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Everything posted by Aro

  1. Yes. I Forgot about the, 0 Use of Voxel's in RA1 and TD. My Mistake. Good Luck, By the way.
  2. Crap! I Uploaded the wrong one! Give me one moment, and I'll upload the right ones.
  3. Advertise our community! Make us known! Stick the below picture In you signatures, and watch our community grow!
  4. Do NOT! And I repeat, Do NOT! Use the same heavy tank the soviets have for the allies. Find a voxel somewhere for the allies, and use that.
  5. Nice! I'll have to post up something from, Twisted Insurrection... Soon enough.
  6. Why not? Tiberian Dawn: Flame Tank Tiberian Sun: Cyborg Commando Tiberian Wars: Flame Tank Aro, Like, Fire!
  7. Oh, Wow. That is one SEXY map, Warlord.
  8. Wouldn't say it's as Nice as your other, RA1 Map. It's still cool, however... Again, I'm not sure about the spotlight for this one. It just doesn't seem as good as Winter Winds.
  9. I Played this map before, and I personaly enjoyed it... Not too sure about the spotlight though. Let's see what, Tore thinks.
  10. Congratulations, Warlord. This map has been, SPOTLIGHTED!
  11. Welcome to The Database! This is the forum where you may post any modding tutorials you wish be they minor or large. Be sure that your topic title is clear to avoid confusion and that the topic content itself is easy to understand otherwise it's not much of a useful tutorial. When posting a new modding tutorial, be sure to put the letters of the game (e.g: TS / RA2) the tutorial is for in either '{ }', '( )' or '[ ]' brackets, so people don't have to scan through every topic hoping to find the right one. Topic Title Example: How to Add a Song [TS] - Aro
  12. The Arden River, is it's name. I was looking through the old mapping folder I had, which was at least 1 year old, and I came across something, I completely forgot ever even existed; A WIP of a map i'd began work on, a long time ago. When I opened it up in final sun, there was only about 10% (If even that) of the map done... So I thought why not complete it? And now it's done. I was playing, Twisted Insurrection, during the time of the screenshots. (Keeping in mind, this is a tournament map, so it's better for online games than it is, Skirmish... Still fun non-the-less) Have fun. DOWNLOAD![/size:3ihbrx77]
  13. In the spirit of X-Mas approaching... A Present from me, to you! My First snow map, and my first map with a day and night loop. That'll make Mr. Ixith happy. Mini Map! DOWNLOAD![/size:ceui2rlg]
  14. This is: Intoxication (2-6 Players) Made By: Aro. Size - Large (125 x 125) Players - 6 Tiberium ammount - Very Large Urban Areas - Small Water - Large Area Type - Lake / River / Mountainous / Mutated Warfare - Ground Map Story - This land, was once home to many people, it always had visitors and was well known for its wonderful nature and wild-life... Approximatly 6 years when the town of Owens was built, there became alot of criminal activity... There where murders, robberies and alot more... With lack of authority, the town was closed, but some people where left behind in the evactuation, resulting in them being mutated with all the tiberium life growing after time... The residents could not be saved, and the land was declared unsafe, due-to ion storms, so no planes can get into the area, and it was unsafe for the ferries to drop of tourist's anymore... The land has became a Red zone, and there appear to be plans for this land to be cleaned up in the future. DOWNLOAD![/size:3701uyif]
  15. OK, heres a map i made recently, and i really like it myself. But it may be different in the eyes of the public... Enjoy. FS Salibian Desert (2-3) Information: Size - Medium Players - 3 Tiberium ammount - Medium Urban Areas - None Water - None Area Type - Desert / Mutated / Mountainous Requires:: Firestorm DOWNLOAD![/size:77wau15y]
  16. I was originaly going to call this map The Devils Canyon, as i planned it a long time ago. Ok well i know you lot like the pictures more than text, so i took some extra screenies. Please enjoy, and please leave comments, i'm still attempting to reach my goal of a Spotlight. If you are going to rate it, please download it and take a look first. Please don't just rate by pictures. DOWNLOAD![/size:18btkfm0]
  17. AI Triggers are used by the game to decide which units AI players build in both singleplayer and multiplayer maps. Similar to normal triggers they are based on a certain event. In contrast, the action is always building a team. While normal triggers often do not work as expected in multiplayer maps, AI triggers can be used very good to achieve the same results. To use AI triggers you need to know how to make Taskforces, Scripts and Teamtypes which are covered in several tutorials in this manual. You should read these tutorials before making AI triggers. Let´s take a look at the AI trigger editor: This is an example for a typical AI Trigger. Let´s take a closer look at the different options: Enabled: Do not forget to check this if the AI trigger shall be used Type: This specifies the general event type for the AI Trigger. You can choose between several different types, The selected one specifies that the house that accesses the AI trigger must have a certain amount of certain objects. The exact amount, and the object type, is specified later on. Name: Just a descriptive name of the AI Trigger House: Usually this should be all, except you want only a certain house to access the AI trigger Teamtypes: They specify the teams that shall be created as result of the AI trigger Multi-Side: Specify if this trigger is for Everybody, Soviets, Allies or Yuri Base defense: If this is checked, this AI trigger may be used even if the house doesn´t have a hated enemy yet Available in Skirmish: Check this, and the AI trigger may be used in multiplayer games Easy, Medium, Hard: In which difficulty modes is this AI trigger available? Weight: Starting weight of the AI trigger. As higher, as more likely it is that the house decides to build the teamtype MinWeight: The minimum weight that this AI trigger must have MaxWeight: The maximum weight that this AI trigger can have For the AI trigger types 0, 1, 4 and 7 the following applies: Use Condition, Number and Unittype to select the values that are needed for the AI trigger to fire. The AI trigger you see here does the following: Once the current enemy of the AI trigger house has at least 1 Allied Battle Lab, build the teamtype "10 Apoc Attack Base". The AI trigger is useable by all Soviet houses in both singleplayer and multiplayer games, in all difficulty levels. Weight isn´t very high, so it may happen that the house does decide that this AI trigger isn´t as important as other AI triggers and probably won´t fire it. Note that the trigger will only fire if the house´s current enemy is Allied, as Soviet enemies cannot have an Allied Battle Lab. Now lets take a look at one of the AI Triggers i've made. (Pay no attention to the wierd name lol) What this AI Trigger basicaly does, is When a Soviet battle lab is built by anyone, then another soviet team will launch the assault that is given in the AI trigger. Make the taskforce for what you want the AI Trigger's units to contain, For the AI Trigger above, mine is: And The script for the AI Trigger above, Is: And The Team for the AI Trigger above, Is: And there you go! This works ONLY for multiplayer maps! Have fun, Mappers.
  18. I posted this in a thread not long ago... I don't see why i should not make a tutorial thread about it. Rated 2 stars cause it is quite easy. Ok here we go: Right, first of all, place down the waypoint of the particular area of where you want the reveal to occur... Choose any number, but not a number from 0-7 on multiplayer maps, as they are used as starting locations. Ok, now when thats done, you need to make the trigger, a simple process. The main trigger page for this inparticular trigger, should look something like this: Ok, now move on to event. The event screen for this particular trigger should look something like this: Ok, now move on to action. The action screen for this particular trigger should look something like this: And then you are all set... Save your map, and test to see if your trigger worked... I Hope this helped out some of the new mappers a bit.
  19. Some of you mappers may have noticed, that in the Trigger section in final sun, in the actions, there are a few numbers missing. These numbers missing are actually triggers you can use, but for some reason don't seem to appear in Final Sun. Under Actions - 91 = Go Berserk 95 = Nuke Strike 97 = Toggle Train Cargo I'm not sure whether this is just my computer or my Final Sun, but there are 4 numbers missing here in-between these two, and that’s how it appears in my Final Sun, Trigger actions list. The missing numbers, which i found out where: 91 = Go Berserk 92 = Turn on Houses Firestorm defence 93 = Turn off Houses Firestorm defence 94 = Fires Ion-Cannon at waypoint specified 95 = Nuke Strike 96 = Fires Chemical missile at waypoint specified 97 = Toggle Train Cargo In order to get these to work, simply type in the number of the Action (92, 93, 94) into the Action drop-box, and then simply set all the rest. If you type in any number in the action's drop box beyond number 109, these are all Actions used in Red Alert 2 and or Yuri's Revenge, so using any of the actions beyond 109 will cause you to get the annoying internal error. The same goes for the events too. After number 55, there are 2 more events, which are only used in Red Alert 2 and or Yuri's Revenge. Using these will give you the internal error aswell.
  20. I've noticed that there are alot of people who are using single-player maps, that're having problems with dropships in-game (Not the dropship loadout, but say getting reinforcements from off the map using a dropship trigger). Here is how you do it: Set the taskforce (Make sure the Dropship is first in the list) 1 Dropship 2 Titans 2 Wolverines Then set the event (Most important part for a dropship trigger) 1 Move to waypoint XX (This will be the waypoint where the dropship enters the map) 2 Unload (Select the option that says keep transport, loose units) 3 Move to waypoint XX (This will be the waypoint where the dropship leaves the map) Then create the new team type. Waypoint = X (Where it'll be appearing from off the map) TaskForce = The Dropship Taskforce Script = The Dropship script AutoCreate = Check Full = Check Owner = Make sure it's the correct owner (More than likely GDI) Now set the trigger. Basics: Repeat = No Disabled = No Attatched Trigger = None Events: Elapsed time = (Whenever you want it to arrive, set to 0 if it's right at the start of the map) Action: Creat Reinforcements at waypoint = Select the dropship Team type, and the waypoint of where it'll be appearing from. In-game, your dropship will arrive, drop off the loaded units, and then the dropship will leave the map. You now have a sucsessful dropship trigger. This'll be useful for those who want to make some GDI single-player maps.
  21. Welcome to the Repair Bay! This is the forum where you may request generic help for whatever problems you encounter. This is also the section where you may provide us with any feedback or suggestions regarding the C&C Comm Center. Remember to use the correct sections for your topics, Modding related questions for example are to be posted in the Construction Yard and questions about mapping should be posted in the Radar Dome. - Tore & Aro
  22. Welcome to The Construction Yard! This is the section to post any modding related questions you may have, you may also post any form of modding requests in here. This is NOT the correct section to post any finished products. If there is something that you require from a particular forum member, let them know via. PM, IM or Email, do not post new topics directed only at them! - Aro
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