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  1. Am I annoying yet? I'm at the 8th Soviet mission now so I've seen various kinds of missions already, I am concerned that the ai might not be behaving properly in my game. It's the big land air & sea base building battles I'm most worried about, I play on normal and as far as I know the difficult only really affects individual unit strength. In mission 8 (Elba Island) your base is under attack at the start and then the enemies run away, this seems normal. 1. I start bulding my base, no enemies attack for a long time, eventually civvies pop smoke on 2 places on the island but nothing else ever seems to happen. 2. Some attacks happen while building the base but eventually only infantry attacks and some groups just get "stuck" somewhere on the map. 3. Enemy vehicles only attacked like once, they usually just stay somewhere on the map just like infantry 4. Ships do the same, only when I sped up time to the max did they attack once after a long time. 5. The enemy base does not repair or rebuild destroyed structures, instead all of the cash seems to go to ever piling unit production. When I sell all my buildings they appear to atleast attack again normally. All of these things have (not) been happening over a period of time in which I could have completed the mission a dozen times, meaning that I intentionally did very little to test it out. Most of these things apply to other maps as well. All of these things combined make the game very easy (so far), way easier then TDm so that's why I think something is wrong. Could it be related to decades newer hardware and firmware? I downloaded the game and it's expansions from this website by the way. I guess that my main question is; is this normal or is something wrong with my game?
  2. Hey, that's just the clue I needed and it works!! Thanks! As for Nyerguds - I promise I'll play the timed missions as normal before messing with it
  3. Well, I can't open any singleplayer maps with RA editor (I also have no knowledge) and I can't find anything about a Mobius map editor. Normally I find a way but this time I'm clueless so I guess I'll have to make do, in this mission a chopper actually picks up the enemy spy but I hope the number of timed missions are limited because in some games there's a timer in almost every level just to make me nervous. Take Warzone 2100 for example.
  4. Never knew that the default speed is a bit below halfway instead of halfway, does that also count for Tiberan Dawn? Anyway with due respect, this doesn't answer my question. I know I can beat the game but I just find it a useles addition in some cases and it takes the joy out for me, that's why I was looking for a more technical way around it. I know it would techincally be cheating to manipulate the timer but so be it, life isn't always about doing things as fast as possible.
  5. Hey guys, so I started to play RA and I usually like to play a game completely vanilla, but in games like these I really hate timers. I'm at the 3th mission on the Soviet campaign and it seems like I only have a couple of minutes to complete the mission, the timer gives me 15 minutes but it ticks away way faster and I have the game set to real time (slider in the middle). I also play at normal difficulty. None of that really matters, I'd like to know if there's any way (commands, cheats, mods) to just freeze or remove the timer. I've searched the internet like crazy but couldn't find anything, I tried the map editor but I can't seem to open any singleplayer map, help would be much appreciated!!!
  6. Oh, don't mind my way of playing... I like to build a complete base then completely destroy all enemy presence before finishing the mission. It's about the journey.... But how on earth do you build walls on the bottom? I didn't even expect it to work when I set low resolution and still can't if I do. Anyway thanks! You're a real gem.
  7. Sure, it seems like I can't upload the raw savegame so I made it an ini file instead (original was savegame.008), I hope I did it right. savegame.ini
  8. Oh man did I fear to be asked that, it's probably true because I was in kind of a rush to finish my base properly. Does this mean I'm fucked? I don't have a backup of this campaign.
  9. Hello all, I was having fun playing the GDI campaign again (chosing the missions I hadn't before) and I am now playing Ion Cannon Strike (3th last mission). I noticed I wasn't able to build at the very bottom of the map so I tried to change the resolution but then the game just crashed when loading the savegame. I have since put every setting back as it was before but I still cannot load my savegame, I get this error everytime and my mouse will be stuck in a small section (640x400) of my screen. But luckily I know a cool community I can ask for help! I can still load every other savegame, I have put a screenshot of the error message and my settings in here, I still run Windows 10, my drivers are up to date and nothing else on my PC has changed in 4 years. If you need any more info just ask. Please don't tell me I lost all my progress!
  10. Alright, perhaps I'll just skip this one...
  11. This looks cool and I want to look into it but I want to make sure do I get the original campaign back when I delete the files again?
  12. Cool missions, the GDI one's really hard because I didn't expect so much Recon Bikes and Apache's so early on, but spamming mammoth tanks did the job eventually. The enemy base on both missions seem a bit unfinished tho, I could just sneak in an APC with inf to take out the enemy Contruction Yard
  13. I destroyed the enemy MHQ, destroyed the Research Center, a green flare appears, and that is where it goes wrong, the evac never comes. Edit: I now found out that the chopper comes but just weirdly flies over and lands just outside the map Also I destroyed the enemy base.
  14. Well, I belive that's all I can tell for this pack, I don't have any kind of experience in making missions but I think it's good to get feedback from a player's POV.
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