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  1. It seems to work. Thank you very much :)
  2. HI, I made a multiplayer map for yuri revenge. I need all players to set the "random side" for the map to work properly, and for this I always set the "random side" from the pre-game menu, but I also need to exclude Yuri from the random possibilities. Now.. If I use the "No Yuri/No France" button, my map is causing problems, so I wanted to know if there is a way to exclude the choice of the "Yuri" faction from the random algorithm directly with some code to put inside the map. Thank you so much.
  3. Here is the mystery explained .. If you put BFs in Trainable = no The infantry inside will become trainable. I apologize to Concolor1 for wasting his time, but I too was fooled.. Evidently in that 3v3 match the BF was untrainable :((
  4. I remembered so, but these days I saw it happen, for this reason I opened this post
  5. Sure, but the most interesting thing is that now whatever map I try, the infantry inside the BF are no longer trainable : -! ? This would mean that there is a bug showing up randomly. Sorry, maybe you don't care, it's just that I like to understand these things.
  6. I do not think so, you can also try with cncnet. Load the "Coldest Peak" map and test for yourself, infantry does not advance in rank. First I try to understand better the question, then I think it is a matter of interest for the developers cause it's too big an advantage in the game.
  7. Thanks for your valuable advice, I think it's enough to find a group of similar people. P.s. Surprise: In the original game the infantry inside the BF is not trainable as I wanted,: -! ? So the solution exists, Or something broke during the conversion.
  8. For this reason I also mentioned your patience last time .. I believe that between drawing the map and programming it, the final product comes very close to a work of art. And anyway I think you are still right .. I'm finding that it doesn't make much sense to waste a lot of time for someone who just wants to hear "You Victorius" (here I talk about MP maps).
  9. You are right, is that on the one hand I still don't have the knowledge to make an SP map "mostly it's my poor English's fault xD", and also .. maybe I regret the good times when I was playing with friends using some modifications that made sense for all of us. In any case, when I try my maps I always deliberately lose for the benefit of the betatest :V
  10. Hehe, it's hard to get players to accept small changes even if they make sense .. think if I take away the ranks of the units lol. However, usually when I limit a unit, I make sure that it cannot come out of a crate.
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