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Everything posted by Baz

  1. Baz

    Anyone still play?

    Did you ever try Renegade X?
  2. Hey Lurker, did you ever get into Renegade X? I remember we used to play on noN00bs server. I miss Renegade and Tib sun!
  3. Good to hear you got back into it mate. I had a go but I’ve got a MacBook Pro and no mouse anymore so makes it challenging! ? Sunnyjosh or no1sunset I think his name was. He used to always host the 8 player FF games.
  4. Anyone still play Renegade? I used to love it, I was Baz on there or l3az.
  5. l3az was me in irco What happened to Steelc0re? I still speak to Sunny if you remember him?
  6. Baz


    Imstorey? Atomw4r? Who remembers the Killa Reindeer clan? Wonder what happened to good old CptCorona too? ?
  7. Baz


    MrBondie? Hydr4Killz? Womblepoo? ?
  8. Baz


    T0nyBlair still playing? How about Madwolf? Geforced? Gster? SnoopDdre? BasicArts? Majoress? Jenny1974? Woolie and Woolslamb? Whitetib?
  9. Oi Oi Imp! Unfortunately not mate! Not played since that time in 2002 you, Joé aka Womblepoo, BasicArts and Hodg45 (Hoddrick) beat me, MrWomble, Zyclops (Megaowner) and Sunny in 4v4 FF. I broke my CDs after that game as I was so annoyed! Can't believe that was 17 years ago, still have nightmares about it! How's you anyway Imp? Are you still banned from TS lobby?
  10. I bet I have an old back up somewhere of cncgamer. Invision Forums lol
  11. I liked firestorm and left ts for it but then went back due to hardly any games available. Also back then it took ages to install cds and you needed ts first installed for fs to work! I ended up playing Renegade as well which I liked. Nowadays my kids don’t even know what a mouse is though! All iPads, Nintendo switch and PS4.
  12. Champ site still up? ?? http://champ-site.com/ Also love that Hodg45’s site is still active ? http://hodg45.tripod.com/id35.html
  13. Same problem for me I'm on my MacBook Pro and get a Black screen even on skirmish mode.
  14. What's the etiquette on disruptor bombs and harv bombs these days? ?
  15. Nostalgia I want to play again! Can't believe it came out nearly 20 years ago!
  16. Is that you Harley? It's me Baz from Cncgamer/Omega etc.
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