since the new windows 10 update I have noticed that a waypoint option has changed but I do not know what it is..
I can set waypoints the same as before.
Now when it comes to deleting a waypoint something has changed.
When selecting a waypoint (before the maximum is reached) the LOOP mode Icon automatically displays and it tries to loop from the last waypoint, if you now press delete it deletes the last waypoint and not the selected one.
This is different behaviour, previously you could just select the waypoint (giving the no cursor icon. The LOOP cursor only appeared if you pressed the Shift button) allowing deletion of the selected waypoint.
Basically there is an option here that has changed, perhaps it goes by the name of "WaypointAutoLoop" or "WaypointAutoShift" or such, does anyone know what option it is please?
I show a screenshot but it is not very helpful. Notice from the image that the cursor on waypoint 6 is the LOOP cursor, also note that I am not holding down the SHIFT key which is what was previously required for the LOOP cursor to appear, this cursor is probably produced from some AUTOSHIFT or AUTOLOOP option which I am trying to disable. I am trying to delete the waypoint not add to its functionality.