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Map filter possible? can small maps be removed from the game?


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Yes. You can delete maps, but if you just wanna filter maps, you can type the name of the map or the number that you want in the text bar and that'll do it.
To delete maps, access the Skirmish mode, rightclick the map => Delete map.

You'd have to access the Skirmish mode everytime you want to delete a map, and you can only delete one map at a time; that if you wanna delete maps through the client, BUT there's another way, which is to go to the maps folder (Game path/Maps), search the maps and delete them.

I'm not sure about this, but deleting official/semi-official maps (ones that're initially included with the client) could give you a "different files" warning message everytime you host/join a game, which would make some hosts kick you for suspected cheating.
To fix that, you'd have to do a forced update, which would reinstall those maps.


Edited by Sam-I-am
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