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Add Option To Disable Crazy Ivan


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Hello guys,

Great work on this project!

I would like to ask if it is possible to add support to disabling Crazy Ivan.

The game is greatly balance with the YR Rebalance 2.0 option. However whenever a person gets both allied and soviet bases they get access to the Chrono + Crazy Ivan combination, where the user uses Crazy Ivan to put a bomb on his own Chrono Legionnaire and sends it towards enemy bases. This should be disabled I think for multiple reasons:
- The only way to counter it from what I know is to have Chronos spread out in your base therefore a Soviet enemy cannot defend himself. Event with Chronos the user can send them to an uncovered location or send multiple ones at once.
- This action breaks balance since it does not require any skill to perform, usually with any tactic it requires a certain amount of effort and feasible ways to counter it, however in this case it is impossible to counter and basically removes the fun from the game.
- Encourages base camping since you can attack universally without every leaving your base and requires no brains really.

So I would like to have an option to disable Crazy Ivan since no one uses it except in this case and it sucks the fun out of the entire game whenever someone does it.

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this is first for me. I've been here for years and never seen anyone complain about the Ivan! That being said, we do appreciate your feedback. 

It's quite rare that someone does eventually get both allied & soviet bases (unless they go on an engineering spree, or is playing the Unholy Alliance mode), as such we rarely see this move at all. 

Plus, reaching the point where you eventually get an allied/soviet MCV, and build up the army of chrono & ivans would take up a lot of time, and by that point you should have a sizeable army ready to pounce if you get hit with it. There are many counters to this, and I personally don't think that this is a game-breaking move. An example of a game-breaking move would be the engineers. Rushing an engineer and an IFV/Flak and rushing to your opponents base is a bigger game-breaking move than the Ivan (which happens late game, gives you more chances to counter) - which resulted to the "Multi Engineer" option.

However, if more players are vocal about this issue, we might look into having this "patched". Cheers!

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How much do legionaries cost? Arn't they around 1500?  You also lose that legionnaire if you send him off as a suicide bomber this way. It's an attack that's barely even worth it unless you're playing one of those infinite money maps.

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On 9/22/2024 at 4:55 AM, Kue said:

Hello guys,

Great work on this project!

I would like to ask if it is possible to add support to disabling Crazy Ivan.

The game is greatly balance with the YR Rebalance 2.0 option. However whenever a person gets both allied and soviet bases they get access to the Chrono + Crazy Ivan combination, where the user uses Crazy Ivan to put a bomb on his own Chrono Legionnaire and sends it towards enemy bases. This should be disabled I think for multiple reasons:
- The only way to counter it from what I know is to have Chronos spread out in your base therefore a Soviet enemy cannot defend himself. Event with Chronos the user can send them to an uncovered location or send multiple ones at once.
- This action breaks balance since it does not require any skill to perform, usually with any tactic it requires a certain amount of effort and feasible ways to counter it, however in this case it is impossible to counter and basically removes the fun from the game.
- Encourages base camping since you can attack universally without every leaving your base and requires no brains really.

So I would like to have an option to disable Crazy Ivan since no one uses it except in this case and it sucks the fun out of the entire game whenever someone does it.

If you're playing custom maps like Rekoool or whatever, you can just make an edited version of the map with Crazy Ivan units removed.

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Indeed I can only understand it if he is playing Rekool or Oil in Mid and such maps w/ crates on.

If you play for fun, that's part of the fun buddy 😄

Once I got spied by Soviet and I was like wtf this freaking sucks dude, I thought he was cheating, but checking the damn map I realized spys were allowed for Soviets too.

Edited by XMaDTanKX aka T-90
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add  into  ur map  


IFVMode=2   ; 7 is CRnuke




Reference FV weapons



Weapon1=HoverMissile        ;Normal
EliteWeapon1=HoverMissileE        ;Normal
Weapon2=RepairBullet    ;Engineer
EliteWeapon2=RepairBullet    ;Engineer
Weapon3=CRM60            ;GI
EliteWeapon3=CRM60            ;GI
Weapon4=CRFlakGuyGun        ;Flak Troop ;Rocketeer
EliteWeapon4=CRFlakGuyGun        ;Flak Troop ;Rocketeer
Weapon5=CRMP5            ;Seal
EliteWeapon5=CRMP5            ;Seal
Weapon6=AWPE            ;Sniper
EliteWeapon6=AWPE            ;Sniper
Weapon7=CRElectricBolt    ;ShockTrooper
EliteWeapon7=CRElectricBolt    ;ShockTrooper
Weapon8=CRNuke            ;Crazy Ivan
EliteWeapon8=CRNuke            ;Crazy Ivan
Weapon9=CRMindControl    ;Yuri
EliteWeapon9=CRMindControl    ;Yuri
Weapon11=CRNeutronRifle    ;Chrono
EliteWeapon11=CRNeutronRifle    ;Chrono
Weapon12=CRTerrorBomb        ;Terrorist
EliteWeapon12=CRTerrorBomb        ;Terrorist
Weapon13=CowShot        ;Cow
EliteWeapon13=CowShot        ;Cow
Weapon14=CRPsychicJab        ;Initiate
EliteWeapon14=CRPsychicJab        ;Initiate
Weapon15=CRVirusGun        ;Virus
EliteWeapon15=CRVirusGun        ;Virus
Weapon16=CRSuperMindBlast        ;Yuri Prime
EliteWeapon16=CRSuperMindBlast        ;Yuri Prime
Weapon17=CRMissileLauncher        ;Guardian GI
EliteWeapon17=CRMissileLauncher        ;Guardian GI




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