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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by JSDS

  1. JSDS

    cncnet banned me

    I guess you were just drunk or on some quality smack and benzos? it was wraited in cncnet lobby [JSDS_99 have been kicked from cncnet lobby and i exited and when i tryed to login it do bustfire cncnet #yr who is drunk now ?
  2. JSDS

    cncnet banned me

    How much did you have to pay?! all what i did start the game i was finding no games and no players untill i go cncnet chat lobby i find players but no games but now it is working noramly :D
  3. maybe because nicks is defrent if u add symbol or number like JSDS and JSDS_1
  4. JSDS

    cncnet banned me

    i did nothin to get banned but now im back online XD XD XD
  5. im banned :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
  6. game it installed and cncnet update 2.65 is installed alsow but now i fixed the error it was net framwark 4.5 do problemes i changed it in 4.0 now it work :heady: :heady:
  7. the application cant start corectly (0xc000007b) HELP ME PLZ
  8. the ladder have probleme it does not record my games at all i won 7 or 8 games in 1vs1 and it does not record in the ladder and i find to of me http://ladder.cncnet.org/#/yr/player/%5Bjsds_1'>http://ladder.cncnet.org/#/yr/player/%5Bjsds_1 http://ladder.cncnet.org/#/yr/player/%5Bjsds need help please fast thx for reading :heady:
  9. the ladder have probleme it does not record my games at all i won 7 or 8 games in 1vs1 and it does not record in the ladder and i find to of me http://ladder.cncnet.org/#/yr/player/%5Bjsds_1'>http://ladder.cncnet.org/#/yr/player/%5Bjsds_1 http://ladder.cncnet.org/#/yr/player/%5Bjsds need help please fast thx for reading :laugh:
  10. -AuF- AuFRuLeR we have anfinish business :yo: :yo: payback joe
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