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Livestreams by Hecthor Doomhammer of several C&C mods

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  On 2/13/2015 at 9:32 AM, Nyerguds said:

Ooh, you're streaming Grey Goo campaign missions? Might actually hop in for that :D


(I already finished them all, mind you  ;))


That is perfectly fine, but please, no spoilers as I am doing them BLIND



If all the information I've received is correct, than tomorrow will be the start of the Human Campaign in Grey Goo.


Join me tomorrow at 19:000 GMT on my channel on Twitch


I'll leave the countdown here


And hope to see you all then!

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Tomorrow night at 19:00 GMT I am inviting a couple of people in Burnout Paradise for a little 2 hour session of tag.

After the 2 hours, I am going to stop the stream for a brief moment, switch to Mental Omega and run a 2-ish hour stream of that with Songrequests, as I have done in the past couple of weeks.


I hope to see you all for both session on my channel on Twitch then!

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With the skies being clear as day withno enemy aircraft to be seen for miles, thanks to this guy, the GLA Ural Truck with all its new variants, The Hunter will join me tomorrow at 14:00 GMT for another stream of Rise of the Reds? on my channel on twitch


I present to you the countdown to the stream

And I hope to see all of you then!

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Tomorrow, February 23rd it should be time for the final stretch of the Grey Goo campaign: the Goo section.


At 19:00 GMT I will start the Goo Campaign on my channel on Twitch completely blind. this will be my first on hands experience with the Goo as a faction, so please keep any and all spoilers off the chat.


With the countdown to when the stream starts here


I hope to see all of you then!

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2 missions of the Goo done, 3 more to go. Thus far I am really liking how the Goo plays, but still the Beta race is the favorite, but I haven't seen everything of the Goo just yet.


Tomorrow, February 24th 2015 I am going to attempt the 3rd mission of the Goo on my channel on Twitch at 19:00 GMT.

My goal is to at least beat the 3rd mission and see how far I can get in the 4th mission, saving the 5th and last mission for Thursday.


I present to you the countdown


And I hope to see you all then!

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I'm almost done with the campaign, 2 missions left to go.

For that reason tomorrow at 19:00 GMT I am going to play the 4th mission of the Goo campaign on my channel on Twitch

Finishing the 4th mission is my goal and for that reason I will stream Grey Goo on friday as well, but more aboutt hat tomorrow.


So join me tomorrow at 19:00 GMT, which is at the end of the countdown  and I hope to see you all then!

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Grrr, the 4th Goo mission is driving me BONKERS!


Tomorrow, February 27th 2015 I'll try it again, so prepare for a monsterstream and I also WANT to finish the 5th mission. No sleep for the wicked.


I willl start at 19:00 GMT on my channel on twitch but this of course being a BLIND playthrough on NORMAL, I'd prefer any an all hints to be left out of the chat.


I hope to see you all at the end of the countdown

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Well, THAT was intense.


It really seems like the lag at the mission start is doing a number on you, though... I just loaded the mission, and I got at those walls before their crew even got in sight of the base :-\


Maybe pressing ESC at the start will help? That'll skip the whole "going over the enemy bases" intro thing.


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Are you guys ready for some Disco Feever? Well the driver of the Tesla Tank is! And he's all charged up for the next main series on my channel as well, which will start tomorrow: Red Alert 3.


But right now the Tesla Tank needs to be on the field in another stream of Rise of the Reds, where The Hunter will join me at 14:00 GMT today on my channel on Twitch


This much time is left until we start


So I hope to see all of you then!

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Tomorrow is the day that I start my channel's new main series. Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, starting at 19:00 GMT.

But for this series I will be joined by ShadowE29 as we will be playing through the campaign of Command & Conquer: Red Laert 3 as a Cooperative playthrough


Follow his channel on Twitch and subscribe to him on Youtube


This is going to be a blind-ish playthrough, as I personally don't have any on hands experience with the game and we will both be streaming it.

You can watch it on my end on Twitch or, if your connection is up to it, watch it from both our perspectives at Kadgar


We will be doing an intro and outtro for every mission as we will upload them as seperate videos onto our repective Youtube channels.


Join us as tomorrow, March 2nd 2015 we will begin with the Soviet Campaign at 19:00 GMT, which is at the end of this countdown


We hope to see you all then!

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With 4 missions completed, ShadowE and I manage to spread Communism throughout Europe but we do have 2 moral enemies: The Allies and this Empire of the Rising Sun.


We will continue to bring down the Soviet Hammer tomorrow, March 3rd 2015 at 19;00 GMT (for real this time) at my channel on twitch  and our kadgar


Subscribe to ShadowE channel on Youtube

Follow ShadowE on Twitch


Hope to see you all at end of the countdown

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With the Emperor and Krukov dead and the Allies forcefully removed from Europe, 2 missions remain for total Soviet Domination!

But I have a feeling the Premier is up to something. What do you think, ShadowE?


We intend to finish the Soviet Co-Op Campaign tomorrow, March 5th 2015 at 19;00 GMT at my channel on twitch and our kadgar


Subscribe to ShadowE channel on Youtube

Follow ShadowE on Twitch


We hope to see all of you at the end of this countdown!

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The ECA has a new toy: the Victor Bomber and he delivers the wham bam Grand Slam thank you ma'am! Designed and skinned by the newest member of the team: Oliver.

Some sad news, the patch we're gonna be playing does not have this baby yet.


However, do join The Hunter and me tomorrow at 14:00 GMT for another Rise of the Reds stream on my channel on twitch


I present the countdown to when the stream starts


And I hope to see you all then!

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With the Soviet Campaign of Red Alert 3 done, it's time to see what the Allies will bring in their campaign. Once again ShadowE will join me on this endevour and probably be way better than me. But then again, for me it's a blind playthrough so I have no clue what to exxpect. Except fail on my end of course.


Because of reasons, we're going to be starting 1 hour later than usual, at 20:00 GMT on my channel on twitch  and, if your connection is up to the task, you can check it out from both perspectives of ShadowE and myself at our Kadgar


As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels.

Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube

Follow ShadowE on Twitch


As stated earlier in this post, the stream will start 1 hour later, so here's the countdown


Hope to see you all then!

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With 4 missions of the Allied Campaign done, I see myself screwing up even more than with the Soviets. That, or the enemies really hate me for some reason. Because they are handing my ass to me.


With that being said, I hope that ShadowE and I are able to complete the next 3 missions tonight so that Thursday the last 2 are all that remain.


We will be starting at 19:00 GMT on my channel on Twitch  and on our Kadgar


As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels.

Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube

Follow ShadowE on Twitch


We hope to see you all at the end of the countdown

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It's time to finish off the Allied Co-op Campaign of Red Alert 3, but this is going to be fun, because even for ShadowE, my co-comander, it's a completely blind playthrough. Who knows what's going to get thrown at us this time?


We will be starting at 19:00 GMT on my channel on Twitch and our Kadgar

As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels.

Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube

Follow ShadowE on Twitch


I present the countdown


And hope to see you all then!

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Look out below as the American Acolyte Tank will drop from the sky with 2 of its brothers bringing FREEDOM to a base near you/


Joining me tomorrow at 15:00 GMT is Luis, aka Comr4de as co-commentator we we will be spectating and commentating a few more matches in Rise of the Reds while I stream it.


I will be playing 1 match myself against newcomer Oliver, who has been receiving some training in PvP, while I decide to not have played since my Birthday Special 1 month ago.

And to make matters more fun, I will NOT be playing as Russia, but I won't reveal yet as what I will play.


As allways the stream will be held on my channel on Twitch


And with the countdown as presented

We hope te see all of you then!

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So the Empire of the Rising Sun has recruited me and ShadowE to realize their divine destiny of World domination? Ok, let's see what kind of crazy technoligy we'll get to play around with.


Tonight at 20:00 GMT ShadowE and I will start our playthrough of the Empire's Campaign in Red Alert 3 on my channel on Twitch and our Kadgar


As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels.

Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube

Follow ShadowE on Twitch


I present to you the countdown

And I hope to see you all then!

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I've been so busy with stuff that I totes forgot:

Tonight at 19:00 GMT ShadowE and I will continue our co-op playthrough of Red Alert 3.

our goal tonight is to finish Empire of the Rising Sun mission 5, 6 and 7.


We'll be streaming thison my channel on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/pauljongejans and our Kadgar http://www.kadgar.net/live/pauljongejans/shadowe29

As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels.

Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ShadowExcadrill

Follow ShadowE on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/shadowe29


I present the countdown http://goo.gl/ZF7wRR


And we hope to see you all then!

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Tonight it is time to finish our work in Red Alert 3.

ShadowE will join me for 1 last time on stream so we may tackle the Empire Of The Rising Sun's 8th and 9th mission.

After this we will part ways and I will start the expansion: Uprising tomorrow.


But for now at 19:00 GMT we will go live on my channel on Twitch  and our Kadgar

As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels.

Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube

Follow ShadowE on Twitch


I present the countdown


and we hope to see you all then!

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