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  1. Thank you cncnet and community! I will be back when I have faster internet! What my cnc career turned into for a successful youtube channel
  2. lol, practicing focus above distraction is cnc staple! I don't know about if it will be a stripper, but... That is a really good idea that I will follow thru on at some point.
  3. This took some time, If people want to play online FOR REAL and don't quite know enough, they can start here. (You won't even have to scroll & there's hot chicks and good music!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Jm0LzCOVRE
  4. NICE! here's my live action Mine Craft video (I punch the hell out of those treez yo!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X5nONCMdts
  5. & I'm gona make a kindle type thing for this but thru youtube 1 of these days if someone else doesn't (if your going to please tell me so I don't)
  6. O yeah, and I got a weak wrist and am learning about carpel tunnel, proper wrist position and can't even play #nerd injuries #wear a wrist thing while playing #reality
  7. Only a weak minded person would fall for this attempt to boulster status by putting others down... the people that play this game aren't kids anymore
  8. I've been crying about this and unknowingly muewing it over and the scouting thing you say must be "in the air". Having not researched the scores @ all & not having any real clue how they actually work (just that there wrong) I don't know, but there isn;t alot i can do about it so why bother learning it. I liked what you said about the loosing team/players possibly winning/being up in the numbers, It could give a good player that gets stuck on a bad team or something some kind of an incentive to play it out instead of get mad n yell at everyone.
  9. Ahh great... another pseudo intellect...welcome... Thats it your fired you cant post over here no more Pseudo intellect? Don't even pretend like you know anything about me...ever. Got it? HEY LOOK! your fired, just because you come into work and start slinging tools doesn't mean your gona get paid. (I've dealt w/this before)
  10. Ahh great... another pseudo intellect...welcome... Thats it your fired you cant post over here no more Pseudo intellect? Don't even pretend like you know anything about me...ever. Got it?
  11. Ahh great... another pseudo intellect...welcome...
  12. Good Tiberian Sun Guides Mole40k 2013 guide: http://mjryder.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Tiberian-Sun-guide-v4-c-Mole40k-2013.pdf Kaizen 2016 guide: http://dillonmiles12345.wixsite.com/2016tiberiansunguide/blank
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