Tiberian Dawn has a much more superior plot and depth than Red Alert.
C&C has this 90's geopolitical, industrial, economic and media warfare going on.
It has a Gulf/Vietnam war mood to it. The conflicts are low in intensity and spread out.
The emphasis is put more on task forces, covert operations and propaganda.
GDI and Nod are interesting factions. This isn't a generic conventional war between 2 states or nations,
it's a global war between 2 clashing ideologies. It's also interesting how there is no clear 'good guy' and 'bad guy' in this war.
GDI can be seen as angels, peacekeepers of the world while Nod are fanatical terrorists. Or..
Nod can be seen as freedom fighters, liberators while GDI only serves as pawns for the corporate elite to keep the status quo.
There are many ways to view this war. There is the political aspect, ideological aspect, the religious aspect and the spiritual aspect.
GDI views Tiberium as a scientific anomaly, a danger to mankind. Nod sees potential in Tiberium, a bright future.
Kane is a very mysterious and charismatic man who's true motives are (still) unknown.
Red Alert is very simplistic and bland. It's a World War where both sides throw soldiers and tanks at eachother in a battle of attrition.
It's a very bloody and costly war that leaves the European continent ravaged. There's not much politics or media involved,
it's just a basic (and brutal) war. What is most interesting is Kane's involvement in the Soviet Union. He acts as Stalin's personal advisor,
and it makes one wonder if Kane was the one pulling the strings all along..
The intro and music in Tiberian Dawn reflects on that 90's political and mysterious setting.
What is truth, what are lies? "Act on Instinct" is a wonderful piece, and "March to Doom" reminds us that war is terrible.
The music in Red Alert is funky, groove and hip. It's a glorification of war.
Hell, in the first Soviet mission you gas a town of civilians.
"Hell March" is arguably the most popular C&C track, although I believe it's a bit overrated.
There are alot more great tracks, such as "Vector", "Big Foot" and "Trenches".