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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. Custom missions need to be named CMU##EA.ini (## can be 01 to 99) the AI probs are likely related to using skrmish/multiplayer. A Auto Create trigger also needs Production trigger or the AI can't build units.
  2. It is likey a trigger. You built the map so you should know when each trigger will "go off". The bad trigger will case the crash.
  3. Well that isn't any help. Could be a bad trriger or teamtype. Really need to have the map to test and debug.
  4. I used FreeCommander when I did re-sequencing of infanies. It a mass file rename program. It will let you re-name a slected group of files. It is simple once you understand what the program can do. Fo you task it may be best to rename a group at a time ex Running than Crawling. Once in FreeCommander find the files and select what files you want to rename (drag a box over them). Than hit F2. This will give you all of the options. The Counter is what you should need to mess with.
  5. They use a different colour palette. They'd need to be converted. I don't see any reason to do that though. Civilian buildings are made to fit the theater. Yes I know about TD and the colour palette. I know that the desert buildings do look odd on grass but maybe some one could make some new ones to replace the buildings when used on grass.
  6. It only "worked" in the editor. It won't work ingame. You need to use the specific Desert civilian buildings. Any civilian buildings from the wrong theater will show up as invisible ingame. Couldn't you just add the missing civilian buildings to the theater's mix or SC.mix with the right file extension? I was able to do this with RA1 and the left over TD desert civilian buildings. They had to be in theater mix or the would fail to load right after using Restart Mission or loading a mission from the in-mission load screen with RA1.
  7. TaxOwlbear http://www.ppmforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=34023&sid=bef4bf2b396317789d4a4bb33fc6c701
  8. Been geting errors like above too. Trying to replay to this I got web page crashing and reloading in a loop. Also two tries to reply to this as well.
  9. Don't have clue what this means but as long as your making progress it is all good!
  10. Some of the campaign missions have names like Chad1233 pointed out.
  11. Both version of this misson feel the same.
  12. That is the last of the lorries tell CS and AF...Than you got 6 missions that have lorries to escort or kill.
  13. The green squares in side of the red lines are the tiggers that cause the truck to run so you should be able to land a small force on the beach.
  14. The triggers that tell the truck to run are only on the out side of the base. 3 or 4 tiggers tell the trick to run. Depending on what way you try to enter the base will make the truck run using a different escape route. A compose of screenshots I took of the mission in RAED. If your units try to attack the base from the outside and cross the red lines I drew the truck will run but if you land in side of all of the green boxes the truck will stay in the base even if attacked.
  15. When I played this mission for the 1st time it beat the ever loving fark out of me. I ended up taking over the tan/brown base and using a mix of Allied and Soviet units and buildings. I also had the truck get away a few times. I ended up building a wall of tanks on all 3 sides of the base so the truck could not leave the map. It ran into one of the walls of tanks and died. Also the truck dosn't have a run when attacked tag attached to it so you can take it out with paratroops and parbombs.
  16. Elba Island A is a pain in the rear. The ship hunting isn't bad it is the lack of Ore and the Ore patches are Mined...
  17. TaxOwlbear I'll bet this happens on all maps. The AI cheats... Goatmessiah Italy was planned at one time and was latter changed to Ukraine. If you open EDWIN.exe with a hex editor you can find Italy in the houses. X3M Never seen a mission have hardcoded logic like TD in RA1.
  18. This isn't TibSun or RA2 so you can't add a new rifle infantry.
  19. I see nothing in the mission that would make the Allied units faster. Jacko There are 2 sides that are Red and Blue. USSR and BadGuy are both the same Red. Greece and GoodGuy are both the same Blue.
  20. The mission that PETA should be crying at....
  21. Yes it is illegal to download it from a torrent and we here won't help you or any one get a illegal downloaded version working. Maybe some one will know how to get you a good link for Origin or do some seaching for you old CDs.
  22. Nyerguds Dosen't work in RA1 as well at least for singleplayer mission. Don't see why they would for MP games as well.
  23. Antares You should be able to cap the max number of units by the BuildLimit= key. It is the only way to put a cap on the number of a single unit that can be made. Nyerguds Dose something like [Multi1] MaxUnit=150 MaxInfantry=150 MaxBuilding=150 Not work in RA1? I never tested this but Max*****= are seen in the first few missions for both sides.
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