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[TD] Waypoints reset


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I'm working on this old TD mission and the waypoints are completely messy.

Besides that, some interesting triggers are OFF (air1, nuk, nuk2) and a teamtype CHN1 will never arrive (lacks a trigger).



What would be the changes in waypoints, triggers and teamtypes to leave this mission "operational"?

I'm attaching the INI/BIN files and the SCG150.NEW is my suggestion for the waypoints, but the idea here is: give a try and let's compare (or as this section states: let's mod). Let's see if we can predict the (nasty) intentions of the original author.


If you're more experienced than I am, I believe you will spend 30m doing this (I'm a beginner).

If we agree on a solution I'll accept the "upgrade" for a pack I'm revising.


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