been proven so far. The first one of the Iraqi airships are the Cinta-Class Airships. Armed with several toxin missile launchers they deal a major threat to infantry, vehicles and airforce alike. Though their firepower against structures is limited. Cost: 2250$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory & Soviet Radar Strengths: Good alrounder, which can fight off all kinds of targets well. Available quite early in the game. Weaknesses: Slow hover movement, can be overwhelmed by large groups of anti air. Pretty expensive to produce. Almost no damage against buildings. Sahara-Class Airship: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Another technology the Iraqi are known for are their superior airships. Developed by Syndicate scientists codenamed P. Cinta and T. Sahara and filled to the brim with toxic weaponry they deal a major threat to all targets. Some might say they even rival American airforce, though this haven't been proven so far. The second one of the Iraqi airships are the Sahara-Class Airships. Armed with long range toxin grenade launchers they are an aerial siege threat to enemy bases, though their weapons are deal significant damage to ground targets. To top things off those beasts are also capable of defending themselves against smaller waves of air units. Cost: 3200$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory & Soviet Tech Lab Strengths: Dangerous siege unit that can fly! Toxin shells can destroy bases in just a few minutes. Can shoot missiles against air targets and fend off smaller waves of rocketeers for example. Weaknesses: Very slow hover movement, can be overwhelmed by large groups of anti air. Toxin shells are inaccurate against ground targets. Very expensive to produce. Cuba: Demolition & Flame General Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents The Cubans are all about the big red hot bada booms! They established a weapons doctrin that further developed the flame weaponry of the Soviets from the Second World War (Red Alert 1), causing its weaponry to fire beams of incinerating destruction. Use molotov conscripts or several different new units with flamethrowers and napalm missiles to burn down enemy bases in seconds. But aside from that the Cubans allow for better use of guerilla tactics. Use stealthed terrorists to ambush bases that are dumb enough to forget placing down stealth detecting units. If they place stealth detection use terror bikes instead to quickly get rid of them. Or simply use their fearsome crazy guevaras to turn any enemy into a bomb over a large distance. - Terrorists get trained as cloaked (!) veterans, hence making them much much more viable to use - War Miner Weapon is replaced with a flame thrower. Insanely strong against infantry, but also useful against buildings Flame Turret: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Instead of relying on radiation or toxins to destroy intruders, the Cubans prefer to burn everyone down to a cinder, using flamethrower turrets as their basic defense. Cost: 500$ Requires: Soviet Construction Yard & Soviet Barracks Strengths: Insanely effective against groups of infantry. Also deals noticable damage against structures. Weaknesses: Weak against armored vehicles. The flamethrower can accidentally damage your own buildings if shot next to your own base structures. Molotov Conscript: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Even the basic infantry of Cuba prefers to burn enemies down instead of using simple bullets. Their conscripts are armed with countless molotov cocktails. Their firey throwables deal noticeably better damage against structures and immobile infantry units. Cost: 100$ Requires: Soviet Barracks Strengths: Deals more damage against buildings compared to a regular conscript. Weapon incinerates the ground on impact, leaving behind fire that can damage infantry. Very strong in great numbers! Weaknesses: Same weaknesses as regular conscripts. Due to them using molotovs fast vehicles can dodge the cocktails and prevent damage, hence making garrisoned buildings less useful against fast targets. Pyro: Reveal hidden contents Usage: If molotov cocktails arent't hot enough for Cuban generals they utilize a much more potent flame weapon: Their Pyromaniacs. Recruiting men guilty of arson and giving them flamethrowers is maybe not the best idea, but to ensure enemy bases get burnt down to ashes surely helps their already hot arsenal. Cost: 500$ Requires: Soviet Barracks Strengths: Deals incredible damage against buildings and other infantry. It's basically a mobile version of the flame turrets. Weaknesses: Still poor damage against vehicles. Also relatively slow movement speed. Flames can damage the unit itself! Red Howitzer: Reveal hidden contents Usage: When the Cubans witnessed the might of Libyan nuclear cannons, they aimed to replicate its siege capabilities. But instead of just copying its systems they developed it further, creating a more agile mobile artillery weapon that doesn't need to deploy to fire. Using napalm grenades they can burn down bases and groups of enemies in seconds. Cost: 800$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory & Soviet Radar Strengths: Red Howitzer shells deal great damage against buildings, even more than green howitzers. If the weapon hits any ground unit the impact causes fire to spread around its target. Weaknesses: While being more mobile than nuclear cannons the unit still remains fragile and requires assistance from other units. Shells deal less damage against vehicles, even light ones. Crazy Guevara: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Inspired by the demolition abilities of Soviet crazy ivans, they developed a more useful unit, even crazier than the Ivans: The Crazy Guevaras. Armed with a missile launcher that can attach Ivan bombs over large distances, even to air units, they deal to be a significant threat. Heck they can even outrange some of the more advanced base defenses. Cost: 1200$ Requires: Soviet Barracks & Soviet Radar Strengths: Unlike Ivans they can attach bombs over great distances, causing a lot of mayhem against grouped enemies. Especially useful against rocketeers. Can outrange base defenses. Weaknesses: Very few hitpoints and fragile. If the Guevara dies before the missile hits its target, no bomb will be attached. Terror Bike Reveal hidden contents Usage: Next to using cloaked terrorists the Cubans sometimes require much faster demolition options, especially against mobile sensor arrays and units that are too quick for the terrorists. So the cubans gave some of their terrorists fast bikes to ram their targets and explode upon impact. Cost: 300$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory Strengths: Fast self destruction unit that can't be intercepted as well as terrorists. Deals good damage against all targets. Weaknesses: Self destruction unit. Costs 300 to deal a fast blast against targets. Poorly armored. Can blow up in a chain reaction if not spaced enough. Dragon Tank Reveal hidden contents Usage: If pyromaniacs aren't hot enough for Cuban commanders they can establish the so called dragon tanks. Pure destruction, although they require assistance against tanks. Cost: 1200$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory & Soviet Radar Strengths: Tears down any structure or blob of infantry units in seconds Weaknesses: Slower movement than a rhino tank. Flame weapon doesn't deal too much damage against vehicles. Tank explodes and damages friendly units when destroyed. Dragon Attack Helicopter Reveal hidden contents Usage: Not only can Cubans set fire to the ground - also their skies can rain fire upon their enemies. With the use of the Dragon Attack Helicopters the Cubans have an option to directly assault bases and infantry battalions from the skies. Armed with powerful flamethrowers and napalm missiles an opposing commander shouldn't underestimate the might of the Dragon Attack Helicopters. Cost: 1400$ Requires: Soviet Weapons Factory & Soviet Radar Strengths: Tears down any structure or blob of infantry units in seconds. Can attack air units Weaknesses: Slower movement than a siege chopper. Napalm missiles doesn't deal too much damage against vehicles Incinerator: Reveal hidden contents Usage: First the ground, then the skies. The Cubans are also capable of setting the seas ablaze though. With the use of their incinerator missile cruisers they can attack noninterceptable napalm missiles from a great distance, dealing great damage against any structure that is built too close to the coastline. Cost: 1800$ Requires: Soviet Naval Yard & Soviet Tech Lab Strengths: Deals good damage against all kinds of targets, even vehicles. Weaknesses: Pretty expensive for a naval unit. Though still worth it. Russia: Tesla General Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents Russia is all about zapping your enemies to dust with the help of tesla technology. Due to their advancements in that field the Russians deal a major threat to all commanders that rely on large tank battalions. Use veteran tesla troopers, tesla rhinos or the fearsome tesla tanks to decimate tanks in seconds. Defend your bases with advanced tesla coils, which get powered by advanced tesla reactors while you sneak up an enemy base with molniyas. - Tesla Troopers get trained as veterans - Rhino Tanks shoot lightning bolts instead of bullets. The bolts deal the exact same damage as the bullets do, but their accuracy is much higher. - Can't build nuclear silos. You get a weather control device instead - and that for 500$ cheaper! - Tesla Tanks are much stronger, due to them having the same effects of the rebalance patch on them. - War Miner Weapon is replaced with a tesla trooper weapon. Much better defense against vehicles, but less defense against infantry. Shock Sentry Gun: Reveal hidden contents Usage: As the Russians want to establish their tank dominance on the fields they further developed the soviet sentry guns and replaced them with a dual sided tesla weapon. A few of those towers easily fend off smaller tank divisions and should not be underestimated by allied commanders. Cost: 500$ Requires: Soviet Construction Yard & Soviet Barracks Strengths: Deals much more damage to vehicles compared to other soviet sentry turret replacements. Weaknesses: However deals less damage against infantry units. A swarm of GIs or Initiates can easily overrun them. Molniya: Reveal hidden contents Usage: In fear of American Air superiority or German Tank engineering the Russians developed a countermeasurement that fends off both - air and ground - in a similar fashion. Their answer: Highly trained flying tesla troopers that fire a constant bolt of high voltage tesla bolts. It is also one of the few units that has the ability to detect stealth. Cost: 1200$ Requires: Soviet Barracks & Soviet Tech Lab Strengths: Deals incredibly good damage in large groups. Especially useful against unprotected ground vehicles or bases. Has a small stealth detection radius. Weaknesses: Less durable and more expensive when compared to a Zephyrot. Late game tech unit. Volkov: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Reanimated from the Second World War the Russians brought back their fearsome commando. Armed with an advanced tesla weapon and an airstrike laser designator his beams melt trough vehicles and electrocute any passenger inside while migs devastate any building. Cost: 1500$ Requires: Soviet Barracks & Soviet Tech Lab Strengths: Fires a tesla bolt that wanders to another unit, dealing more damage overall. Also deals better damage against vehicles. Weaknesses: Airforce and great numbers of anti infantry units. Zelinsky-Machine: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Developed by the young genius scientist the allies only know under the name Doctor Gregor Zelinsky the Russians now have an answer to Libyan Nuclear Cannons or the Red and Green Howitzers from Cuba and Iraq. Zelinsky replicated the allied weather control technology into a mobile siege unit, capable of creating and firing devastating lightning bolts from afar. Cost: 1200$ Requires: Soviet War Factory & Soviet Radar Strengths: Great siege unit to attack units and base defenses from afar. More durable when compared to nuke cannons and howitzers. Weaknesses: Due to firing a single lightning bolt they don't deal as much splash damage. Can be overwhelmed by air units or a group of fast vehicles if not protected. Advanced Tesla Reactor: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The Russians knew how devastating the effects of a blowing up nuclear reactor can be. Countless losses from the blasts next to blown away bases - and not to forget about the fallout. Instead the Russians rely on a much safer variant to power their bases. Though not as effective as a nuclear reactor those more developed tesla reactors won't blow up as violently. Cost: 1000$ Requires: Soviet Construction Yard & Soviet Tech Lab Effects: - Creates 1500 units of power - Doesn't blow up as violently as a nuclear reactor (creates a more localised tesla explosion instead) Advanced Tesla Coil: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Protecting their bases with shock sentries and tesla coils is already a pretty safe doctrine. But the Russians went a step further, developing an even more efficient version of their tesla coils. Those beasts are capable of almost oneshoting any incoming tanks that dare to even come close to a Russian base. But not only that: Those giants also protect the Russian air space from any intruders. Cost: 2000$ Requires: Soviet Construction Yard & Soviet Tech Lab Strengths: Incredible firepower (same as overcharged tesla coil) over a large distance. Is also capable of engaging air units. Weaknesses: Requires an incredible amount of power (1000 units). Needs to recharge twice as long when engaging air units (commanders can decoy the fire with air units and overrun the tower this way). Yuri: Reveal hidden contents Playstyle and General Changes: Reveal hidden contents No general changes on Yuri. Yuri still plays like the same lunatic he is - but this time with more options to choose from. Gattling Trooper: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Shrinking down gattling weaponry was a much needed addition to the arsenal of Yuri, hence giving him the option to fend off airstrikes early. Those troopers use a mobile version of a gattling cannon. Cost: 500$ Requires: Yuri Barracks Strengths: Strong in large numbers against any kind of air unit, but also capable of fending off waves of infantry. Weaknesses: As known with other gattling weapons they don't deal as much damage against vehicles or buildings. Also unlike other gattling weapons those troopers do not have various gattling stages! Assault Transport: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Inspired by the highly versatile hovering battle fortresses of the Korean army Yuri has developed a similar and even cheaper version of them. The so called assault transporters allow three passengers to shoot out of loopholes. The transporter itself is already armed with a gattling cannon, though if you add in three gattling troopers Yuri can face any aerial threats on the open waters. Cost: 1700$ Requires: Yuri Submarine Pen & Yuri Battle Lab Strengths: Quite durable for a naval unit. Is ambibious and can also assist land troops. Weaknesses: Relatively expensive for an anti air unit. With 3 gattling troopers inside an assault transport costs up to 3200$ to produce! Due to the rebalance patch Yuri clones can't fire out of the transporter. Psiboat: Reveal hidden contents Usage: The last addition to the naval roster of Yuri's army: A simple tugboat with a yuri clone on it. A group of those boats can quickly snatch the minds of a larger fleet of navy with ease. Cost: 1000$ Requires: Yuri Submarine Pen & Yuri Psychic Radar Strengths: Fast naval unit that can mind control other ships or even coastal units. Weaknesses: Absolutely defenseless against robot tanks, squids, dolphins and all kinds of airforce. Yuriko Omega: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Hidden from plain sight from the Allies and the Soviets the mad genius Yuri ran a secret project, codename L.I.B.R.A. (Laboratory Investigation of Beings with Resonating Abilities). Spies only know this codename, however reports tell of cloned female beings, capable of shredding down tanks, buildings, infantry and airforce alike - with seemingly no weapon. Their resonating signature however wasn't unnoted by allied scanners. Cost: 1500$ Requires: Yuri Barracks & Yuri Battle Lab Strengths: Powerful infantry unit, capable of dealing great damage against all targets! Weaknesses: Though the unit is hovering they aren't amphibious! Can also be overrun if facing too many enemies at once. Build limit of 1. Clone Miner: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Similar to the Germans with their robotic workers, Yuri knew the next industrial revolution will be put by being able to quickly replace workers and fill out gaps of required workforce. However unlike the Germans Yuri uses a less humane doctrine: By cloning enslaved humans! Cost: 2500$ Requires: Yuri Construction Yard & Cloning Vats (Deployed Variant) / Yuri War Factory & Cloning Vats (Mobile Variant) Strengths: Ore gathering rate is greatly increased, due to it having 10 workers instead of 5 like a Slave Miner. Armed with an gattling weapon. Weaknesses: More expensive to produce and requires a cloning vat to be produced. Might take longer to redeem its full cost. Unlike robot workers slaves are still vulnerable to radiation damage. T-Rex: Reveal hidden contents Usage: STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! - dramatic pause - RRAWRR! NOM NOM NOM NOM! RAWR!! - you are dead - Cost: 1400$ Requires: Yuri Barracks & Yuri Tech Lab. Strengths: The strongest melee unit in the game, greatly overshadowing brutes. Incredibly bulky and shreds down anything on the ground if no anti infantry weapons are present. Weaknesses: Most expensive melee unit in the game. Very vulnerable to poison, radiation damage and all kinds of snipers. Also defenseless against air units. Gravity Turret: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Not only in terms of infantry and naval support Yuri took a step forward. Also his defenses got a massive upgrade, beginning with the so called gravity turrets. Those quickly drag any tank into range of psychic towers - if they don't get shred down by gattling turrets moments before. Cost: 1000$ Requires: Yuri Construction Yard & Yuri Psychic Radar. Strengths: Unlike Magnetrons these towers automatically search for targets and drag any tank into range of defenses. Also useful against buildings. Weaknesses: Tower also has a minimum range required to fire its weapon. Requires assistance of other towers. Useless against infantry and air units. Yuri's Statue: Reveal hidden contents Usage: Induced by fear of German robot tanks or hordes of terror drones Yuri also had to establish an alternative to his main base defense, the psychic towers. Induced by fear and powered by his ego he placed down busts of his appearance, capable of firing a ring laser onto ground targets. Cost: 1750$ Requires: Yuri Construction Yard & Yuri Battle Lab. Strengths: Can defend bases well of mind control immune units. Weaknesses: Late game tech, expensive to produce, requires a lot of power. Psychic Beacon: Reveal hidden contents Usage: However if a general is bold enough to send out vehicles with human passengers, they'll quickly notice Yuri also upgraded his psychic defenses. Using a lowered down version of psychic beacons Yuri can capture entire battalions at once. Cost: 2200$ Requires: Yuri Construction Yard & Yuri Battle Lab. Strengths: Can defend bases well of mind control vulnerable units over a much larger distance. Can control 7 units instead of 3. Weaknesses: Late game tech, expensive to produce, requires a lot of power. Build limit of 1. These are all the additions and changes made for my Zero Hour Map Mod. If you have any suggestions regarding balancing or if you notice any bugs please let me know in your comments below. I'll gladly take any feedback for future updates. Please also keep in mind that for maps tagged with ov1 (=official version 1) the AI isn't functional and can cause reconnection errors. The only factions that, so far, work without causing an error are America, Korea and France. For ov2 I'll add a fully functional AI to the map, which will also properly attack and defense with the new units shown. Also due to the posting limit being around 10 MB I'll upload my maps in the next two posts, so scroll down to download the recent map files! Alright, now everything that's left is: Choose your general, prepare to fight and have fun! Cheers, DoctorEvil 😎 Edited February 15, 2023 by DoctorEvil Fixed some typos and mistakes 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorEvil Posted February 8, 2023 Author Share Posted February 8, 2023 (edited) Here's the first map pack of official version 1 (ov1): DoctorEvils Zero Hour Mappack Part 1, ov1.7zFetching info... [2] Blood Feud Zero Hour, ov1 [2] Dune Patrol Zero Hour, ov1 [2] Hidden Valley Zero Hour, ov1 [2] Tournament Map B Zero Hour, ov1 [3] Canyon Fodder Zero Hour, ov1 [3] Top o'the Hill Zero Hour, ov1 [4] Country Swing LE Zero Hour, ov1 [4] Death Valley Girl Zero Hour, ov1 [4] Double Troube Zero Hour, ov1 [4] Well of Wealth Zero Hour, ov1 [4] Tsunami Zero Hour, ov1 [5] Mount Rush More Zero Hour, ov1 [6] All the Fury Zero Hour, ov1 And here's map pack 2: DoctorEvils Zero Hour Mappack Part 2, ov1.7zFetching info... [6] Arena 33 Forever Zero Hour, ov1 [6] East vs. Best Zero Hour, ov1 [6] Sedona Pass Zero Hour, ov1 [6] Tour of Egypt Zero Hour, ov1 [6] Bay of Pigs Zero Hour, ov1 [6] Bermuda Triangle Zero Hour, ov1 [8] A Path Beyond II Zero Hour, ov1 [8] Arctic Circle Zero Hour, ov1 [8] Cliffside Slide Zero Hour, ov1 [8] Clover Zero Hour, ov1 [8] Heck Freezes Over Zero Hour, ov1 [8] Tour of Egypt (4v4) Zero Hour, ov1 Alternative ways to download maps: Reveal hidden contents Everything from Google Drive: Map Pack 1: Map Pack 2: [2] Blood Feud Zero Hour: [2] Dune Patrol Zero Hour: [2] Hidden Valley Zero Hour: [2] Tournament Map B Zero Hour: [3] Canyon Fodder Zero Hour: [3] Top o'the Hill Zero Hour: [4] Country Swing LE Zero Hour: [4] Death Valley Girl Zero Hour: [4] Double Troube Zero Hour: [4] Well of Wealth Zero Hour: [4] Tsunami Zero Hour: [5] Mount Rush More Zero Hour: [6] All the Fury Zero Hour: [6] Arena 33 Forever Zero Hour: [6] East vs. Best Zero Hour: [6] Sedona Pass Zero Hour: [6] Tour of Egypt Zero Hour: [6] Bay of Pigs Zero Hour: [6] Bermuda Triangle Zero Hour: [8] A Path Beyond II Zero Hour: [8] Arctic Circle Zero Hour: [8] Cliffside Slide Zero Hour: [8] Clover Zero Hour: [8] Heck Freezes Over Zero Hour: [8] Tour of Egypt (4v4) Zero Hour: Edited February 15, 2023 by DoctorEvil Added alternative way for downloads 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TerrorWGD Posted February 8, 2023 Share Posted February 8, 2023 ooooh, looks fancy 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArabChuckNorris1 Posted February 9, 2023 Share Posted February 9, 2023 so is this a campaign set? Or a CNCNET multiplayer type of maps that are modded? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorEvil Posted February 9, 2023 Author Share Posted February 9, 2023 On 2/9/2023 at 7:04 AM, ArabChuckNorris1 said: so is this a campaign set? Or a CNCNET multiplayer type of maps that are modded? Expand This is a CNCNET Multiplayer type of modded maps. It's meant for pvp or pve. It doesn't require anything else than the maps btw. All code is on the maps itself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorEvil Posted February 12, 2023 Author Share Posted February 12, 2023 All the missing descriptions have now been added! Over a span of 10.000 (TEN THOUSAND) words in addition of 82 images you can now read everything this map mod has to offer. Just so you can get a taste: This mod features 13 new infantry units, 20 new vehicles, 10 new airforce units, 8 new naval units and 32 new buildings, all spread out over 10 unique subfactions to play as! It's a great gameplay mode with an even greater roster! In the near future I'll upload the maps to the Chrono Storm map collection ( as well as my own map collection here on cncnet (including links to google drive). I'll keep you tuned! For the far future I'll update this gamemode with a custom AI, so the AI behaves properly and actually attacks you, allowing for some nice compstomping. However maybe I'll even go a step further and put this one into a survial map of mine. Or even crazier: Recreate the Generals Challenges for you to play on with a teammate - would be ten challenges in total! Guess I won't get a break from creating maps then. Also let me know if you find something unbalanced or if you want to see this mode get ported onto other maps. Stay tuned, cheers and enjoy! 😎 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorEvil Posted February 15, 2023 Author Share Posted February 15, 2023 An alternate way to download the maps has now been added. See the map pack post or here: Map Pack 1: Map Pack 2: [2] Blood Feud Zero Hour: [2] Dune Patrol Zero Hour: [2] Hidden Valley Zero Hour: [2] Tournament Map B Zero Hour: [3] Canyon Fodder Zero Hour: [3] Top o'the Hill Zero Hour: [4] Country Swing LE Zero Hour: [4] Death Valley Girl Zero Hour: [4] Double Troube Zero Hour: [4] Well of Wealth Zero Hour: [4] Tsunami Zero Hour: [5] Mount Rush More Zero Hour: [6] All the Fury Zero Hour: [6] Arena 33 Forever Zero Hour: [6] East vs. Best Zero Hour: [6] Sedona Pass Zero Hour: [6] Tour of Egypt Zero Hour: [6] Bay of Pigs Zero Hour: [6] Bermuda Triangle Zero Hour: [8] A Path Beyond II Zero Hour: [8] Arctic Circle Zero Hour: [8] Cliffside Slide Zero Hour: [8] Clover Zero Hour: [8] Heck Freezes Over Zero Hour: [8] Tour of Egypt (4v4) Zero Hour: 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorEvil Posted February 26, 2023 Author Share Posted February 26, 2023 Hello everybody, due to Sam-I-Am's request he made in my map collection topic I turned an oil in center and corners map into a zero hour version with adjusted gameplay (for balancing purposes). To not double post everything I'm posting the link here, so you guys can read what exactly is changed on this map. Check it out here: Download Options: 1: 2: 3: Oil in Center Zero Hour, ov1.mapFetching info... Enjoy 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorEvil Posted June 13, 2023 Author Share Posted June 13, 2023 Hello everybody, I hope you have had some nice and intense matches on the RA2 ZH mod. Currently I'm thinking of slowly updating this mod to official version 2 and I was wondering about some feedback from you guys. What would you personally like to see changed? The main changes I will definitely add to the mod in ov2: - Fix the "100 unit bug" from all the maps (which causes recon errors and weird AI behaviour when playing with AI) - Add AI triggers and AI behaviour, so they actually produce and use the new units - Add some more infantry units as there is plenty of space left for them - Add custom hero units for every subfaction. Like giving Britain a stealthed James Bond with a laser cannon, giving Germany Elite Hans with an anti tank railgun, improve Yuri's Yuriko Omega, and much more - Maybe add a few more tank and naval units (if possible) - Maybe give every faction an airport with custom jets - A lot of balancing tweaks and adjustments. Nerf op units, buff weak units, make each faction feel even more unique - A few performance improvements (like reduce the amount of fire particles for flame throwers or toxin clouds for toxin weapons) and better visual effects - And much more And now you come into play. Tell me about the things you liked or disliked about my mod. I will soon take some time to adjust it accordingly. Feel free to drop a honest feedback. I can take criticism. Cheers, Doc! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoamenMagdy Posted January 14, 2024 Share Posted January 14, 2024 Best mod I liked it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoamenMagdy Posted January 21, 2024 Share Posted January 21, 2024 (edited) France's Pacifer FAV is bugged If 2 (or more) deploying in same place recon happens Edited February 1, 2024 by MoamenMagdy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoamenMagdy Posted January 21, 2024 Share Posted January 21, 2024 (edited) I detected bug in Hell-Icopter when dying makes glitch to make player doesnt die if short game is off Edited February 21, 2024 by MoamenMagdy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorEvil Posted February 27, 2024 Author Share Posted February 27, 2024 Hello Moamen, thank you for your input and glad you enjoy the mod. I'll keep it in mind when updating the mod to version 2. I've planned to do that once the Ares/Phobos integration for cncnet comes out. However it might take a long time - I'm currently busy with other private projects. Cheers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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