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A couple questions for modding


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I'm curious of which available version of TS is the most current in terms of modding. I know a while back the UMP (Un-official Mini Patch by Aro for those not in the know) was made obsolete I believe? And I'm unable to find a viable download for the latest HyperPatch by CCHyper (V0.3 AFAIK), if that's even relevant anymore as well.


I've just recently reignited my interest for modding TS again and I'm unfamiliar with the new cncnet version with the updated GUI and altered game folder/file structure. The last time I messed with this stuff was just around the time the game was released as freeware. I'm trying to find a good/stable blank slate version of the game to begin modding again. If anyone can provide some insight or point me in the right direction it would be very much appreciated.


Thanks in advance!


Edit: I see I've accidentally posted this in the mapping discussion. Could a moderator move this? My apologies.

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