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Prototype Random Map Terrain Generator


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As you can see, it's a bit rough at the moment, but I threw it together in 2 days. Hit S to take a Screenshot, and D to Dump the map to a .bin. It only generates the terrain (technically, the templates; I'm just used to calling the rocks and roads and stuff terrain from other games) right now, so no automatic multiplayer or mission support, sadly. Some sort of onslaught of enemies versus your MCV will probably be the next things I implement. Does anyone have any tips on how to make an interesting random mission generator (ignore the fact that the maps look horrible)?

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Odd, how did you get these "UFO" tiles on there? They aren't normally accessible... they're the second cell of a tileset file that normally only contains one cell (a trick I developed to add extra terrain into the game without the need to hack the exe).



I see you basically just repeat the same shapes randomly though, rather than starting from an actual kind of maze generator and then fitting game tiles on it.

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Odd, how did you get these "UFO" tiles on there? They aren't normally accessible... they're the second cell of a tileset file that normally only contains one cell (a trick I developed to add extra terrain into the game without the need to hack the exe).


I tell the map generator to spawn tile 70_1 (p04.des, frame 1), and it does it. Do you mean how do I access it despite it not being in desert.mix? I have the entire tileset of the desert theater sliced up into files along the lines of "70_0.png" and "70_1.png".


The hardest part of figuring out how to answer that was repeatedly thinking of stuff, then going "No, he knows that...". I'm glad you asked that, though, as I'm restarting that project I talked to you about via PM in C++, and I wouldn't of thought of scanning all the files for terrain.


I see you basically just repeat the same shapes randomly though, rather than starting from an actual kind of maze generator and then fitting game tiles on it.


I have no clue how to actually make a random map generator. I had the tiles sliced up and decided to go for it.

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lol, I just wondered why you used that tile, while it's kinda 'hidden', that's all :P


I mean, normally tileset blocks are supposed to be placed on the map with all their cells, not as separate cells. It just seemed odd that you used the one tile that shouldn't do that because it's one I added with a sneaky workaround.

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