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  1. Thank you FunkyFresh! I totally left windows platform as Linux becomes more popular and everyone who tries Mint feels the freedom he has. This made my day ;-) Finally playing again on Linux! There are two questions left: It would be awesome to get a CnCnet Repo for Linux Mint / Ubuntu. (It shouldn't be that hard to do it just Google it ;-)). In this way CnCnet would be updated over the update software of Linux automatically. And next is there a way to play in my native language? If not help me archive this I have the German CDs laying around here.. I want the german text in combination with the uncuts from the english version. That would be optimum to play like this. With kindest regards Soul Inferno
  2. On Linux Mint 19 i needed to install different package names: wine32 instead of wine to be able to run anything regarding: cncnet it throws many errors after trying to open cncnet for the first time and then tries to install Net 3.5 automatically. After it tries to start cncnet Net throws an error stating to not be able to find a needed font. Here is a screenshot:
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