I fricken hate modded maps with a passion, which usually contain some form of infinite money. Stuff like Redzones, Beach Front, Top vs bottom, etc. Without a limited supply of money it just becomes a matter of who can keep making units and play the longest:
1. Its all about unit spam
2. you can't do some sneaky attack such as using chrono legionaires or paradrop because their entire base is filled with gap generators, and they probably have way too many buildings to do any meaningful damage
3. Harassing your opponent is useless since there is infinite money
4. Allies is the only viable faction due to gap generators
5. Superweapons are almost never on, further emphasizing unit spam. At least superweapons will actually make the unit spamming game sort of dynamic and will make the players actually think and strategize, but the people who play these maps often refuse to play with them
6. You can't force an engagement unless if its inside their base, which if you do so you will obviously lose.
7. Expanding from the above point, from my experience, games are often ended when one person gets impatient, gets bored, or doesn't have enough time to sit on their ass for 2 hours and attacks his/her opponent, often at their base where they will retreat to
8. Removes fundamental elements in this game which makes ra2/yuri revenge fun, such as economy, micro, multitasking, harassing, etc. Only leaves the macromanagement component of the game.
I can't think of a single reason why so many people play these maps on CNCnet-- they seem very popular, which may explain the poor skill level for the playerbase of CNCnet for standard and default type games. This rant I just made is not intended whatsoever to insult or discourage players who enjoy playing these types of maps-- I still respect what you do.