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Everything posted by Spo0kyCow

  1. Cnick, I could quote you then respond in kind dispelling your little rant but it's not worth my time or effort to feed a troll. If you continue to harass me and others with your hate and nonsense when you return I will gladly post chat logs I have that would only embarrass you further. Your only reply here should be to thank FunkyFr3sh for banning you for one short month instead of permanently and that you will behave yourself once the ban has expired. To FunkyFr3sh: Thank you for taking swift action regarding this matter. I must tell you it is refreshing to play in a community that is actually monitored and maintained. The hard work you and your team have done here is amazing and is appreciated by all C&C fans. To Cnick: If you get bored during the month you are 'on break', feel free to visit my teamspeak 3 server and we can sort this out in a mature fashion as to avoid any problems in the future. The teamspeak address is RAG.teamspeak.cc and you will likely find me in the Tiberian Sun section. RAG = Respect All Gamers
  2. You will also see "(auto detect)" to the right beside the box that you would enter the time offset in. Click this and it should fill in the box with the correct time offset for your region provided you are not using proxies. Make sure to scroll down a bit and click "Change Profile" in the bottom right corner so it is saved. This should now show you the correct timestamps for your region. PM me if you need assistance.
  3. Thank you. I of course have him on ignore so that solves it for me, but everyone may not be as savvy. Normally I would not even post this and just ignore them, but I found this thread and thought it interesting that he was granted another chance but still seems unable to learn from it.
  4. Unfortunate that his ban was lifted twice now and he still has not mended his ways. Cnick is racist and continues to enter our games (and probably others) typing racist remarks then leaving. I guess he graduated from making lewd comments in the lobby to naming rooms racist names to now just joining other peoples game rooms and doing things like the picture I uploaded show. He even went as far as sending me a PM with this nonsense. Please ban this racist harassing person and CnCnet will be a happier place again.
  5. Thanks Frodo. I was just reading this and was going to make those files available here also instead of just in my teamspeak server but you beat me to it while I registered for the forums and finished up the TS games. The two files Frodo posted that I offer is NOT a workaround but a fix. I have been using them for years and do NOT get wave class errors (also known as internal errors). If you are unsure about it working online (which it always has for me since XWIS and now to CnCnet) then make sure to rename your current game.exe file to "gameOLD.exe" and cut it to save it somewhere else so you can always revert back. Just make sure to download the file that you need, whether you play with the CD or not depends on which one you need. Hope all enjoy Tiberian Sun without internal errors.
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