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  1. I did As you said But I could not find the map I wanted and found other maps
  2. You are saying the name of the map exactly I want to put it in my version to play online It is version 1.006 Because when I put it in that version It work well ofline But when I play online message shows that my copy is old You must update that version Thank you
  3. OK I will answer your question the first old version is red alert 2 deezire v7.6 The new version is There are no files of any .yrm All files are present in the game folder this is the file of map i want it thank you
  4. Hi I have a problem with maps I have two copies of Red Alert 2 The first one is old and has many maps and it does not work online The second one is played online but has few maps I have inside in the first version A map I love very much and has many boxes map name I did not find them anywhere on the Internet When I move that map to the second version it works fine But when playing online A message appears My copy is old and must be updated Can anyone help me to play on that map online? thank you
  5. Hi I have a problem with maps I have two copies of Red Alert 2 The first one is old and has many maps and it does not work online The second one is played online but has few maps I have inside in the first version A map I love very much and has many boxes map name I did not find them anywhere on the Internet When I move that map to the second version it works fine But when playing online A message appears My copy is old and must be updated Can anyone help me to play on that map online? thank you
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