If anyone is a big fan of online red alert, do not like lag, and need a lobby usually full of red alert pros + a ladder system, i highly recommend you guys to join tunggle as through my experience, i believe it to be the best VPN i have ever gamed on. Why i prefer this over others (CNC-NET and ra3.03 online) is because,
1. It is more stable than both.
2. Cnc-Net has this problem where the farther you are from europe the laggier the game.
Me being in pakistan stops me from playing on Cnc-Net and ra3.03 is just a bit unreliable for me. One more thing, i wanted to ask if any1 is interested, maybe we could try Command and conquer Gold on tunngle. If that runs on a good speed then i would be able to call in some cnc gold ppl and start gaming with them as i am dying to do so . (btw ive played with ppl in germany while me being pakistani and still the game remains lagless. I have seen some cnc-net videos in which there is minor lag in matches between people living really close-by. That would not be experienced on tunngle). Anyways this is all i have to say, now it is all up to you guys. I've just put the choice up so that i might get some players to play against.
Hoping for some positive resoponses!