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Everything posted by Boggle04
you just change file extension Boggle04's Funny Little Big Map Covert Op's.mpr
What would be nice here would be begin a TOE map that prior to actual battle like first Battle lab built if the map would chronoshift back in time to where the Nile River Valley was a lush green valley over flowing with vegetation and and the river flowing through it,the beginning being a barracks and infantry fighting over the valley, then a second chronoshift into the next war being the map TOE The Great Flood where your MCV would come in once a barracks was destroyed allowing for a naval battle that could ensue followed chronoshift bringing you to a battle on the map TOE Valley of The Oasis where you are fighting a war in the lush valley and mountains that appears after the Great Flood has began to recede , that could bring you to the full circle with a final chronoshift back to the original map or partially modified slightly of TOE so you have actually fought in 4 or 5 battles over a period of 15,000 years or so on 4 different maps,
Boggle04's Oil in the Center Wet&Wild 2V2V2V2 Money on Map: 0 Players: 2-8 2V2V2V2 Game Types: Standard Map Size: 70 x 70 Buildings on Map: Tech Oil Derrick Special Notes: Cash Crate Pop-up Unit Crate Pop-up Oil Dericks placed for easy defense Nighthawk Helicopter carries enhanced cargo Nighthawk Helicopter is a Crate Goodie Nighthawk Helicopter available to all factions with Tech Build Amphibious Assault Vehicle is a Crate Goodie All 3 Hoover craft are Crate Goodies No MCV in Crates No Miners in Crates (Allied, Soviet, Yuri) Removed Tesla Tank, Mirage Tank, Tank Destroyer, Prism Tank, from Crates Boggle04's Oil in the Center Wet&Wild 2V2V2V2.map
CCCP84 Hey I was just checking on a few other Naval maps for you, my alternates ID is Ndesguise I have maps posted here under that name there are 3 or 4 I know you can use Navy.
Boggle04's Oil in the Center 2V2V2V2 1.7 No Discount Yuri Players: 2-8 2v2v2v2 Map Size: 70x70 Money on Map: 44,800 Buildings on Map: Tech Oil Derricks Tech Machine Shops Paris Tower Gattling Guns Notes of interest: Dollar Deals is just what it says, Infantry, Units, Buildings cost 1 credit each Air units, Falcons, Black Eagles, Rocketeers, Siege Choppers, Kirovs, Disk are original values MCV, Ore Processors, Prism, Tesla, Psychic Towers Miners are original values Yuri gets no discount here all Yuri builds are at original values still have the pop-up money crate Boggle04's Oil in the Center 2V2V2V2 1.7 No Discount Yuri.map
I've got a couple posted In The Navy I have the map in 2/4 or 2/6 player modes, I have San Carlos Islands both of these names are predominantly water and you need a navy as well or of course you can do the rocky/siege chopper/kirov/disk/jets crap Keep watching here I'll take a couple maps and modify the air units to increase the naval and reduce the air units by limiting the build quantities. I'm working on a map right now called Boggle04's WTF Tsunami is this I've added some things too it and it should be surprising and fun to play.
Boggle04's Country Swing Winter 1.0 Players: 2-4 Money on map: 200,425 GameMode: Standard, Teamgame Map size: 100 x 100 Buildings on map: Miscellaneous Civilian Buildings Notes of Interest: Boggle04's Country Swing Winter 1.0.map
Boggle04's Oil in the Center 2V2V2V2 1.6 Dollar Deals Players: 2-8 2v2v2v2 Map Size: 70x70 Money on Map: 44,800 Buildings on Map: Tech Oil Derricks Tech Machine Shops Paris Tower Gattling Guns Notes of interest: Dollar Deals is just what it says, Infantry, Units, Buildings cost 1 credit each Air units, Falcons, Black Eagles, Rocketeers, Siege Choppers, Kirovs, Disk are original values MCV, Ore Processors, Prism, Tesla, Psychic Towers Miners are original values still have the pop-up money crate Boggle04's Oil in the Center 2V2V2V2 1.6 Dollar Deals.map
Boggle04's Oil in The CenterX6 2V2V2 Oil & Gold Players: 2-6 2Vs2Vs2 Money on Map: 78,350 Map Size: 60 x 60 Notes of Interest: Oil Derrick on every base Cash Crate on every base Nighthawk is Crate Goodie Boggle04's Oil in The CenterX6 2V2V2 Oil & Gold.map
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Boggle04's Valley War Money on Map: 166,650 Players: 2-4 Game Types: Standard,Meatgrinder, Teamgame Map Size: 96x96 Buildings on Map: Tech Oil Derricks Special Notes: Nighthawk is a crate goodie Boggle04's Valley War.map
Boggle04's The Confluence Battle Players: 2-4 Money on map: 152,625 Map Size: 65 x 65 Buildings on map: Tech Oil Derricks Tech Airports Boggle04's The Confluence Battle.map
Boggle04's Tsunami Request by: Zhasulan (Kirov Reporting) Players: 2-8 Money on Map: 324,850 Map Size: 145 X 145 Buildings on Map: Tech Oil Derricks Boggle04's Tsunami.map
Boggle04's Kill Zones Players: 2-8 Money on Map: 223,875 Map Size: 110 x 110 Buildings on Map: Tech Airport Tech Oil Derricks Boggle04's Kill Zones.map
Boggle04's In The Navy 5.0 2 to 6 Players Standard 3 Vs 3 Team Play Map Size 190x190 Money on Map 1,280,425 Tech on Map Tech Air Port Tech Machine Shop Tech Power Plants Tech Secret Lab Tech Oil Derricks American Air Force Command HQ Spy Satelite Uplink Huts Tents Special Crate Goodies Nighthawk Helicopter Allied Amphibious Transport Soviet Amphibious Transport Yuri Amphibious Transport All 3 Amphibious Transports have enhanced passenger cargo with such a large map Nighthawk Helicopter has enhanced passenger cargo with such a large map Prerequisite Override for Nighthawk is American Air Force Command HQ Prerequisite Override for Seal is Tech Airport Have Fun & Enjoy Boggle04's In The Navy 5.0.map
Boggle04's Funny Little Big Map Covert Op's Players: 2-8 Money on Map: 116,800 Map Size: 82x85 Buildings on Map: Tech AirportS Tech Oil Derricks Tech Power Plants Tech Secret Lab Pillboxes Patriot Missiles Notes of Interest: Paradrop Timers Extended Crate will popup at 500 in game Value=2000 every base Tech Oil Derick will destroy if no player at base American Paradrop Special has been Modified Spy=2,Seal=2,Engineer=2,GI=4 Super Weapons can be Captured Boggle04's Funny Little Big Map Covert Op's.map
Who will take over the island [Extra] [Fixed Final version]
Boggle04 replied to nonName's topic in RA2/YR Maps
How do you capture the shipyards in middle or the outside? Do they trigger for ownership? -
On step 5 if you type do space hyphen (-j) then hit enter you will get the picture back in a .jpeg as opposed to a .png which is about half the size but retains the map size. Just smaller in mb I was going to upload the 2 picture for comparison but as you all already know we can only upload max 9.77 mb file so I'll have to reduce picture size drastically or convert png to jpeg and then still reduce size of picture to fit the parameters
Boggle04's Funny Little Big Map 8.1 Players: 2-8 Money on Map: 161,600 Map Size: 96x100 Buildings on Map: Tech Airports Tech Oil Derricks Tech Power Plants Tech Secret Labs Pillboxes Patriot Missiles Notes of Interest: Paradrop timers will not show Crate will popup at 500 in game Value=2000 every base Tech Oil Derick will destroy if no player at base Added additional Tiberium rod at each gem location This has now morphed from From Funny Little Big Map to a Mirror Set, I hate doing Mirrors. It seems like people love them, but I will still work on the CompStomp Survival maps I am passionate about, and Battle maps that should be more in line with real war ideologies. Boggle04's Funny Little Big Map 8.1.map
Boggle04's Battle of The Grand Lake 1.0 Players: 2-8 Map Size: 155x157 Money on Map: 1,315,500 Buildings on map: Tech Oil Derricks Tech Power PLants Tech Macine Shops Tech Secret Labs American Air Firce Command Headquarters Special Notes: NightHawk Helicopters 2 per base Soviet Paradrop: Conscript 9,DOG 1, SPY 1, Seal 1 Allied Paradrop: GI 7, DOG 1, SPY 1, Seal 1 American Paradrop GI 6, GGI 2 Yuri Paradrop: Initiate 8, DOG 1, SPY 1, Seal 1 Oil has been discoverd, reserves around the world have been exhasted Major war is on the horizon to gain control of the oil fields. Boggle04's Battle of The Grand Lake 1.0.map
I've got a few maps waiting on pumpkins but unfortunately my external hard-drive micro-usb port broke last night I can not access anything takes about 3 to 4 weeks for repair
Delete all my videos tutorial of final alert 2 [vote]
Boggle04 replied to YosefAnan's topic in Red Alert 2
Yoesef your tutorials are a vital part of map creation. You know my theory about war, it is not fun it is not romance.I do not know of any maps that you make that could be advantageous to 1 team, player, or position than another. I create a massive number of maps as you and everyone knows. As long as a map does not have designed cheats I do not even think about it. These maps are made for fun and competition, how would someone know how to access a trigger unless they had played the map several times and explored things in the map. I always hear about "PRO PLAYERS" my question always is what makes a pro because they know the map to be able to put an engineer beside an oil derrick, airport, machine shop under shroud because the play map so much. In my opinion a Pro should be able to play any map with any team from any position, at anytime because of the skill set they posses. I feel it would be a disservice to the community for you to stop making tutorials, a lazy person will not be able to do much without drive, imagination and desires. I have over a 1000 maps in my collection dating back to WOL, I have found by looking over them that the predominant cheat in the maps would be a specific team do a specific move, or the change house giving people unfair advantage in gaining ownership of certain buildings/units on the maps, or just loading up the area around a base up with tech buildings. If you play a cheat map either don't play it again or submit it to someone that can clean it up like you or me, would be 1 way to deal with it. I make several maps using triggers and I edit as required, so don't worry about azer_2000 way I see it if you play with a cheater you are going to learn to either play the map or get out of the map. People have cheated in everything since the beginning of time it is part of life, and this is just a game. Triggers make for fun, interesting, and new game experiences, if someone is taking advantage of the knowledge they gain then don't play with them. -
I played the map on skirmish 3 times tonight with no problem, I watched Kirov Reporting play it 3 times Saturday in Live Stream on YouTube, I watched Kikematamitos play It in YouTube Stream, and StarTube will be premiering it at 4:30PM EST October 1, 2019 you are the only one seems to have a problem, I would suggest you delete the error files in your RA2 folder then try it, I was crashing in several games after doing this my problems went away. Let me share this link with you though it is Startube's premier today, https://youtu.be/3qESWgq0H88
I just wanted to know if Crates will show up as pumpkins as I saw in October/November 2018? If so when does this happen please?