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Everything posted by Aro

  1. PPM Will do it, So will TiberiumWeb... I Can guarentee Revora will do it, too.
  2. Excellent. I Think you should release them both in a pack, to make them easier to find. If It does come out how I would expect it too, I'll instantly Spotlight it.
  3. I Understand what you're saying, but alot of people don't actually use some of these maps for online play. What I'm saying is that If you believe making it look more detailed slows it down during online play, then make two seprate ones, one for online play and another for Skirmish's. Excellent job non-the-less.
  4. I Remember Marpus... It was good at It's time. The only issue, was that it wasn't well known at all. Lets just remember to advertise this one.
  5. Right, Here are some small suggestions. - Add more tree's for extra detailing. - Make The Ore and Gems look a little less blocky, by placing 1x1 pieces or Ore / Gems around them randomly. Well, you know what I mean.
  6. I Always liked that kind of theatre. There was just something about it that I Liked. Any chance you could do a much larger one? One with simmilar detailing to the Allied mission where you have to stop the missles from blowing up?
  7. This is a campaign i was originaly going to work on for RA2:YR, but i decided to change the game around.. I've been working on TS:RO, and The Project recently, and what me and Blade decided to do was merge YR : Twisted Insurrection and The Project together. So since there is not alot of news or updates on the Project, and I've done alot for TS:RO, i thought it'd be cool to make a new campaign. Staff: Aro[/color:8b7h21od] - Campaign; Team Leader; Cameo Artist; Coder. Team Black - Voxels; Cameo Artist. TSHyper - Graphical work. The Raven - Multiplayer Mapping. RoboPope99 - Terrain; 3D Modeling.
  8. [i:5k2wvzmu][u:5k2wvzmu]Originally Posted by: BeoWolf[/u:5k2wvzmu][/i:5k2wvzmu] http://esource.freedomstudios.net/misc/xcc.zip If you had issues, use these. The basics are all there: Mixer (1.21 so no Gen/BFME), Mod Creator, Mod Launcher, Mix Editor and the DAT files.
  9. After a quick In-Game tryout, I've decided this one Is more than worthy of a spotlight. Excellent detailing. If you get one or two more votes for a spotlight, I'll move It Into the spotlighted section.
  10. Nice to meet all of you. Hope you have a nice time here on CnCComm! Be sure to spread the Holy Word!
  11. Nice! This is great stuff, you know that? Well done.
  12. Now this one, I Like! Incliude one or two In-game screenshots, and It may be moved to the spotlighted section.
  13. These are actually very good idea's. They lack detail, muchly, but they're great for online play! Nice work. Also, I Deleted the topics with these maps released one by one. It's much better off as a map-pack, and saves forum space.
  14. You're releasing too many map's at once. Though these maps are actually nice (Some maybe even spotlight worthy), they should be merged into one topic. I'd do it, but there is no point now. Anyway, Excellent job on these maps, I'll play them, and see if I can pick some out for spotlighting.
  15. Kyle, I've editted your post so that It's not a global announcement (Unfortunately, the global selection on the finish post section sets the certain topic to appear in all threads, Even Tore's 'Please read before posting' thread appears in some forums that are not effected by the rules stated in that topic). Excellent work, by the way. I Do have a question. What is the story a CD Keys and serials? I Know that it does not search for them, but how exactly do you create an online accound with out a Serial?
  16. Excellent! Well done, N3tRunn3r! You win a cookie!
  17. Unfortunatly, Most Translator sites are extremely inaccurate. If they where actually accurate, I'd of passed my spanish exam a long time ago.
  18. The mod isn't a bad idea. I just think you should do alot more research into RA1 modding before you continue this project. It's not impossible to do some things that you mentioned, It'll just take alot more time to reseach into it. Good Luck. If you need a hand with anything that you're having MAJOR trouble with, just let me know on MSN. I'd like to see this project get lifted off the ground. Edit : You are aware that removing the 'Dirt' from under the buildings is not impossible, at all. It is very easy to do, but requires acuracy with a SHP creator. Just don't forget to remove it from the damage frames, buildup frames, animation frames etc.
  19. Ixith. This community really isn't popluar enough... Yet. Though, I doubt your work will go unoticed. If you'd do us the small favour of telling a few people about this site, it'll be greatly appreciated. The whole Idea of the website was for people who like all of the CnC games to try their hand's at modding the older games, as much as the newer games. This site is actually a very good idea, considdering the larger forums only focus on the newer games. It's very rare you'll find a forum about the older TD and RA1 games. Anyway, yeah... Excellent map, I always enjoyed playing this one. Like on the other forum(s)... SPOTLIGHTED!
  20. Hey guy's. Could one of you upload the older mapping tools? Such as RA1 map edditor and TD Map edditor? The more up-to-date ones, where it's possible to make single-player maps, etc. I'd like to try my hand at classic, Nods Viper style missions... only on the older games.
  21. Mine was perfect signature size. The only problem is with the smaller ones, is that they have a smaller chance of being spotted, while scrolling down a page. Some of you should post news of this new forum on the larger forum's news sections, such as Revora and PPM.
  22. Is there a server simmilar to this planned for RA2 / YR?
  23. Yeah! Recently I've really gotten into making logo's. I've made these for a Mod I've been working on, along-side Twisted Insurrection. First one is a logo for the Bad Guys (The Ministry). And The Second one is a logo for the Good Guys (The EPO). What do you think? Good comments... I Hope.
  24. Mine started... Ages ago. Like at least 2 weeks ago.
  25. Nah. It's perfect signature size.
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