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  1. can you give me link where can i download this loby ? how can i download this loby ?
  2. can you give me link of gold medal maps easy for pactisse ?
  3. After a lot of work finaly dune 2000 portuguese finished! translated text and recorded all sounds in game now its completely portuguese version thanks to dune2000 online players team all who recorded voices (im one of them ) also thanks duarte for translate and dato for realize it. download game here: http://dunemaster.webs.com/files i want say thanks to our team and most of the dune2000 online players. the probelm was that everyone has different microphone and different quality but i try make it sounds good as possible and everyone trys acting good and make its funny and varied when you being install dune2000 online multilanguage pack version choose portuguese language or also you can change language after instalation choose an language Sound Editions: dato Text Translation: Duarte Fixings: dato Posting: berkani Files Renaming: Duarte  HOUSE ARTREIDES Narrator: Claudia infantries: Duarte vehicles: Rabbit engineer: dan freman: babydriver HOUSE HARKONNEN Narrator: Duarte infantries : Doomer vehicles: Doomer engineer: Doomer sardaukar: dato HOUSE ORDOS Narrator: Alexandre infantries : dan vehicles: dan engineer: berk saboteur: dato
  4. hey guys i face to some problems in dune 2000 like bugs and freeze game when i play online and many players get this problem i solved this porblem after download dune2000 online version from this site: http://dunemaster.webs.com/files and its help other players too so i recomeded download dune2000 here incude cncnet and all files for play comfortable game online and its way better than gruntmod edition its looks like clasical cncnet instalers and works without problems
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