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  1. Problem with the elite flak trooper, that is weaker than the regular flak trooper. It have to be: [FlakGuyAAGunE] Damage=20
  2. - - - TSUNAMI 2 - - - This is a completely new map. But my idea was to make it feel familiar to players. This is my vision of a legendary map. Vertical Proection: As usual, I made a version with my own adjustments to some parameters and bug fixes, and an unmodified version: [4] Tsunami 2 (Author's Mod) v1.1.map- lightly modified version to optimize the game. Some game bugs removed. Most players will not notice any changes. [4] Tsunami 2 v1.1.map- Clear version without mods.
  3. Map updated in CNCNET client. In section Mod Maps you can find v5.2
  4. Map updated in CNCNET client. In section Mod Maps you can find v5.2
  5. Map updated in CNCNET client. In section Mod Maps you can find v5.2
  6. Made a new version, significantly changing the original. Unfortunately, there are some peculiarities of the map, due to the great height. In the client, the lower starting positions are shifted and are not on the preview screen. There are some artifacts in the graphics. But not critical. [8] Diamond Quarry v2.2.map [8] Diamond Quarry (Author's Mod) v2.2.map
  7. you know? So, what is it?
  8. We noticed a peculiarity that the error often occurs when 2 players are looking at approximately the same place. Well, and of course, during a naval battle. Perhaps, of course, the reason is a naval battle, and that is why the players are looking in one place. But nevertheless, this is an interesting feature. We tested this, making sure that our field of view was directed strictly to one point, but this did not lead to an error. Apparently, several factors must coincide.
  9. This is the number of trees in Oceania ) I thought about each one where to place it.
  10. Our friend installed windows 7 again, and managed to get the game to start, but now we can't start the game. Everyone sees that he is loading, but the other player is not.
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