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Ladder Tester
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About JSDS

  • Birthday March 3

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  1. JSDS

    client doesnt start

    Hello. i have this weird issue in my YR client which makes it doesnt work , so i installed ra2 and Yr succesfuly ( i am on xwis version ) and installed Cncnet's installer also succesfuly and the update gave me no crash message at all . the problem is after the update i see yuri on my task manager but i get nothing :/ tryed to kill the processor and re-entring again ,but still nothing . tryed also resarting the computer and even re-installing and the client still not working P.S : i am on windows 7 . 64 bit
  2. Hi, today i updated my client version to 5.3 update was succesful but it didin't restart . and when i tryed to start it again client didint open at all. ? is there a fix for this issue ? ps : i am on windows 7 . 32Bit
  3. [JsGoMaD] & Kyntaja Are on.^^ we dont have a name yet.
  4. hello , can you tell me how to ally in game ?
  5. I agree with all what you mentioned ,except the last point .
  6. prep just make it a tournament of 8 players . i'll play . just find 7 others and make this thing happen @XXxPrePxX
  7. PREP !!!! i'll play if this thing still going on :/
  8. seems like im missing too many things . who won this thing ?
  9. Don't forgot to post links of games if this tourney ever happens.
  10. Re read the last 3 lines i typed .
  11. if sunny did really cheat he wouldnt get his rank 1's after passing XWIS admins and Screenshots checking . far i was told by some YR players he didint even get banned from XWIS but probably have been giving a Yellow card only . admins coudnt prouve that he was cheating . even i saw some vids of anyone that faced him have a issue in miners that stopes on multi maps.
  12. having a clan ladder would be a great add for CnCNet that will make playing more fun and comparative. as @XXxPrePxX mentioned above making a clan ladder much similar to Current QM would be good as a start . in my opinion to evoide a lot of work maybe try to make it very simple ( doesnt have to be very good at start and more work on it while updates )
  13. leave you from the idea of new colors . just add few colors to qm im starting to get bored from red and yellow only . bleu would be nice
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