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TD: Only "BadGuy" House can launch nukes


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  On 8/4/2016 at 7:35 PM, MattAttack said:

Unfortunately, as far as I know, Badguy is the only house that can launch nukes-- no matter what.  On a related note, they can't build medium tanks no matter what, either.  Well, maybe as a reinforced c-17, but they cannot build them!


Well, that sucks. :( I wanted to have four nukes land at the same time, guess that's going to be impossible. I'll just have to stagger them again, but that looks less awesome :(

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  On 8/5/2016 at 10:16 AM, MattAttack said:

I dug up this old thread regarding some of the limitations of "Badguy" house:




Handy stuff, thanks. :)


I'd run into one of those issues myself as it happens. In Retaliation, if you're not careful, Nod can capture your weapons factory. I wanted there to be a punishment for letting this happen, in that Nod will build med tanks and attack you with them, but, no dice. :( Eventually I had it that if Nod captures the weapons factory they get a one time reinforcement of 2 mammoth tanks to represent "stolen" tech.

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This is, quite simply, because triggers only have a house for the CAUSE, not for the EFFECT. So it's predetermined that a "Nuke" trigger is always Badguy getting the nuke, and an "Ion Cannon" trigger is always Goodguy getting the ion cannon.


Airstrike works differently, btw. It's supposed to always give the PLAYER the airstrike, though I managed to give it to the AI too through some celltrigger trickery.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 8/7/2016 at 3:11 PM, Nyerguds said:


Airstrike works differently, btw. It's supposed to always give the PLAYER the airstrike, though I managed to give it to the AI too through some celltrigger trickery.


Intriguing ... I could use a semi-intelligent Ai Airstrike! I've sent you a PM about it though, seems I'll need your wizardry to get it to work for me, if you'd be so kind!

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