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Everything posted by N8Diaz

  1. Any of you lot play on MPlayer? Check out my article on it for nostalgia: https://redalertn8diaz.blogspot.com/2024/09/mplayer.html
  2. Kaizen will be dealt with. Thank you for reporting.
  3. Claus is getting this error when trying QM on his Mac: Unhandled exception: unimplemented function IPHLPAPI.DLL.ConvertInterfaceLuidToN Is anyone else getting something like this? It was fine last year he says. So I'm guessing either QM or Wine updates have caused a compatibility issue, but if only Claus then it's something else.
  4. Hi Mark, suggest raising a ticket in our support section here: https://discord.gg/8uj6WhkP
  5. Hi boris suggest raising a ticket in our support channel here: https://discord.gg/8uj6WhkP
  6. Yoyo, Welcome to RA :). Building fast is probably the most important skill in the game, and deserves the most attention. Because 'whoever produces the most the fastest wins' - Milo234. Here's some tips: - Build menu touching build spot (see vid below) - Lowest resolution (reduces margin for error and less errors equals produce more faster) - Tiny mouse movements for placing buildings (adjust your mouse speed if needed) - Fast wrist & double click speed - High friction mousepad - Easy click mouse and keyboard (cheap ones I find are best) - Learn hotkeys Check out these links: https://redalertn8diaz.blogspot.com/2022/03/cnc-red-alert-master-class-building-1.html Regarding cheaters - they get caught and banned. However, some players do make their own maps with cheats inside which is allowed - a warning is displayed in the game lobby. Hope it helps!
  7. Hi there Not something I've seen before. Some things you could try are: Game renderer/resolution settings Mouse settings in windows Reinstall the game Check for updates (mouse driver, windows). But does win 7 even get updates? I suggest using our support channel here: https://discord.com/channels/188156159620939776/1060560955186085888
  8. Hi stck1t, Apologies for the behaviour of one of our admin. I have removed your ban. Kind regards Diaz
  9. Updated spectator list: Any admin + Lauta, Tanja, GodMe, Kickn, Sam
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