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  1. The client just lags. Whenever you change a setting, it didn't register until seconds later sometimes. I can't see a pattern but I have always known it to lag and be unreliable to input
  2. I changed it in the past but every update it gets deleted and I have to repeat so I don't bother anymore. I vote for it to be an option for sure
  3. For future reference, use CMD and type "cd your/map/folder/path" (change directory to whatever the folder location is) Then type ren *.mpr *.map - this will change all files that have the extension of ".mpr" to ".map" You can also do it for ".yrm" files so it would be: " ren *.yrm *.map" I don't trust random software on the internet, so I thought I would add to this thread
  4. Yes, that is my theory also, however I could not find the specific update to specify in this post. Glad we could help bro, hope the devs can have a look at this and give some kind of backwards compatibility or character replacement logic to the database and file handling The forbidden printable ASCII characters are: Linux/Unix: / (forward slash) Windows: < (less than) > (greater than) : (colon - sometimes works, but is actually NTFS Alternate Data Streams) " (double quote) / (forward slash) \ (backslash) | (vertical bar or pipe) ? (question mark) * (asterisk) Other rules Windows: Filenames cannot end in a space or dot. macOS: You didn't ask for it, but just in case: Colon : and forward slash / depending on context are not permitted (e.g. Finder supports slashes, terminal supports colons). Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1976007/what-characters-are-forbidden-in-windows-and-linux-directory-names
  5. This is very common for single player games. Everyone switches to 45fps when not playing vs other people. What you may also notice is when you run the games at 60fps vs ai with a higher resolution, the game will slow down. Run multiplayer at 60fps however
  6. Just make a custom map with what you want
  7. Does it look like the lighter stains?
  8. Are you running in admin mode? Does this happen on all servers/ tunnels?
  9. 3 options we have already discussed 1. Either, when it gets to night time, switch over to ambient lighting = easy fix ; OR 2. find out exactly which range / which combo of re tint is causing the problem and navigate around that and possibly try combining some light posts at the threshold level = hard Or 3. Uses a refresh system = medium / ugly using the code i gave you - I can help you more if you like with that WILDCARD: 4. Make a new deso using particle systems = hard / not as satisfying / wont looks as cool as original, mechanics may be off -------- I know you say you dont like using ambient darkness - but honestly its the easiest and probably realistically the most aesthetically pleasing out of ALL the options you have Even though you say it looks ugly
  10. Heh I just know it wouldn't fly in the US. Although I do find it interesting how ra2 has been forked and remixed so many times over there. Maybe Ra2ol is the future since EA can't get lawyers on the ground in China. Lol, the fan culture is already showing so much potential when you look at things like ra2ol and some of the crazy logic hares has to offer
  11. Funny how royalties work over there Interesting to know if any cheques were issued to Concolor1 or EA
  12. To live inside Red Alert 2 ?
  13. This is quite incredible what you've done and I did in fact read that Rock Paper Shotgun article when it came out. Great job dude. I hope you can make some videos and get this out more!
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