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  1. With the CnCNet setup you should have had the option to do a No CD install.
  2. Allen262

    Game Speed

    I would guess Default Speed (3) is 30 FPS, Speed 4 is 45 FPS. I think Speed 7 is now cap at 300 FPS via the ddraw.dll and ddraw.ini settings.
  3. Allen262

    Improved AI

    The stock AI can build Chrono Tanks as it only needs the Allied Tech Center and Tayna needs any Tech Center in MP games. The AI 99% of the time will sell of any Tech Center right away after building it. Also skirmish games need to go on for quite a while before the AI dose build a Tech Center.
  4. The OneDrive links (1drv.ms) are still good. Just takes a bit for them to work after you click download.
  5. I don't think the OG TD and RA can support stereo sound. IIRC there was stereo sound of some kind added or partly added in 3.03 but was for some planed CD Audio or DVD version of RA1 that never came. XCC Mixer can't make stereo sound .aud file as well.
  6. Glad to see work on Sole Survivor is still on going.
  7. Glad to know you got things fixed!
  8. RD like CnCNet at the time use 2 exe. ra95.exe is for the single player and stock skirmish and ra95-spawn.exe for the CnCNet skirmish and online play. Depending on how you are playing skirmish you may be able to grab the ra95-spawn.exe from a current CnCNet version. You can also try using an more up to date ddraw.dll/ddraw.ini. The RedDawnConfig.exe should still work with it I think. If not you can also copy over the RedAlertConfig.exe and rename it too. Far as I know the ra95.exe I use was edited by Iran and has code that wasn't ever ported to the CnCNet .exes so It can't be change/updated as it would break things in the single player missions. Maybe an update of the ddraw.dll/ddraw.ini. would fix menu problem. As for saving skirmish games bugs. This may have been a bug from back than as the stock game didn't let you save skirmish games and it may have been fixed in the last 9-ish years.
  9. That is a new one. Do it also happen with the current CnC Net version too?
  10. Something dose sound wrong but 8th Soviet for RA1 has 2 versions A and B. I don't know the B version all too well.
  11. If your using the CnCNet version you need to extract the campaign missions from the campaign.mix with XCC Mixer into the same folder as RAED. RAED is the single player mission editor. Inside the Trigger section you should find a trigger that sets and starts the timer. You should be able to add more time to the timer from there. Than save. You don't need to pack the edited mission back into campaign.mix as RA1 will read maps from the folder just fine.
  12. Red Dawn was so many years of off and on work for me. Hope you have fun with it!
  13. Get TD and RA1. Next XCC Mixer. Take files from the TD scores.mix and rename them to the names of the files in the RA1 scores.mix put the now renamed files into a new .mix and name it scores.mix. Put the scores.mix in the RA1 folder. You may be able to use the Red Dawn 2014 Music Installer https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/873-red-dawn-ra-1/ install it. It should just be a scores.mix that you can drop into the RA1 folder and it will replace the stock RA1 music with TD music.
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