HyperThreading doesn't split single-core performance in half like that. Otherwise there'd be no benefit to HT, and Core i5s (that don't have HT) would be twice as fast in single-threaded tasks than HT-enabled Core i7s, while they're actually evenly matched with the same clock speed.
And even if HT caused a performance drop, it wouldn't result in a crash.
TS-DDRAW is a likely cause for the crash.
I get better performance and loading times when HT off (i7-4770)... Never said anything about a crash.
Just team up with the cpu on a survival map, put the speed to fastest and see it by yourself. you will soon lag like crazy anyway.
Also, this game doesn't need a graphics card anymore.. runs fine on just the igpu :laugh:
Anyway, my RA2 performance is the same or a bit less than it was more than 12 years ago with my pentium 4 :laugh:
Last year when i installed this game again i was like, wow the loading times are worse. Then i put HT off and it improved a bit. But you and SiRaLeX may know better...