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  1. Getting into a 4v4 game is already pretty hard and hell, let alone to host one... not to mention all the potential lag...
  2. That was what my last beach frontier game looked like. This was made harder because I was soviets, which suck at long games without superweapons. Maps that I generally avoid are hammer&sickle and sedona pass. Whoever gets the top right position in the map gets early gems and a bridge to anti-scout and camp on their ass. The fact that crates are often enabled doesn't help either. And its often played by noobs who camp by blowing the bridge and camp. Sedona pass on ra2 mode is fine as allies don't have OP battle fortress and shit but on YR mode its hell. Becomes a long ass battle. There are also some noobs that change the settings to whatever besides the default on certain map to support whatever wonky build order they do which would never work on normal circumstances. An example is that this one person on Tsunami set the starting credits to 100,000 and built twelve harriers and attacked by MCV. He didn't even build any naval at all, and later when I scouted with an amphibious transport, he didn't have any units other than harriers and gis dropped by paras. He had only 1 miner. It was just disgusting. Obviously the second time I destroyed him.
  3. I fricken hate modded maps with a passion, which usually contain some form of infinite money. Stuff like Redzones, Beach Front, Top vs bottom, etc. Without a limited supply of money it just becomes a matter of who can keep making units and play the longest: 1. Its all about unit spam 2. you can't do some sneaky attack such as using chrono legionaires or paradrop because their entire base is filled with gap generators, and they probably have way too many buildings to do any meaningful damage 3. Harassing your opponent is useless since there is infinite money 4. Allies is the only viable faction due to gap generators 5. Superweapons are almost never on, further emphasizing unit spam. At least superweapons will actually make the unit spamming game sort of dynamic and will make the players actually think and strategize, but the people who play these maps often refuse to play with them 6. You can't force an engagement unless if its inside their base, which if you do so you will obviously lose. 7. Expanding from the above point, from my experience, games are often ended when one person gets impatient, gets bored, or doesn't have enough time to sit on their ass for 2 hours and attacks his/her opponent, often at their base where they will retreat to 8. Removes fundamental elements in this game which makes ra2/yuri revenge fun, such as economy, micro, multitasking, harassing, etc. Only leaves the macromanagement component of the game. I can't think of a single reason why so many people play these maps on CNCnet-- they seem very popular, which may explain the poor skill level for the playerbase of CNCnet for standard and default type games. This rant I just made is not intended whatsoever to insult or discourage players who enjoy playing these types of maps-- I still respect what you do.
  4. For me, I like official tourney map B. It doesn't matter where you start because both sides are equal, and its open so you can't hardcore turtle. It's just big enough to easily stop an early rush if detected, but small enough to successfully rush. Though you still need to have proper eco, the oil derricks and gems give you enough money to use almost any build order or strategy with the standard 10,000 credits. There is also a variety of strategies that can be used in this map. The only problem is dog fights, nothing is more irritating than your opponent sending a dog or two and killing all your dogs with his luck and denying your set of oil derricks, or even worse, killing all your dogs and eating your engies.
  5. It doesn't matter if alting has a counter or not, if it is a bug that can be used to favour one person's advantage, it is bug abuse and exploitation, basically borderline cheating. I'm skeptical whether walling your ref or war factory counters this exploitation, but either way alting is still bug exploitation and should be banned from stuff like ladder play. However, since CNCnet doesn't have ladder play, getting banned for this sounds pretty harsh, but people may remember you as an ass if you constantly troll with this tactic and won't play with you
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