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Need help: Invisible enemy


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Hey guys!

I encountered a strange glitch while playing the fourth soviet mission in Red Alert. There seems to be an invisible and unkillable object/enemy on the map which prevents me from finishing the mission. I can see a blue square on the mini map and when I try to move my units to that spot, the cursor turns 'negative". It's very annoying because the same thing happened again after restarting the mission.


Is there a way to skip that mission via some sort of cheat? Or does anyone have a savegame for the fifth mission? I'm playing on Easy because I'm just starting to enjoy the genre and because I got my ass kicked by Tiberian Dawn's difficulty.


My version is 3.03P R298 


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I'm not sure. Because the radar screen has given it as a blue (i.e. Allied -> Enemy) Object.

Given I've never seen a bug like this I suggest you try force-firing on the square in question, by checking that 100% everything else has been destroyed.

One other option is to attempt to load the map with raed (if you don't need to explore the campaign mix file) and change the map/terrain in question to sort it out.

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i know such a bug from co-op maps, its related to reinforcements .. it seems like the units go under the map or something :D there is no way you can destroy them


i never heard about such a bug in a mission, could be that the mission you play is not original

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The first thing I did was force attacking with a bunch of different units. And it's not a civillian building. The dot sometimes follows me around. Kind of creepy actually :D


It's the fourth mission of the Soviet main campaign. Nothing was modified by me.


Is there someone who has a save file for the beginning of the fifth mission on easy difficulty? 

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It is SCU04EA.ini. It is not changed in PortableRA. It an exact line for line match of what I have on my Red Alert: The Dominion Pack Soviet Disk.



I see. Make no since. What verson of RA is this? PortableRA or FunkyFr3sh's? Part of me is thinking of some kind of rules bug but with a rules bug you can still select the bugged unit/building and see the health bar. Maybe Iran can decode the saved game and find what that allied "thing" is.


I'm attaching the saved game for Soviet 5. You will need to do the load the savegame, then choose the option to restart the mission to make sure it load clean. It should be easy difficulty.

Soviet_5_Saved_Game.zipFetching info...

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