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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by JSDS

  1. Hi all when i did today update 2.66.2 game dont start
  2. JSDS

    lag still

    wow adam when u becamed problmes fixer? :O i did that befor not working i think you lie. you just called me lieyer adam why i do that ? i lag every room i join . and hosting game lag alsow if you dont belive me host i game and me join you :yo:
  3. that skynet survival map is hard but good as challenge cant find my pro freinds in survial to play it
  4. JSDS

    lag still

    wow adam when u becamed problmes fixer? :O i did that befor not working
  5. JSDS

    lag still

    i use windows 7 and this lag start some 15 days ago . i didint play since that time i back today i have the the game still laggy
  6. JSDS

    lag still

    hmm u say some of people gived me fixes but not working be smart if that was working why i post again?
  7. JSDS

    lag still

    dear grant i have posted befor that i have good ping and i do still lag.i tryed skirmish game as you asked me to do and it is not lag soo here im again want fix for that O_o
  8. very funny gaciek maybe he is some nooob u won lol XD
  9. hi u want other players career in ra2 . i will tell you mine well i start see my big bro play ra2 out side the house with his freinds in the old westwood befor xwis and i liked the game soo i started that time was soo young some 5 years maybe or 4 start with skirmish games with easy allies then to hard but i mover to yr didint play much ra2 but in yr defrent story yr was easy then RA2 start skirmish and my big bro showed me how to play but he always own me lol we play network games some times and now in 2016 in june maybe i started play online yr in cncnet the start was hard humains not like yr bots was lose alot and win some times but some players gived me hand and gived me advices soo i becamed better then i start play in xwis ra2 i found some 6 or 7 players but i played some get rank 44 and stoped there becasue some one said dont play there well in the end my career still short and i still have time to play more
  10. JSDS

    nick name used

    listen to justin. he is the master ohh now adam say justin master plz do easy on me :D u maked me laugh maybe he is your master not mine
  11. JSDS

    nick name used

    some one plz tell this moron to leave me alone and admins bad word in forom do your job
  12. JSDS

    nick name used

    wow all what u said is true joe
  13. JSDS

    nick name used

    some admin plz come here find who was using my nickname and tell me and i will lock the topic :mad:
  14. JSDS

    nick name used

    did some one ask for your opinion justin? #1talker XD XD
  15. JSDS

    nick name used

    adam dont u have eney thin to do?
  16. as all know my nickname is JSDS and i invated this nick and the only one who know why this nick soo i added symbols and number to be [JSDS_99 but now i joined clan FF it becamed [FF] JSDS when i logged today i found another person using my nickname [JSDS_99 playing in game with some one i know game name was 1v1 pro and it was [JSDS_99 vs[outlaw_ i waited when game end i asked outlaw who was that i still waiting for anser my message is the fake JSDS is leave my nickname PLEASE!! if u have some thin with me go ahead say im in lobby almost always :yo: :yo: :yo:
  17. that is when use vpn
  18. stop fighting guyz probleme is not fixed yet eney REAL sulution???? :mad:
  19. should i try to re install cncnet?
  20. hi grant skirmish game is not lag
  21. hi all im having little probleme when i join game i have good pings like 53 or 47 and i do lag the game eney fix for that ? or it go by time?
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