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  1. We will have 10 kinds of Ribbons soon! Sad Combat Zones didn't make it. :(
  2. Combat zones Extreme, Central Conflict Extreme, War Tank
  3. Sure. RAM is top. GG. Hands down.
  4. He disconnected. Check the game. He has one tank left. It's a bug. He didn't have anything. https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/5-2019/ra/games/85183
  5. Someone, most likely RasAlGhul abusing the "Everything lost but game won't end" bug right now. I have an army, he has nothing on Ribbon. Won't resign, won't leave. I'll leave my RA open and go to bed. I hope my internet connection or electricity doesn't go down. Yes, I'n sure he has no naval unit. Started to punish him with naders early.
  6. My opponent resigned. He has no units etc, but won't leave the game. We're still in game. It's a V3 game. You may check the ladder. Thanks! Edit: His nickname is "hidernoob".
  7. This is the proof I beat him after getting out of gems. LMAO. I don't know this guy. Shame on him. I wrote these at the forums and the lobby: i was in gems in kotg. ask for a draw "RIP" attacked me then oosed. ranked match he destroyed wall. i went out and beat him then, hmm i guess then he accepted draw offer he's the biggest noob i beat him after getting out so no more kotg ranked Played on: 180210 Proof: https://youtu.be/fXWXvQNxm-I
  8. LOL Funky. Please unban him. He impersonated me in the end, eh? As I told you via PM, since official cheaters caught by you are playing freely, since insults (including racist and gay rape insults) are OK in the lobby, let AndrewFord come back please. I'm calling Thunder and ifuc to get reasonable too, if they read this. I know these guys well. They won't reject, or I'll beat the hell out of them in 1v1s till they forgive Andrew. Everybody, chill. B)
  9. Glad I read old topics. Bumping this to give the YouTube channel links with RA videos: dancoyu: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_533OPYt65MbO7z_lOnmQ ma1kel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu83QhiSZqSBYvY8HO0ityQ RedAlert1Online: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2mkiH_GytWB6ObDxEDQnTQ CCRedAlert1: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKI10b4cPQpaRuctOFZwWWg At0m1: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTmrNoBq4S9Ax65x9CEYA-w Please share if you know more. Edit: Fixed list format.
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