Hello everyone,
I'm new here in this forum. So, first of all let me praise the CNCNET team for bringing this great platform to the masses. It works extremely well. I'm using Windows 10 (Creators Update) - via Boot Camp, MacBook Pro Retina Early 2015.
I'm 29 years old and Red Alert 2 is like my childhood game. I stopped playing it like 7 years ago, too busy with life and never-ending higher education (I'm doing PhD right now). It's still very addictive as before. It took me just one game, and I'm hooked. Now it's even better since I can play against human player which is a lot more fun compared to boring and predictable computer's AI. So, this is my comeback after a long time.
Anyway, there are some terms that I don't really understand and I hope you guys could help me out. Some of these are kind of self-explanatory, I get it, but some are just doesn't make any sense. I have tried with Google search, but nothing came up. The same for this Forum search. I guess nobody had asked this before. Just quick explanation of these terms will do. This will hopefully be indexed by Google and newcomers can do quick search to find this.
Thanks in advanced!
Short Game:
MCV Repacks:
Crates Appear:
Multi Engineer:
Ingame Allying:
No Dog Engineer Kills:
Brutal AI:
Destroyable Bridges:
Build Off Ally ConYards:
Red Alert 2 Mode:
No Spawn Previews: