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Tiberian Sun performance problem with VMWare


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Hi guys,


I already invested quite some time trying to get tiberian sun running smootly. First tried to get it working flawlessly on WIN7, which after 2 days i stopped because explosions where still choppy and the overall performance was not acceptable although I fixed a few bugs (cheap buildings, ...)


Now I'm trying my luck with VMWare and Windows XP SP3. I allocated 1552 MB RAM and have an Intel i7 CPU.


After hours of configuration I finally started the game. After managing to get rid of the VMWare toolbar and a black frame around the game (the game was just a little picture, I had to adapt the resolution of WIN7 to the resolution of the game) I was finally playing.


The good part was it worked amazingly well (after turning off DirectDraw). The bad part was only for about a minute. After that the game was screwed, even after reloading a savegame it was really choppy, even if the loaded savegame ran perfectly before. So after a few minutes performances breaks in (scrolling is an absolute pain in the a**, and the game behaves as something is loading in the background, which isn't the case), and also the game freezes whole XP on exiting. XP doesn't even recognize CNTRL + ALT + DEL anymore.


Does anyone have any ideas? I would really appreciate if someone can help me, after all this time it would be cool to play the game finally without any problems :)

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Let me see if you understeand... you are running XP on a core I7? it will gerates a lot of issues. is like Running Windows 98 in a Dual-core machine... Use Windows 7 + (VMWare + Windows XP).


- Let me guess... You have a GeForce 8000 series?


- You can set Tiberian Sun to your native resolution edition SUN.INI inside SUN directory. This will fix the black frame around the game (still, a VMWare issue :P) and will improve your visibility.


- Where did you get TS? Did you set Windows 98 Compatibility mode for it? Also, use only 1 core for the VMWare, that will prevent that the Windows XP became crazy.

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Sorry if I wasn't precise. I am running Windows 7 and on Windows 7 a VMWare with Windows XP SP3.


- I'm running on a Gforce GTX 480

- I recognized that this would fix the resoultion issue, but I prefer to play the game on lower resolutions than my native one

- It's Tiberian Sun from "The first Decade" DVD

- Switched to 1 core (had 2 in the first place) and set windows 98 compatibility mode (hadn't done this before). I tried the game, unfortunatley the bug reoccured :(


The really strange thing is that it first runs flawlessly good, and after a minute or so it starts to perform choppy. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can't exit without crashing the system ... By the way, I also tried switching DirectDraw on again and using the modified directdraw dll file you can find on some forums, didn't make any difference.

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Okay, forget about vmware a second. Let`s try to make it work wihout it.


- Well, since you tried the modified DLL, we can make sure it will not gonna work.


1- Install the Removed DirectX9 Components. Those brainfarts removed those useful tools from Vista and greater for no reason  :dry:


2- Use Windows 98 Compatibility Mode.


3- Check the  "Remove Advanced text Scripts" from the compatibility tab.



I've read in somewhere that on newest geforce graphic cards, they removed some old components that was used for old games, then it will somehow emulated by the graphic card or wrapped by the driver.


Also, if it do not work on the real machine, try it agan for Windows XP inside vmware. By the way, Virtual PC 2007 emulates the entire everioment, that means it will complete emulates the graphic card (a Trio64 8mb afik). VMware somehow port the graphics to the real graphic card. Well, try Virtual PC 2007 then :)

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  • 3 months later...

I am having the exact same problem. TS will run perfectly for up to a few minutes and then major lag sets in and when I try to quit it all dies.


This is my PC specs.


Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 32-bit

Intel Core 2 duo P9300 2.26GHz

4.00 GB Ram

NVIDIA GeForce G105M

Bios Version:

Dedicated Video Memory: 512 MB

Shared System Memory: 1263 MB

Drivers are up to date.



VMware Player 4.0.1 build-528992


Running in Windows 98 compatibility. Using original TS game disks. Have tried dedicating 512, 1024 and 2048MB of ram to VMware and I get the same results.


I have also turned off DirectDraw and installed the removed DX9 components.


This problems happens to me running the original TS resolutions as well as when I modify the Sun.ini file.


I'm at the point where I am either going to update to Windows 7 Pro so I can use Virtual PC or simply buy an older PC and see if I have any luck there.




If anybody has any fresh ideas I am all ears! =]

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Uhm, well... Download and install the Virtual PC 2007, not the Windows Virtual PC. VPC2007 as i told before emulates the entire environment, and i think that accepts Win7Home as the Host machine. Then install Windows XP on it. I think that should work.  :)


Hifi! we need DDraw for TS! Search for someone that know how to emulate those GDI+ menus! :P




Why not use Windows Virtual PC? Because it is like VMWare, somehow it ports to the Graphic card.



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  On 12/8/2011 at 12:42 PM, pichorra said:

Uhm, well... Download and install the Virtual PC 2007, not the Windows Virtual PC. VPC2007 as i told before emulates the entire environment, and i think that accepts Win7Home as the Host machine. Then install Windows XP on it. I think that should work.  :)


Hifi! we need DDraw for TS! Search for someone that know how to emulate those GDI+ menus! :P




Why not use Windows Virtual PC? Because it is like VMWare, somehow it ports to the Graphic card.




Windows Virtual PC DOES NOT WORK on Win7 Home :(

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  On 12/9/2011 at 1:08 PM, pichorra said:

I don't know how virtualbox handle the emulation envirioment (if it is like vmware or vpc), but i"m talking about virtual pc 2007, not the windows virtual pc.


I feel like a lame noob but when I google "virtual pc 2007" all I can come up with is the windows version. Who makes this other version you speak of??

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  On 12/9/2011 at 8:39 PM, pichorra said:

This one: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=24439


Give it a shot. :P


If you can't use VPC 2007 for using the Home edition of Windows 7, then try the VPC 2004 :P




It works even on WIndows 98 SE as host machine :P


Yeah that is the one that doesn't work on Windows 7 Home Premium. I'm trying 2004 and Oracle Box now.


Wish me luck.

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Well, if Now virtualbox do not work for you, The only way will be Botchs (something like that). But i advise you that Bochs isn't easy to run and configure.


If then Bochs do not work, well, then i'm out of options. You then can try to buy an older graphic card just for playing TS :(

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