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About Zeoinx
- Birthday 08/06/1983
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Red Alert 2 Desolation Redux Port, also from Tib Sun (2-6)
Zeoinx posted a topic in Mapping Discussion
Im on a roll, back to winter wonderland of the Desolation Redux. This time, I did update the map to give ground force access to the water, allowing anyone who wants to build a naval yard landing craft access, in the case of the Soviets, and Yuri, a necessary use to allow engineers to get to the islands in the middle where two bonus tech oil derricks are. Ore is a bit light on this map, making protecting your oil derricks and obtaining bonus ones a priority objective for long game win. Like always, hope you all enjoy! desolationredux.yrm -
So after a bit of fighting with the map editor, as i didnt know TS snow map didnt like blue tiberium growth crystals, I eventually decided to port the map to YR. Might have to do a slight balance tweek later, as the oil derrick on one side allows them to build a refinery on the gem island, but will update this later, since this right now is more a gun map. Dueling Frost is the snow biome version, and Dueling Islands 2024, is the port I did a while ago. Hope you all enjoy duelfrost.yrmduel2024.yrm
Update : Blue Tiberium Growth Crystal apparently is bugged on snow? or in General? Removed it and it worked fine.
So was making a map, wanted to swap out the tile set of Dueling Islands from the classic Temperate, to Snow, ended up removing all the unique Firestorm tiles, or So I thought, copied whole map, pasted, and started reworking the map from there in order to fit the new snow theme more. After cleaning up what I needed to, I hit save, saw no errors for the map, and went to play it, where the moment i get into the map, I bearly have a chance to move a unit before the entire game crashes. Can someone help me narrow down the crashing issue. duelfrost.mpr
Good thing I wasnt being "Pro" at the time lol Was just an amusing story that I figured id share from some of my first experiences playing the RTS genre
Just a quick question here, when saving a map as .mpr, I noticed the map will not load in Yuri's Revenge's (havent tried it in RA2) skirmish list. When I manually renamed the file to .yrm it showed up fine and is playable. Is .mpr only reserved for solo RA2 and not YR? Or am I doing something wrong in the map creation process? Either map size or something else? The map in question is my port of Super Bridgehead Redux to Red Alert 2, but its made using Final Alert. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/125172067/Red%20Alert%202%20Maps/super_Bhead_redux.rar
I am porting a few maps from Tiberian Sun over to Red Alert 2, and during so, I had a flashback of a lan game me and my father had when I was younger, it was me vs him, he was GDI, and I was NOD, on Super Bridgehead Redux and I had the ground game pretty much well in hand and he couldnt get near my base, due to artillery and steath tech, and I was still massing a few more artillery cannons before I attempted to invade his base. because he had too many RPG defenses. Apparently, somehow, he massed a TON of Orca Bombers in the time it took me to mass my army of tanks and artillery, and just when I was about to invade, my base got bombed back to the stone age, but my construction yard survived so I ran my 5 surviving artillery cannons, 3 tick tanks, and burrowing transport with some random cyborgs to "The Fortress".....or what I now call it "Island of Cheese" I deployed my Construction yard on the island, long since mined out of all the blue tiberium, and built SAM's and rocket infantry on the island, deployed my artillery and just kinda attempted to send my harvester out when i could..... so I could attempt a come back, eventually the bridge gets destroyed by my killing of his Titians trying to stomp across, my harvester and refinery now useless, so I sold my refinery and built 4 more sams, around the island randomly. Apparently, the titians didnt get close enough across the island to see enough of the island to send swarms of bombers again, and every time he attempted to send Jump Jet infantry, the sam's and rocket infantry knocked them out before they got close, causing what ended as a draw, though technically he won. But I managed to place the game in a state he couldn't officially win. Has anyone else had any games with some really interesting tactical retreats like that? Picture is the island port in Red Alert 2 : Yuri's Revenge as I test the map
DOWNLOAD LINK : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/125172067/Red%20Alert%202%20Maps/access2015.rar So for this port, I decided to go with a jungle theme, as the way the terrain and city layout appeared in my head made me think of a small outskirts of a larger city near jungle's and mountains, maybe Brazil or something... Anyway guys leave me some feedback on these maps weather ya like the ports.
N...N...NECRO POST!...but I thought id bump this as this topic was indeed helpful to me (and wouldnt want this topic to somehow get lost to the sands of time and lost) and thought id say thanks for the patch. Im using the free install of Tib sun that EA released, and Final Sun stoped working after the first time i used it stating that Tib Sun wasnt installed correctly and couldnt find Tibsun.mix even though it was where the first time i used it Anyway, only thing Id mention is if whoever made the patch could make a proper "install notification" window pop up that would be great, wasnt sure it opened correctly
The next map Im currently working on is Limited Access, the one that had the "Tiberium Vein monster" in the middle, the monster of course is removed. Its looking alright so far, but I need to do the detailing for it yet. I'll look into Forest Fires and Terrace and see what I can do with them.
Another clone topic I made in other simlar forums, going to have a hard time keeping track of these, but here ya go. (In reference to a different topic i made there, i was trying to see if someone else made these maps or if they were interested in doing so....) Well apparently this is a LOT easier then I thought it was going to be, and since no-one replied stating it was done before on my other topic when i was looking for others who did it or could, I attempted it on one of the smaller maps I enjoyed in Firestorm, Dueling Islands. With the exception of a few minor tile errors, and two major cliff errors (took a bit of working to get it normal) I managed to set it up so it looks pretty good. The only real major change to the map is the non destructible cliff faces on the gem islands to the north and south of the two bases respectably, and the addition of 1 oil derrick at each base, and a bunker near the entrance ramp to the base. I'll prob attempt to do all the Tiberian Sun maps eventually, but next on my list is going to be Super Bridgehead Redux. Let me know if there were any bugs I missed. Download : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/125172067/Red%20Alert%202%20Maps/duel2015.rar If you cant open the file, use WinRaR. Super Bridgehead Redux was a bit more bug fixing, and I didn't fix all the shores perfectly yet as I didn't want to completely change the terrain and make it flat. Also, as i was adding random tree's I started prob going a tad overboard, until I remembered if this was lore friendly, this would be before the Tiberium Outbreak totally destroys most of nature, so I turned the entire map into what I felt was a entire forest and mountian range. Map prob still has some work to do, and some adjustments in detailing, but I think its looking alright so far. Download : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/125172067/Red%20Alert%202%20Maps/super_Bhead_redux.rar If you cant open the file, use WinRaR.
First what kind of maps are you looking for , Offical Westwood made maps? or Fanmade maps. As far as sharing, its simple as after you download said map, just send the download link to friend, or send the file directly to them using your fav file transfer method. all maps are placed in the core installation directory. http://www.cnclabs.com/maps/redalert2/westwood-maps.aspx <--- RA2 // YR Maps Offical Westwood Created Maps
I think Allied are a tad overpowered on a 1V1 VS Russian Forces. though, I think i played against a possible newbie. I ended up building a refinery and sent my MCV to their base and plopped a barracks down with my starting tanks and just steamrolled them with infantry right away. They couldnt counter GI's with Conscripts because the GI deployment range. (Not sure if I used Guardian GI's against there tanks....but that still extends my point) Allied are overpowered in rush tactics. In my defense, I havent done that tactic since, I was actually returning to the CNC games after switching to Brood War for a while, where rushing was kinda the "tactic" to go with.....honestly was surprised it worked so well in the slower paced RA2.