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  1. Oh if you want even more challenge try this Very Hard X2 No one's been able to beat it. 4_survival_of_the_fittest_veryhardx2_v2_dctanxman.map
  2. Try my 2 new maps. I've been told they are the hardest maps ever made for cnc.net. If it lags it someone's potato computer and not the map. I have played both over 100 times with next to zero lag from map. They both can be played solo (even in shirmish) or with other players. No need to even put AI computers in empty spots. Here is 2 versions of Survival of the Fittest (I have a easy version but it seems like you don't want easy XD) and The Challenger. Let me know if you want me to host. Join the survival Discord. Many good players playing daily Survival based discord server Note: The challenger is not the Final Version and some changes might be made. I'm open to feedback. Fittest map is Final. 4_survival_of_the_fittest_hardx1_v2_dctanxman.map 4_survival_of_the_fittest_veryhardx1_v2_dctanxman.map 2_the_challenger_dctanxman.map
  3. If you can remember the name of the map(s). You can try to use the cnc database to find some also. mapdb.cncnet.org/search.php?game=yr&age=0&search=Dctanxman Change ="Dctanxman" to what ever map you're looking for or even any part of the maps name you can remember.
  4. First off if you use FA2sp version this script is available, but it is not a option for default FA2 so you have to do it manually like this.. Make any script named "Whatever" in FA2 editor 0=Move to waypoint (near structure) in this example I used waypoint 10 1=Anything (can be attack) I used attack Open the map in NotePad++ or just normal notepad or any text editor Search for "Name=Whatever" [01000000] 0=3,10 1=0,0 Name=Whatever Replace 1=0,0 with one of the following 60,0 = Enter Grinder 61,0 = Occupy Tank Bunker 62,0 = Enter Bio Reactor 63,0 = Occupy Battle Bunker 64,0 = Garrison Structure end result would look like this [01000000] 0=3,10 1=64,0 Name=Whatever Now remember that FA2 editor does not have this option so if you load the map in the editor after doing this and then save the map again, it will overwrite that 64,0 into 3,0 and you will need to edit it again inside notepad or the text editor you used. Test and you will see what im talking about or just get FA2sp Here and you can just do its like normal in the editor
  5. Its a permission issue. Run FA2 as admin then save the map and it will show up in that folder when viewed with file explorer as you show in your screen shots here. Also as they said the map will need to be in the custom folder to be read by the game itself tho.
  6. Its case sensitive mate. Capital L TechLevel=-1
  7. Thanks man. I play every once in a while. All of the guys I played with back in the day are MIA now.
  8. Its not a solo survival map. Its meant for 4 human players to beat it.
  9. Uploaded two new navel maps. They tend to recon error at a random time, which is either CnC.net or someone with bad game files. Both work great in skirmish with no problems. Naval Fortress 1.5 (navalfortress.map) Naval Warfare 1.5 (navalwarfare.map))
  10. Is it a exe internal error or recon error?
  11. I am all for this. Sounds great to me. Would be nice to separate all my maps that have been tampered with from my original versions. What I have done myself to slow down this ever growing problem... I put a block on my maps that prevents 99%/if not all people from opening them with the editor FA2. Now i'm sure some people have bypassed it but at least i know the only way most will be able to edit my maps is from notepad. Now there is a lot of old versions of my maps that do not have this because I did not know how to stop it at all and people have edited them to the point they are ruined. I have text messages on all my maps while in-game playing saying "Map.Made.By.Dctanxman" | "You.Can.Download" | "All.My.Official.Maps" | "On...CnCnet.org/forums". I hope people read this message while playing and go find my thread which has a link to download all my original maps plus more. What I would like to see... A game mode called 'Survival' (for survival map) and 'Custom' (for none survival maps) put in game (just like picking "Team Alliance" game mode). When they pick this it will bring up sub categories that have map makers names. Clicking on one of the names will bring up all his ORIGINAL maps. To qualify for this you must have a certain number of maps made by you (Id say 10-20 or more). This way even if people edit the map it will not show up in "Survival"/"Custom" game mode, only the original ones will and everyone can enjoy the game play that was intended by the creator. Sometimes i feel like its pointless for me to make a new map because i know someone is just going to edit it and most likely cause unintended game play. One quick example of how bad this has got. I just made a new map and while testing it with some friends i get a PM from a player asking if he could join my game just to get the map so he could edit it. This player could not even wait for me to release the map first. I then offered to show him how to make his own maps so he would not have to edit mine lol.
  12. Uploaded new version of "HIDDEN VALLEY SURVIVAL" Map.
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