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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. The basic Hex editing is not too hard but you need to get a new icon added and making the instller is the hard part. Nyerguds told me how to do it by editing the source for the 3.03 installer. You need to get all balancing done before trying to get the Hex editing done. You will have to make 2 game.exe one for CD RA-1 and one for TFD RA-1. Both will have to be Hex edited to work. I also uploaded the Hosptal and Bio Lab Icons in the Icons for whiteshoes units thread.
  2. You can't change the way units/buildings appear. That was the year and half question for me. With your mod you can't play normal RA1 can you? You need to have a custom game.exe like Red Dawn has so your mod will not replace RA1. I can do all the hex editing so you can have a custom game.exe and make the installer. The installer was made with Inno Setup 5 and InnoIDE. With your mod what mixes and inis are you using? I know your using conquer.mix and rules.ini but what are the others are you using.
  3. Here are my Hosp and Bio icons. Hosp_an_Bio_Icons.zip
  4. Did you get a Hospital icon? I have one and Bio Lab too. The Bio Lab is in Red Dawn I think but is not used as the Bio Lab is -1
  5. I like how it looks but can't read a lick of it!
  6. I used a vary old and not free PSP6. What Icon do you need? I may have it or can make it for you.
  7. Red Dawn should work fine with any Red Alert. There are only 3 of them out there. RA1 Retail CDs. RA1 Retail you have the Allied and Soviet disk (you may have Counterstrike and Aftermath too) The First Decade (TFD) and a few like RA+ that extract the MAIN.mix from a RA1 Retail CD and edit the RA95.dat to make it run no CD. This confuses the Red Dawn installer to no end. I had to make a patch for RA+ as my installer thinks RA+ is RA1 Retail CDs and will not work with RA+. The RA+ patch is a no CD game exe. If a RA1 Retail CD user tries to use the Red Dawn RA+ patch they will find that it will not work very well as some of the games graphics and sound are missing.
  8. Red Dawn is uses CD for CD user and TFD and RA+ gets no CD. I did not make Red Dawn no CD as files size wolud be even larger and mess up RA1 bad for all CD users.
  9. Not now but when RA1 takes place in the 50s subs couldn't fire underwater like this. The US navy was using Regulus drones with nuke warheads and Soviets first Missile Sub were converted Zulu-class subs armed with R-11FM Scud missile.
  10. If you zoom in on the ships you will see that the decks are only remap. The rest of the hull is still gray but it is not seen in game vary well. I'm not sure about the Missile Sub. It has 2 of the 3 Missile tubs on the side and if they were under water they wouldn't work.
  11. I know. Not a lot I can do about it.
  12. Last Beta ships, The Gunboat. You can see a screen of the early GunboatHere. Thanks to Nyerguds It is also been added next to the remade Gunboat on the pic below on the lower left. This also has a updated mgun.shp go give the Gunboat the Beta turrent. Pre_GunBoat.zip
  13. Beta styled Destroyer for RA1. The Beta Destroyer is seen on the lower right next to a remade Destroyer or you can see the whole beta screen Here. Thanks to Nyerguds Since the turret on the stock Destroyer not the same as the beta there is a shp file that will remove the turret from behind the brige of the ship. Pre_DD.zip
  14. It been years since I messed with the torpedo coding. I think if you give the Torpedo projectile some ROT= it should act more like missle and track a target.
  15. The thing is any thing under water can't use water "colors" It all gose to the dark shadow colors. If under water is take off it will not detnate when it hits land or work like a torpedo. It will make the torpedo work more like a missle or a tank shot. Been along time since I messed with the torpedo coding.
  16. You could make a projectile that has a wake but the wake would not turn and would start in or behind the Sub. The "Torpedo" is not even a Torpedo it is just a MISSILE with Underwater ; Sub-surface projectile. [Torpedo] UnderWater=yes Image=MISSILE Rotates=yes ASW=yes Animates=yes ; anti aircraft missile [AAMissile] Arm=3 High=yes Shadow=no Proximity=yes Animates=yes Ranged=yes AA=yes AG=no Image=MISSILE ROT=20 Rotates=yes Translucent=yes
  17. More photoshop work I'm afrad...
  18. No. I just made it to look like the only Beta pic that had the sub part of the way under water. All other pic have the sub like it is now.
  19. This is what it looks like when it is above water. When it is below the water it looks the same as the stock sub.
  20. Most of the explosions are in RA1. The big one on the Power Plant is copy and paste of alot of small RA1 explosions to make one big one. The Gun fire from the Mam Tank and Pilbox is from the minigun.shp. The flame from the Flame Tower is from C&C 95. The fakes are the Cruiser fire Destroyer missile and smoke from it and the explosion on the APC. All Tracers from the Tanks, Pillbox and Cruiser are fake and the Jet streks.
  21. Use XCC MIX Editor. Hit Open and open expand2.mix. Now hit Insert. Now find and open the conquer.eng you edited. The conquer.eng you added shoud be at the bottom of the mix. If it is there hit Compact. It will now be save in the mix as long as it don't say "compact mix: failed" at the bottom of XCC MIX Editor. If it dose say "compact mix: failed" close any open XCC Mixer programs or make sure the open XCC Mixer is not reading that mix file. If XCC Mixer is reading the mix file your trying to save it won't work.
  22. You can have the Sub and Cruiser if you want them. I'm just making the for the fun. I'm not even asking cred for them. The cruiser turret is too small to draw 3 guns. This is why in Red Dawn I dumped the cruiser turret and drew the cruiser turret to the base. Same with the Destroyer.
  23. The file it self is being changed back or it is not changing in game? Can you stick the conquer.eng in zip so I can see it?
  24. The awesome firing animation is by WestWood. They photoshoped there screen shots to make it. Click on the first green text and it will take you to the beta screen shot.
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