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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. If you don't know what to do it become a pain...
  2. Going past cuases spacing bugs and words get cut off.
  3. Any chance of sending it to the Service Depot or sending out the Mobile Repair Vehicle to fix it?
  4. With console RTS games, it's mouse or bust for me. I never had an PSX, though, but one of my buddies did. No idea where he got the mouse from; PSX mice where notoriously hard to get back then i our area. I didn't even know they existed before I tried his. Had no prob with a controller and PSX. Use to know the cheat code by hart for Retaliation.
  5. The mail system seem to die once the forum change from cnc-comm.com to forums.cncnet.org or the change from http to https.
  6. I don't know if the current CnC Net SP exe will support jungle tilesets.
  7. Me too. First play of C&C was Red Alert Retaliation Allied disc. Also bought N64 version of TD when my local Showtime USA quit N64 games. The N64 TD left me wondering if we could rip the 3d models..
  8. Briefing text is added to the map like shown below. Please not that line 4 is the maximum length. If your lines are longer they my be missing in game. Add the below [briefing] the map by clicking the "T" in RAED by the minimap. This will open Text Editing model. Copy the [briefing] and use CTRL+V to paste it at the top of the map. [briefing] 1=A critical supply convoy is due through this area in 25 minutes, but 2=Nod forces have blocked the road in several places. Unless you can 3=clear them out, those supplies will never make it to the front. The 4=convoy will come from the northwest, and time is short so work quickly. If you want a blink space in between line use @@ like below. [briefing] 1=A critical supply convoy is due through this area in 25 minutes, but 2=Nod forces have blocked the road in several places. Unless you can 3=clear them out, those supplies will never make it to the front.@@ The 4=convoy will come from the northwest, and time is short so work quickly. I know of no max number lines but there can be some odd spacing bugs if you get around 10 lines.
  9. AI can see through the shroud. You can partly stop this by using GuardRange= on the unit. GuardRange by def uses weapon range. This will work for units not attacking so this is only really good for single player missions.
  10. The problem is GNRL is hardcoded to leave the map if loaded into a Transport Helicopter...
  11. Looks like money money money money money!
  12. The Mig has a guard gange of 45 for that mission. It has been a long time since I have played that mission but I'm qutie sure that the Navy, Con Yard and lower Power Plant is with in the 45 guard gange. Chad1233 There is no scripted time limit intill the Mig will bombs non stop. There are a few scripted attack but most of the attacks will be done by comming with in 45 squars of the Mig. There is a hunt tigger. This hunt tigger will send ALL Allied forces including the Mig to attack IF you have no units left.
  13. Open you map with notepad,WordPad or in RAED to the the "T" by the min map and add [General] GrowthRate=2 to the vary top of the map.
  14. I can see why. Default growth rate is 2 minutes to spread into adjacent and/or grow denser. If you want to make Ore growth faster add the below lines to your map. Chnage the number as you see fit. [General] GrowthRate=2
  15. The changes are map specific so only the map that has the OreGrowthRate change will be changed.
  16. Template is for the map Theater. There is no max number of Template tilesets that make up ground, cliffs, water, .ect. The max Template tilesets is done my the max map size that the game can support and that is 126x126 I'm no expert but my guess is that the Terrain=500 is used to set a max cap for everything in Terrain (tress) Smudge (craters and scorch marks) and Overlays (Ore, Walls, .etc). I could br wrong and that Smudge and Overlays could have no cap but I think it would as every other thing has a max cap.
  17. Maximums object from the rules.ini ; ******* Object Heap Maximums ******* ; These are the absolute maximum number of these object types ; allowed in the game (at any one time). [Maximums] Players=8 ; ipx layer limits this to 8 maximum Aircraft=100 Anim=100 Building=500 Bullet=50 Factory=32 ; 32 is minimum for 8 player game Infantry=500 Overlay=1 ; special case -- only needs one Projectile=20 ; projectile types, not actual projectiles Smudge=1 ; special case -- only needs one Team=60 TeamType=60 Template=1 ; special case -- only needs one Terrain=500 ; trees and rocks TrigType=80 ; trigger types Trigger=200 ; triggers themselves Unit=500 Vessel=100 Warhead=10 ; warhead types, not actual warheads Weapon=55 ; weapon types, not actual weapons
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