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Everything posted by Steffen

  1. I can stream games : ) Message me on skype: steffster2 twitch site: http://twitch.tv/cncsteffster
  2. Hey neo Is it possible to add my stream too? Fairly enough im streaming most of my games on xwis but i've talked to kinkys about the cncnet tournament to stream some games as host. https://www.twitch.tv/cncsteffster Thanks mate.
  3. Commander, we are ready for CHINA vs XWIS - Second Tournament Upcoming Games: Marko vs jayaxi LIVE STREAM in 3 hours and 5 minutes! Stream links: https://www.youtube.com/user/dsect0r http://twitch.tv/cncsteffster http://www.panda.tv/62325 Replays: https://www.youtube.com/user/dsect0r/videos https://www.twitch.tv/cncsteffster/profile Prizes: Champion 5000RMB - $769.38 Runner up 3000RMB - $461.63 Third 2000RMB - $307.75 Fourth 1000RMB - $53.88 Fifth to 8 500RMB per person - $76.94 (pre tax) rate of 20%. Date: Starting June 5th Time: weekdays - 7PM to 2AM (19:00 - 2:00) --> gmt+8 weekends - 12PM to 2AM (12:00 - 2:00) --> gmt+8 Good luck & have fun!
  4. really sad how less the activity is. I think ppl not even trying to set up games.
  5. Here are the next 3vs3's vs Team AuF http://www.twitch.tv/cncsteffster/v/49210977
  6. Team 1 Alarm2202 + Sero + alpaca Team 2 [auf]Crazy + [auf]admiral + gaciek Team 7 KinKys3x + Ico0 + Porzingis Can any team play right now? We are all on. Seems hard to arrange a game on skype. On which days/time can you play?
  7. Hey Stef, I'm [AuF]Admiral, i've added your skype i'm peter.armstrong49. alright!
  8. yo dude Ill add you on skype cuz we play vs your team
  9. I will stream our 3vs3 games and maybe some diff 3on3s. So just add me on skype if any one is playing a 3vs3. Team 6 edd + sam + steffen http://www.twitch.tv/cncsteffster/profile Real name: Steffen Game name: GanXster Skype: steffster2 So we have to play Team 1 Alarm2202 + Sero + alpaca Team 2 [auf]Crazy + [auf]admiral + gaciek Team 7 KinKys3x + Ico0 + Porzingis It would be cool, if you guys can give me your skype names. Ill add you there and we set up a time.
  10. Edd, Sam and me will play, if we can handle the different time zones. Ill stream our 3vs3s. If we can't play ill stream the tournament as commentator. If some1 is interested check my twitch and maybe follow me! Because I do not know exactly, when the games will we played. http://twitch.tv/cncsteffster
  11. Hello people, Origin have released a free download of Ra2 and YR for a limited amount of time. Spread the word and make sure you claim your copy! https://www.origin.com/en-ie/store/free-games/on-the-house Have fun to play on XWIS server. Why should you play on XWIS? - Official Server - Hall of Fame - Resolution patch - Ranked system for tournament and clan matches - Best players - Anti cheat server How to play on XWIS server? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eChDnGs7hVA Ladder: http://xwis.net/ra2/ http://xwis.net/yr/ Forum: xwis.net/forums Have fun! Greetz CnCsteffster
  12. Hey man, ye i do remember, sure! I respect and like CnCNet for all games. Im happy that there's a server for players, who just wanna play fun games and dont have to buy a serial. But im only playing on a ranked ladder on XWIS. But in the end we all love C&C ! ; )
  13. Im live now for some 2v2 actions http://www.twitch.tv/cncsteffster
  14. im live now. Link: www.twitch.tv/cncsteffster
  15. Yo guys! Im live now for some 2vs2 Clan Match action. Link: www.twitch.tv/cncsteffster
  16. streaming some 2v2 clan matches now!
  17. Okay, np! Yea that's true. Twitch is Monopol in streaming games =P Not rly an other choise atm.
  18. Yea for streaming i prefer Xsplit. I tried also OB and other one, which I dont remember.
  19. I rly love youtube too. But I think twitch is one of the biggest game streams of the world. And I reach way more people on twitch as on youtube. Maybe im wrong with it. But I can just say it for me.
  20. The best think to do is, make an twitch account and follow my stream. So you'll get en email, when im live. Its the easiest way. I was in many clans back in days. @CnC@, scandi, -3d-, WayBak, XKOTRT and Sexy. Maybe i've missed some.
  21. streaming some 2vs2 clan games
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