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Everything posted by N3tRunn3r

  1. An updated mappack for you has arrived, Commander! To play them on skirmish/multiplayer offline-mode just extract 'scmapsn3.mix' out of the RAR or ZIP file and place it into your C&C root directory (where C&C95.exe is included). RED-ALERT.net is down !!! Download the RAR and/or ZIP archive as an attachment from the bottom of this post! (cc95-n3-maps.rar/.zip & scmapsn3.rar/.zip) Informations & Screenshots: Latest Update - 2009-06-16 V1.00 2013-08-20 V1.01 2013-08-26 V1.02 [Year-Month-Day] Next update (V2.00) has been planned for ~ 2013-07-01, please stand by. Many Thx to Nyerguds !! This C&C1 Mappack includes: (Made by N3tRunn3r) scm171ea: [N3] Suited (4p) scm172ea: [N3] P4 Limited (6p) scm173ea: [N3] Iron Cross (4p) scm174ea: [N3] Desert Island (4p) scm175ea: [N3] Central Escape (6p) scm176ea: [N3] Forgotten Land (4p) scm177ea: [N3] Vales Of The Templars (4p) scm178ea: [N3] Tiberium Passes (4p) scm179ea: [N3] Tiberium Passes (6p) scm180ea: [N3] Ten to One (4p) scm181ea: [N3] Ten to One (6p) scm182ea: [N3] Secondary Tiberium Impacts (6p) scm183ea: [N3] Crossed (4p) scm184ea: [N3] Crossed (6p) scm185ea: [N3][C] Discovery (6p) scm186ea: [N3][C] Inspecting Tiberium (6p) scm187ea: [N3][C] Capture the Center (6p) scm188ea: [N3] HJK6 C&C Edition (6p) scm189ea: [N3] Canyon Paths (4p) scm190ea: [N3] Canyon Paths (6p) scm170ea: [N3] Symmetric Field (4p) might be re-added soon. Map number will be reserved (is still free)!! Latest Additions: [N3] Suited (4p) =================================== ### ANYWAY HAVE FUN TO PLAY MY MAPS ### ### BRING COMMAND & CONQUER BACK ONLINE ### =================================== To Play C&C1 Online up to 6 human Players, patch your C&C1 game with Nyerguds' V1.06x UPDATE and download the CNCNET CLIENT to connect online with other players! BEST REGARDS N3 How to play Crate Maps in C&C1? [C] = Crate map! Setup your game settings: Start with MCV only (notice: AI needs at least 1 soldier or game aborts immediately!) No Credits TechLevel to lowest Enable Crates Do this ingame: Build up your MCV to a CY Sell your CY Search with your troopers for crates Collect Crates (Money/Units/maybe a MCV or a nuke?! ) Eliminate your enemies and/or create alliances as well. Have Fun!! To-do list: * scm175ea.png: +8 more blossom trees. I forgot to add em... crap. P.s.: Thanks for downloading my scmapsn3.mix for like 600 times in a total here @ www.cnc-comm.com! (Download hosted by Nyerguds' counts excluded, so let's say about 1000 times in a total). Since CnCNet v5 has supported non-mix files to read multiplayer maps, I am going to delete these mix files. Also I have to update them. Updated: scmapsn3.mix Have fun, Commander! Attachment: RAR-files and ZIP-files contain the maps. cc95-n3-maps.rar cc95-n3-maps.zip scmapsn3.rar scmapsn3.zip
  2. He IS the new President of the US of A !!! [i:37bsbq06]"Congratulations Obama !!! Here you go !!!"[/i:37bsbq06]
  3. Hey guys! what about to do a few tournament games for C&C95, RA1 and TS soon?
  4. it is updated and you can watch the trailer V1.2 online at my solesurvivor site!!! also you can download it from there link again: C&C SOLE SURVIVOR TRAILER V1.2 2008 and remember: it is an information trailer only !!! [i:3evsx455]some guys dont understand this [...][/i:3evsx455]
  5. Thank you .. BUT A SHAME TO ME; TO MYSELF!!! i forgot to add your name how can i do it well for you, killa? you are a special one as well like all others ;_( EDIT: im updating it and sorry that i hadnt added you btw, either you or Nyerguds are allowed to upload it because i havent got a youtube account... someone has stoolen my name/s 0o ill update this topic when V1.1 is uploaded EDIT2: updated!!
  6. 2 hours ago i finished with my Sole Survivor trailer.. i needed 12 hours +-20 mins trailer goes 12mins 52secs, has 61.6 MB i used for my 1st time the WMM (Windows Movie Maker), well, i created a movie/trailer for my 1st time in my life 0o hf watching it and i hope you enjoy. C&C SOLE SURVIVOR TRAILER V1.1 2008 watch now online @ N3t-Online !!
  7. At 1st I let u know: <!-- s:arrow: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_arrow.gif" alt=":arrow:" title="Arrow" /><!-- s:arrow: --> Duke Nukem 3D is open-source! <!-- s:arrow: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_arrow.gif" alt=":arrow:" title="Arrow" /><!-- s:arrow: --> Duke Nukem 3D is licensed under the terms of the GPL (gnu public license)! <<< Get Duke Nukem 3D Atomic here >>>[/color:37b61uzk] LAST UPDATE: 2008-08-18[/color:37b61uzk] I am the creator of this installer. It includes: - Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d (dosduke) - Duke Nukem 3D Atomic 1.5 - all needed ports (eduke32, jfduke, rancidmeat, xduke) - 480+ multiplayer maps - dotnetfx (required to play duke nukem 3d atomic via Dukonnector) - Dukonnector - DukesterX - DOSBox - VB Runtime All ports, Dukonnector, DukesterX & the DOSBox are at the latest versions!!! Its size of this installer is about 65mb --- not much <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="" title="wink" /><!-- s;) --> It is recommended to read the readme file after installing. The installer will prompt u to read it after the installation. It is important, cuz it will tell you how to configure Duke Nukem 3D Atomic with Dukonnector. Dont use DukesterX >>> it sucks! U can pick the readme file in the main directory of Duke Nukem 3D Atomic [READ1ST.txt] or go here: http://cnc-comm.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=139 or here: http://n3trunn3r.red-alert.net/dn3da/READ1ST.txt If u have got [i:37b61uzk]any[/i:37b61uzk] questions, contact/PM me!!! Have fun! And thats an order! COME GET SOMEÂ <!-- s:minigun: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/minigun.gif" alt=":minigun:" title="minigunner" /><!-- s:minigun: --> TOPIC OUTDATED & CLOSED Edit by Tore: UNSTICKIED
  8. well at 1st: I NEVER DOWNLOAD ANY FILES FROM ANY DAMN TORRENTZ!! 2nd: Tore got SoleSurvivor from me u can also get SoleSurvivor from my website http://n3trunn3r.red-alert.net/ it includes all patches (1.00 to 1.02 - 1.05) and i recommended to patch SoleSurvivor 1st with the 1.03 patch >> 1.04 >> 1.04a and then 1.00 to 1.05 hf EDIT: Download NOW from the torrent, i promise ull get it fast!! Anyway wait until i uploaded it onto my ftp server!! EDIT2: THANK YOU FOR SHARIN IT VIA TORRENT MAN! I SUCCESSFULLY DOWNLOADED (~6h) BURNED AND INSTALLED IT! WORKS GREAT AND THE AUDIO TRACKS ARE AWESOME OF COURSE! IM GOING TO UPLOAD IT THIS WEEK ONTO MY FTP SERVER! BEST REGARDS N3t
  9. And im really NOT a fan of Torrentz, im sorry to say that! Because u dont have much seeders and so on... u need a perfect time or talk to other Torrent users when they gonna go online to download/upload Torrent files THAT u can easily download Torrentz! It takes a lot of time to download files per Torrent at least imo! I would prefer MEGAUPLOAD.com, there u can upload up to 1024MB per file (without any registration)! Also u can upload there all your 9 Sole Survivor parts and others can download them (all 9 parts) in just ~40 minutes Anyways, im going to try to download all the 9 parts via µTorrent (utorrent) and up to now im downloading with ~8kb/s, hahaha. SEEDS: 1 (2) PEERS: 0 (0) DOWNSPEED: ~8kb/s ETA: ~20h AVAILABLE: ~1.004 MEGAUPLOAD: ~240kb/s (well thats my maximum dl speed.. u can easily download faster if u have got DSL3000+) But THX in Advance IcySon55 that u gonna share it... (and im really preferring MEGAUPLOAD.com) btw guys, if i have got the big SoleSurvivor ISO im going surely to upload it onto my ftp! EDIT:
  10. well done soldier! the 1st C&C3 Kane's Wrath patch is going to be released next week! How long we waited tho.. uugh! see the announcement here: CLICK ME![/color:3ihycrid]
  11. maybe this is going to help u: Nyerguds' Options [...]
  12. amaaazzzziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing that really rocks me! i already got some beta keys for ra3
  13. go here to be updated Do the new nVidia video cards support older games??, I've got a nVidia GeForce 8600GS
  14. ATI drivers for new ATI cards support old games like CNC95 // SS // RA1 nVidia drivers for new cards (8xxx+) dont support them... they are cutted !! is that right?
  15. thx.. nice informations.. but there is already just 1 cpu enabled... doesnt fix it
  16. ive got a Vista Home Premium 32x AMD Athlon 64x x2 Dual Core 5200+; 2.6 GHz ~2GB DDR2 RAM nVidia GeForce 8600 GS; ~1.2GB RAM 500GB HDD DVD RW dual; Double Layer 8x USB 2.0 ports DVT connection PC Whenever i have installed all 3 games i got an error message after installing that they were incorrectly installed... there is an option to install it "correctly" by vista, i did! I set all kinds of compatibility modes for all 3 games and also all other options down below in that properties menu... Everytime when i run one of these games the whole colors are shown in opposite colors -> games crashes/freezes after 30 secs ingame !! What to do...? I cannot reach some mates via MSN which have vista installed and play these games without any problems ...
  17. Mysteriously im not able to post at multiplayerforums.com... i hope someone reads this post from there... here we go: Greeeeeetz guys! I got a new pc last friday, it is a: Vista Home Premium 32x AMD Athlon 64x x2 Dual Core 5200+; 2.6 GHz ~2GB DDR2 RAM nVidia GeForce 8600 GS; ~1.2GB RAM 500GB HDD DVD RW dual; Double Layer 8x USB 2.0 ports DVT connection Today i installed APB again, without DX and without xFire. I created my persona in the Launcher.exe, wanted to login to the Official APB Server (Play Online) and ... ....nothing! I didnt get any Error messages or any other messages.... looks like APB wont start and the Launcher.exe closes itself... Before i wanted to run the Launcher.exe via the created shortcut after the APB installation, i got an error message that the ...\Data\Launcher\..png is missing in the wolapi directory. so i simply copied the main ..\Data\Launcher folder (only the launcher folder!!) into the wolapi directory, created a blank Data directory there of course to put that copied Launcher folder in there... u know [...] Launcher runs fine, but it just doesnt connect/run APB !! an hour before, i downloaded APB from Black-Cell (i know them when i played Renegade a lot) and after the APB installation everything just the same like written above... i wasnt able to connect to the n00bstories' irc server but into all other irc servers; i wasnt able to connect to apathbeyond, multiplayerforums, game-maps, and some other sites !! google worked, my website worked .. bah! dont know, that really confused me... Then i applied in my IRC client "Accept invalid SSL certificate" to the n00bstories' irc server and mysteriously that fixed everything... im able to connect tto thier irc server again, to connect to the sites (written above) and okay [...] !! uninstalled that version from black-cell, downloaded and installed the game-maps version... and ... nothing, as written above (after my described pc) . Any help/ideas?! btw: i dont believe to destinies (!!) but i think someone is against me that i cannot play APB on my new Personal Computer to own ya And lol!!! If u read this i was able to post this message after 20+ attempts ... THX IN ADVANCE N3t[/color:3jvgd9c8] EDIT: I am not able to see my APB SCORES BANNER anymore ... EDIT2: hmmmmm....................... i disconnted again from the n00bstories' irc server, wanted to reconnect again and get this fucking error message from my irc client again... like after i installed APB from black-cell !! Im wondering why i can connect to cnc-comm.com, earlier i wasnt able to connect onto here after my 1st APB installation !! I get this error message from my IRC client when i try to reconnect there: * Looking up home.n00bstories.com * Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?[/color:3jvgd9c8] A BUG?!?!?!?!?! I uninstall APB again... ;_( [my favourite game *snief*] EDIT3: I uninstalled APB - restarted my pc -> now im able to connect to the n00bstories' irc server again... thats really a piece of shit And im able to post to the apb and multiplayerforums again also my apb scores banner
  18. N3tRunn3r

    C&C Tiberian Dawn

    If u download my updated FullCNC95 u r going to get all needed tools for CNC95.... 6 player lan patch, hamachi (stable version) and much more..... im going to upload that updated version this night so check out my website tomorrow cya
  19. okay guys ... IM BACK[/color:33yzhz3u][/size:33yzhz3u] I got my brand new new pc this day !!! It includes: Vista Home Premium 32x AMD Athlon 64x x2 Dual Core 5200+; 2.6 GHz ~2GB DDR2 RAM nVidia GeForce 8600 GS; ~1.2GB RAM 500GB HDD DVD RW dual; Double Layer 8x USB 2.0 ports DVT connection 460 bucks ..i think thats all BEST REGARDS
  20. It is a great crap, thats right !! But it was also time that this pc is going to suck anyways ... that was a 10yo pc.. omg What u wanna do with my pc ?? i thought about: if i get my new pc im going to cannibalize (if this word is the right one,, lol) the hardware of that pc and to "eliminate" the rest with a baseball bat, made of steel, hehehe !!! But i still dont have a baseball bat ... LATERZ
  21. Greeeeeetz guys! my pc got a massive power surge last saturday morning (~2am), so that one destroyed my motherboard!! My pc cannot read my keyboard, mouse, my Mic and WLAN adapter anymore.. pfff kind of shit [...] I'll be back online on my new pc either in few days or in the next 2 weeks... My updated FullCNC95 (last update: 2008-05-31) will be uploaded soon at my ftp server so please wait bit and thx for understanding and waiting ... im atm online at my father's pc ... looking forward to connect to the inet until i got my new pc. I gonna message u either here at this post or at my shoutbox when i got it or for news.. hmmm i think thats all for the moment... (whatever) N3tRunn3r-Online will be updated soon and bla! BEST REGARDS N3tRunn3r btw: Johnny, if u read this: Im sorry! I got this fu*king power surge while we played the Interior map in Red Alert.... LOL... in middle of the great game! I told u i never played this map online ... but was really great.. i just wanna say: it is a draw next time ur mine bye get this here: About my updated FullCNC95
  22. WOW!! really nice!! great job cnc-comm.com lol, im going to add that source code into my websites too
  23. Yep, i am going to share it soon... i updated my FullCNC95 with new options to install and so on... also 1 more ingame video sequence is included... well i wanted to upload my upddated FullCNC95 and deleted the older FullCNC95 and to upload the new one... then i got a massive power surge... my PC is damaged... cannot read my keyboard, mouse and my WLAN adapter.. im so sorry guys either im going to upload the latest FullCNC95 soon with an other PC or you have to wait few days up to 2 weeks till i have got a new pc WHOA!!! SOON!!! A NEW PC!!! wait for updates/messages at cnc-comm.com/forum or at my websites (shoutbox) to get the latest informations, if my updated FullCNC95 is uploaded.. THX FOR UNDERSTANDING AND WAITING ... BEST REGARDS N3tRunn3r btw: check this out N3t's fuxking Power Surge EDIT: got my new pc... FullCNC95 will be updated soon
  24. I and most other hamachi users recommend to use/install Hamachi v1.0.1.5 cuz it is the most stable hamachi version and without many bugs like in other versions !! get Hamachi v1.0.1.5 here: HAMACHI I dont know if u have known this: a hamachi channel for CNC-COMM.com has been created, 3 months ago !! HAMACHI LOGIN INFORMATIONS: name: CNC-COMM.com pass: 0051 +++ case sensitive +++ hf and cya there btw: i cannot login to westwood online!! i have used WWONLINE v4.200 for 2 months (that version from the Sole Survivor install CD) do i need the latest version to connect there? i get following message from WWONLINE: ERROR We are unable to connect to the Westwood Online server. Please try again later. hmmm, or is that address down? BEST REGARDS N3tRunn3r EDIT: i set this ip into the xwisc tool, setted it, and restored it back to normal! now im able to login to wwonline and to login to the SS channel there up to now, im happy
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