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Hi, I am new to this forum and Want to use the mission editor raed first I will tell something about me and red alert. A while ago I discovered the rules.ini so I could modify red alert to my own specs, like the hind being able to carry infantry (and the infantry will paradrop when the hind attacks something, that is so awesome). I only broke the AI, the AI only made 5 buildings and attacked 1 time before going afk. Yesterday I figured it out, it was because  the powerplant gave 400 power instead of 100, idk how but that broke the AI. last week I downloaded TiBed  for some oversight in this modding. I modded red alert 1, red alert 2 and tiberian sun, they all crashed. when i tried to open sound to get a music, game crashed, i tried it 5 times. red alert 2 and tib sun would crash after a few minutes of playing I dont know why that is, anyways I deleted tibed and went back to the rules.ini directly, never had problems with that. I had a great time replaying red alert missions with less power plants and ore trucks and some minor unit changes. tibed learned me about the helicarrier, so atleast some good came out of it


a While ago I made a map with the basic red alert map editor EDWIN. I wanted to turn that map into a new mission with Raed thing but after following the instructions it seems that I am missing a .MIX files; MAIN.MIX which IS in the new folder I created, I downloaded it especially to use raed for TFD, but it doenst work. It does also say on the side that it did found main.mix. I also copied REDALERT.MIX into the folder, and it stands under main.mix on the side


There are 3 things I want to accomplish

1. I want to add the parabombs to multiplayer for skirmish, I already know that I can put in a line in the rule.ini for this, but I believe I need to install some patch before it will work.

2. I want to be able to make my own missions using raed

3. I want to get a better sidebar for red alert. I seen on youtube, people playing red alert with greater resolution and a side bar with so many boxes you wouldn't have to scroll (also wanna use mmb when i have to scroll)


I know that all 3 things are possible but i cant seen to find out how exactly and which patches I have to instal. I got the unoffcial TFD 3.03 installed and I play tiberian dawn with a greater resolution.





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All your problems are solved with this:


3. I want to get a better sidebar for red alert. I seen on youtube, people playing red alert with greater resolution and a side bar with so many boxes you wouldn't have to scroll (also wanna use mmb when i have to scroll)

http://funkyfr3sh.cncnet.org/  :P


Choose patch existing installation :)


It will install a working version of raed, parambombs in skirmish are possible via the new cncnet lobby, high res patch and longer sidebar is included too :)


Note: you will need to rename your rules.ini to spawn.xdp because that is what the new lobby is using :)

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